Raze Network x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 21st of March

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Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Raze Network and our guest was Justin Kellison who is leading the marketing front of Raze Network. The AMA took place on 21st March.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Telegram community

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Hello dear community, we are excited to be here with the first AMA of the day

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear Satoshi Clubbers!

We are pleased to announce our AMA with Raze Network

Today our guest is @JustinK2!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: @JustinK2 welcome to Satoshi club

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Hey guys,

Pleasure to be here!

Serg | Satoshi Club:

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: How is going your weekend?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): It’s going great,

Looking forward to a great AMA with Satoshi Club members too!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We’d also love to hear something new today!

Therefore, we expect from you interesting facts about Raze Network.

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): All up for it. Let’s go!!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: But first, tell us a little about yourself

How did you get to be involved in crypto & Raze Network?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Sure.

I am Justin Kellison. I have been a contributor in the crypto industry for around 4 years now, and have worked with few multi-million dollar DeFi projects. I have mostly worked on the marketing front and have created exposure and content for the projects I have managed.

Through my network i got in touch with Raze Network and its team, and we both liked each other’s work and thus i was onboarded in RAZE team.

Lucky to be a part of this great journey!

I will be leading the marketing front, and my focus here will be on growing and strengthening the RAZE community, and create ELI5 content for them. The one most asked for.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: And please, tell us a little introduction about Raze network

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Sure

So Raze Network is a second-layer protocol that will provide cross-chain payment privacy for the entire DeFi stack of the Polkadot ecosystem.

Since the Zether framework we use was designed to support the Ethereum account model, the Raze contract will support both tokens issued in the Polkadot ecosystem such as DOT & Kusama as well as ERC-20 cross-chain private payment.

Through our RAZEVM integration, we will be able to connect to any DeFi or Web3.0 product, and then mint privacy tokens in 1:1 ratio.

By using zero-knowledge algorithms, the identities of involved parties, balance and transaction amount will be hidden, thus protecting privacy to the fullest extend.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is a very interesting feature!

Is it true that you are compatible with all blockchain ecosystems?

How did you achieve this? All the same, this is due to compatibility, gas prices, etc.

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Our product is EVM-compatible.

So not only Polkadot, but you will be able to connect to dApps built on Ethereum (for example Uniswap, Aave, Compound etc) and use their services in a completely anonymised manner.

Plus we will also be working on cross-chain bridges in future, which will map other chain tokens on Polkadot.

Thus increasing Polkadot ecosystem liquidity and giving access to Polkadot DeFi ecosystem too.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It’s amazing

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Could you explain more about the end-to-end anonimity, how Raze network provides it?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): For this, we will be implementing zkSNARKs algorithms.

zkSNARKs/Zero-Knowledger proof technology comes with modules which helps in anonymising the transaction amount, balance, and also the identities of parties involved.

We will be implementing this tech in substrate smart-contracts to achieve this for Raze Network.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your intro! Want something else to add? Or can we start with questions from community?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Lets jump in!

Q1 from Telegram User @yellowchamp

The objective of Raze Network is to enable cross-chain privacy-preserving payment and trading systems, while protecting the transparency of your assets and behaviours from surveillance. So,how will your platform turn this objective into reality? In what time framework that this objective will be able to achieve and can be experience in the users of Raze Network? In connection with this, what kind of surveillance are you trying to mean that is being avoided in your network? Thank you

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): We will be using zkSNARKs algorithms and it’s modules to achieve this. Mainly Mint, Transfer and Redeem modules.

We are currently working on substrate smart contracts, but we expect our product launch by Q3 2021.

Our Roadmap: https://docs.raze.network/getting-started/roadmap

Any surveillance activity will be avoided if you use the Raze Network protocol.

Not all transactions are meant to be made public, and through RAZE such privacy can be maintained.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Which is your main target reached until now?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Our Project was established in Q3 2020.

We have released our Whitepaper and are doing our fundraising round currently.

Developers are working on Substrate smart contracts, and will also open-source our code very soon (expected this month only).

Open-sourcing our code is another big milestone for us, as that should build trust amongst the community and the investors.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Q3 2020 pardon me

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Right, my bad.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: “2021 Q2?—?Liquidity Reward Program” What about this step in your roadmap, how it will works?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): So a good portion of our reserves will be used to provide liquidity in pools.

In future we will be working on a cross-chain dex, which will work with the help of the cross-chain bridges as previously mentioned.

Most of this liquidity reserve will go as reward to these liquidity providers, but exact details are to be out in time on this.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Sounds good

Thanks for the clarification

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Wow, great option to attract users and increase liquidity

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready to proceed to the next question?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes indeed!

Q2 from Telegram User @lzamg

The three principal technical abilities of Raze Network are mint, redeem and transfer, but there are other two additional modules: lock and unlock. Can you explain what these two modules allow to do? How are these functions utilized by users when they are operating with Raze?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): These modules are self-explanatory.

The lock module allows an account owner to lock the account while the unlock module allows the owner to unlock the account.

These modules are required to access all DeFi functionalities where locking/staking of funds is required.

The 5 modules together makes all transactions anonymous and also helps in accessing all DeFi services in an anonymous/untraceable manner.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thank you very much for the answer. I want to ask you about anonymous mining. How it works?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: @JustinK2 is there any approximated date for a public sale? are you preparing it?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): As said recently, Raze Network will have it’s own liquidity pools.

These pools will be completely anonymous as zkSNARKs algorithms will be used, and the liquidity reward sent will be in RAZE token which will be anonymous in itself.

This process of earning tokens (in a completely anonymised manner) by providing liquidity is known as anonymous mining.

Public sale round will be our next and final round.

We are expecting this in early April, exact date to be announced once things are confirmed.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Great news, we will be expecting for the official announcement

My friend, are you ready to proceed with the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! it’s very soon!

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes lets go.

Q3 from Telegram User @konditer_rolex

On the website, you warn that Raze does not have an official public sale. Does it mean that it is not at the moment? Or it has never been? Can you tell us about the sources of funding for the project?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Partially covered haha

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Raze will have three fundraising rounds:

– Seed Round: Already ended.

Details of Seed round: https://raze-net.medium.com/raze-network-seed-round-fundraising-highlights-1deb31fa7c44?source=social.tw

– Private Round: Closed, details soon to be announced

– Public Round: Yet to take place.

We are expecting our Token Generation Event (TGE) in early April.

Exact details to be out. Stay tuned!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great answer! Thanks!

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Actually private sale round is also closed now.

We were more than 30X oversubscribed for our first two rounds.

Got great interest for it, but had to select only a few from those who shown interest.

Rest assured we have picked the best ones, who will help us in long-term success of Raze Network.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: don’t even doubt

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Great work, it seems that the community have shown a lot of interest in the project

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready to move to the next question?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Btw, is there a whitelist for the coming public sale? or everybody can join?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes lets go

There will be a whitelist process, yes.

And anyone can join, as it will be a public round.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Thank you, now let’s proceed

Q4 from Telegram User @h1drX

Each raze user can register a raze account any time (s) he wishes. The registration algorithm CreateAddress generates a secret key sk and the corresponding public key pk. Can you explain in detail what the public and private keys are for? How do they work?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): They are from zkp algorithms under Zether framework.

The public key is the identifier of the Raze account, and private key gives access to the funds stored in that account.

It’s a bit technical, but we have covered it in detail in our “Technical Architecture” doc: https://docs.raze.network/getting-started/technical-architecture

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Have your contract been audit? are you in process to do that? it is a key feature to increase user trust

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes we our in touch with Certik about this and have come to an agreement.

Certik will be auditing our code.

They are one of the most well-known audit firms out there, and we are happy to come to an agreement with them about this!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: and we are very glad to hear that!

Thank! Do you want to add something else? Or can we proceed to the next question?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Lets proceed.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: [

Sticker ]

Q5 from Telegram User @AmirJosh

Raze Networks project establishment started Q3 of 2020 according to your roadmap. Are you already in the process of developing the technology for Raze before announcing the project or you just started it upon the introduction of the platform?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Currently we are working on our Substrate-based smart contract, which is using zk-SNARKs algorithms.

In future we will also be working on cross-chain bridges and a cross-chain AMM protocol.

Our next 3 near milestones are :

– Open-sourcing our code

– Token Economics Whitepaper Release

– Token Generation Event

We are expecting the first two to be out this month only, and TGE sometime in early April.

Partnerships and other awareness campaigns will also be announced as we go.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Don’t forget to share with Satoshi Clubbers

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: We would like to know more about your Tokenomics, could you give us an advance of that “Token Economics Whitepaper”

Any easter egg as well

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): For sure.

We are proud to collaborate with Satoshi Club on this front, and happy to work together to make Raze Network a success!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: It’s an honor for us to work with you

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): We are actually also working on a staking program, so that users who are not comfortable with Liquidity pools, or don’t understand it properly, can participate and earn rewards on their staked tokens.

This is something which we have internally discussed, but exact details will be out very soon!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: @JustinK2 We are confident that you are well-intentioned when creating your cross-chain private protocol. But didn’t you think that this could be used by the criminals?

to clear money?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:Money laundery right?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes…

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Good point

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): This is something which always comes in mind when someone says “privacy tokens”.

Privacy is a fundamental right, and if want crypto adoption then you can’t make all your transactions public.

Whether it is related to business or it is personal.

You won’t like competitors/others to see your sensitive transactions on blockchain, as it is public and anyone can put your address in explorer and see all your past in one go.

Obviously illegal activities are not recommended or encouraged, but protocols can be improved to deal with such situations.

We are still in experimental stage of crypto. We have a long journey yet to cover.

Moreover, fiat is even less secure when it comes to money-laundering. Blockchain is the future. But as said above, we will surely comply with the new regulations or tech which makes private transactions much more secure for such cases. Happy to work on that front!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:thank you for your honest answer and your position. everything is clear to me. ready for the next question?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First):Yes please!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Completely agree with you about Fiat

Q6 from Telegram User @MihaiPisica

1. Reading on your Medium, I found out your MOTTO: ”If no privacy, then what is the point?”. I totally agree with you because in order to this, arguing that you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say. But my question is?—?to counter that, what’s the technical solution Raze Network aims to offer to the public in order to get the privacy dilemma solved? The closest product to the Raze Network of the Polkadot ecosystem is the Manta Network, which is a privacy-preserving DEX system, but in which way your proposal differs from theirs?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:A long one

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Raze Network provides a protocol through which you can mint private tokens on another dApp, and use their services in a completely anonymised manner. Thus your privacy is completely protected and service desired is also fulfilled.

As we can connect to any dApp or Web3 product (whether on Polkadot or Ethereum), our target market is huge and scope is high.

We are not limited to just one product this way.

Plus Raze network does not use any trusted set-up usually used in projects implementing zkSNARKs technology, which is centralised and requires a trust-ceremony to occur.

Differences between Manta Network and Raze Network is also outlined in our docs here:


Andres M. | Satoshi Club: @JustinK2 my friend thank you so much for this interesting first part of the AMA

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): It was my pleasure to answer these questions.

Also ready for the upcoming community round!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:@JustinK2 If you like, let’s dwell a little on your cross-chains. Or you can just share useful links and information before opening the chat

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: The rain of questions

, we will open the chat, please answer your 10 favorites questions

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes please free to join Raze telegram community chat: @Raze_Net

Our admins will be happy to answer any question about RAZE, anytime!

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Sure!!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Join Satoshi Clubbers

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Satoshiclubbers let’s join

Part 2?—?live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @KeymerS

If the zkSNARKs are key to maintaining anonymity, provide the necessary information for data analysis, and also have technical skills such as Mint, Transfer and Redeem, do you really comply with them 100% or are there any deficiencies?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): zkSNARKs is out there for years now, and being improved as we go.

Our devs have deep knowledge of zkSNARKs algorithms, and have already implemented it on Ethereum before.

We are pretty confident on it, but obviously we will get our code audited from Certik, one of the best audit firm, to built more trust in our code.

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First)

Q2 from Telegram user @astonroe

Is your product EVM-Compatible? Besides Polkadot will it be able to connect to DApps built on Ethereum? (For example Uniswap, Aave)?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): That’s correct.

Connect to any dApp or Web3 app, whether built on Polkadot or Etheruem, and use their services in a comoletely anonymised manner.

Being EVM compatible greatly increases RAZE potential/targetted market.

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First)

Q3 from Telegram user @swedishball

A question about suspended Twitter account. Did that affect your announcing plans or deadlines and how much time users should wait for Raze Network account coming back? Thanks

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Yes, unfortunately.

We realized that many other twitter accounts were suspended for some reason, and we are waiting for ours to back online. Usually it takes 7 days.

We had to delay some good announcements, but now we are going with how it is.

But meanwhile for a backup, we have recently created another twitter account.

Please give it a follow: https://www.twitter.com/R4ZE_Network

Q4 from Telegram user @Guandog

How do you think this Raze system can benefit the expansion of DeFis and NFTs?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Good question about NFT.

Raze network operates in the DeFi ecosystem and can anonymise any transaction, thus will be very helpful for DeFi users if they don’t want to go through Cex wallets again and again to anonymize their identity if leaked.

Or if they don’t some sensitive transactions to be made public.

About the NFTs, as NFTs are created using smart contracts too, Raze Network can also anonymise any NFT transactions.

This is necessary for cases like buying tokenizing a real estate as an NFT. You won’t like people to see your newly bought home address for security and personal reasons.

Such transactions should be private and Raze Network can help in doing that.

Q5 from Telegram user @Pratze

Raze net’s team choose to being anonymous, but nowaday there are much anon project doing hit & run for scamming user with doing rugpull, could you please give the reason for being anon team ?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Though most of the team is anonymous because of potential regulatory issues, we have recently published some info in our website: https://raze.network/

Very well-known people have joined RAZE Network after doing their due-diligence, and will help in making RAZE Network a success.

We have also give some team background in our Web3 grant application: https://github.com/w3f/Open-Grants-Program/blob/d073858fdf067619e87fb2b4420420581b5cc6e2/applications/Raze_Network.md

Moreover, we will be open-sourcing our code this month only. So the community must trust the code rather than who is building it.

Ultimately it’s the code which makes a project secure and successful, and open-sourcing it should create confidence amongst the community!

Q6 from Telegram user @VillainCrypto

Great project you guys are building. I really am enthusiastic about what you guys are building, cause privacy is what we all need. I read you guys partnered up with OmniApp. Great partnership imo. Can you elaborate a little on this?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Our partnership with Omni is beneficial to both sides.

We will be able to provide Omni app users an opportunity to do private transactions from their app, while Raze network will get access to their growing ecosystem/userbase.

Privacy of user’s data is something which both projects consider very important, and this partnership will help in protecting privacy to another step!



Q7 from Telegram user @rockmorti

Why have you chosen Polkadot as your base platform and not make a totally independent blockchain?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Raze Network is built using Substrate, and connecting our product with Polkadot will give our users access to its emerging DeFi ecosystem and users.

Raze Network will in return provide an opportunity to them to anonymize their transactions.

Win-win for both.

Q8 from Telegram user @Amirjosh

Just wanna ask if $RAZE token has the feature of the mint privacy tokens when transfered?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): During transfer, transfer module is used which uses “one out of many” algorithm to hide the identities of parties involved.

Once the task is done just redeem the token back to its native form using the Redeem module.

Explained here: https://docs.raze.network/getting-started/technical-architecture

Q9 from Telegram user @asalas95

When I started researching your project, the term zkSNARKs immediately caught my attention. For those of us who have little time in this world of cryptocurrencies, could you explain exactly what this concept is and what advantages it offers to Raze Network in terms of security and anonymity? What prompted you to make use of this system?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): zkSNARKs alogrithms can help in transfer of data for confirmation purposes, without revealing what the actual data is.

A range data is shared, and the other party confirms if it fits the criteria or not through it.

This is something which will be used in almost all areas in the world, as the world realises how important privacy is. Just a matter of time.

Q10 from Telegram user @amybrow

What is your plan to reach out global user? Do you have local Communities for those user who don’t understand English well?

Justin?—?RAZE Network | (Won’t DM Anyone First): Local communities can be creator in time, if there is enough demand for one.

Something which our ambassadors will take care of.

Our ambassador program is also to go live very soon, please keep an eye for that!

Part 3?—?Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/

Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/

Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/

Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:

Website: https://raze.network/

Wiki: https://docs.raze.network/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/R4ZE_Network/

Telegram: https://t.me/Raze_Net/

Medium: https://medium.com/@raze_net/

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