Sh*itcoin Of The Day - WinnieXiPooh

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This is my second entry on a series of blog posts that i will do informing you about the most useless and meme worthy sh*itcoins in existence, today i bring you WinnieXiPooh. The team behind this project claims that for too long, the bourgouimeme has controlled the memes of production, the only path to change is a total revolution by the promemetariat, led by the glorious commander, Winnie Xi Pooh. The creators of this meme token, "People’s Republic of Memes", want to fight against free-market memeconomics to create memequal rights.

I do think that the only thing the creators want to claim is some free eth by some gullible fools that will definitely buy into this, or....maybe i am judging this cooperation between Weenie The Poo and the Chinese Communist party a bit to fast, lets look a bit more in depth into WinniXiPooh.


The total supply of this coin is 1,444,216,107 $XIPOOH, that is right, one XIPOOH is equal to one Citizen of the People's Republic of China. This is an Erc20 token, created with a free auto token generator, maybe it was a 6 year old that made it, maybe it was my mother, who knows? All i know is that 0 skill was required to created this meme coin.

At the time of writing there are 201 wallets holding this currency, if you can call it that. I will leave you the etherscan link here , so you can look at all this "useful information" yourselves.

If you want to join the Republic of Memes you can do it so, by buying this token at Uniswap . Some people are already doing it, i guess meme value is more important than fundamentals now-a-days.

The token price and liquidity are both rising, for now, lets try to understand why by looking at what the team plans to do in the future.

The Meme Revolution

The team plans to revolutionize the world of meme tokens with a four stage plan:

Stage One:

They will gather a small amount of liquidity to launch $XIPOOH, asserting dominance in the world’s memeconomy. This stage is already completed!

Stage Two:

The People’s Republic of Memes will launch its MemeFarm, where you can deposit LP tokens for $XIPOOH and other meme tokens to receive $XIYORE, Winnie Xi Pooh’s surly Vice Secretary. A small percentage of the $XIYORE will go to XiHoneyPot, the treasury fund for future endeavors that improves the lives of all. They call this stage the greatest redistribution of memes.

Stage Three:

The People’s Republic of Memes will let their subjects earn membership in the Mostly Autonomous Organization (MAO), which will help determine the future of the $XIPOOH ecosystem. Membership to the MAO will require holding both $XIPOOH and $XIYORE.

The People’s Republic of Memes believes the promemetariat has been alienated from their memes and deserves ownership of the memes of production.

Stage Four:

The People’s Republic of Memes proposes ideas like the creation of NFTs and a MemeDEX. Of course they have to be approved by Mao ( the mostly autonomous organization).

Final Toughs

I actually had a laugh with some stuff from this token, it is not worth to buy it, but at least it is a funnier project than the other meme tokens that are just dogecoin copycats. If the gas fees weren't so high i would actually consider throwing a small amount of money into this, just for the meme value, but that is me, i advise you to not do it. What i do want you to do, is to go to their website and listen to the glorious music!

I will leave you with some propaganda from the republic of memes.






Regulation and Society adoption


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