My Perspective: Am I wrong for sharing my view? Does it matter if anyone else sees it?

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Before they took it and continued to manipulate the stricken.

The Main Purpose of this document is to show how previous generations continue to hinder the growth of the next generation by controlling methods that hinder them from growing into new creative concepts. A practice that has continue throughout generations with no effectual change outside of WAR, DESTRUCTION, AND CHAOS…

I should mention also to show a belief that should be faught for regardless of previous conditioning by those who wrote the story on the Human existence, claiming it to be their creative GENIUS.

All information will not be summed up here, yet this is a start to an entire series of writings that will be properly categorized. I will call this series…. THE WAY:“Part Truth, Part Lie”

The For Profit System, That crippled Humanity:

    A story by humanity for humanity. This paper contains material from nearly everyone that has ever walked this realm. Everyone who has obtained a “character name” in the historical story of the human existence. Going all the way back in the historical data timeline to the very first names of our existence that we as a species collective understand. The purpose of this paper is not to persuade you into changing your personal beliefs, but simply to get you to open your eyes. Research for yourself. For they made us do it in this educational system, that literally teaches us to have a great memory recollection of topics we are forced to believe are without researching for ourselves. am going to write this with no name references because all the information is literally accredited to every creature in existence. (For the indoctrinated, there is your reference and copy write) There will be no APA style formatting nor MLA, for the fact that all ideas stem from another and should be shared regardless of the author. 

The Hero’s Journey: Not all heroes wear caps!

    A journey through ground level experience to expose “Fear based subliminal” messaging. Negligence, and a for profit based economy designed to keep those in control in control. A design that keeps many in poverty never being able to live life as normal citizens. A design that corrupts our youth destroying our future existence as human beings. This historical method of existence has persisted throughout written history with no real change. The purpose of this paper is to show without fault a system of corruption. Through hands on experience, self sacrifice, and self destruction this paper will show the methods behind the controlled chaos we know as time. The message that has been right in front of the human experience its entire existence. Slowly being erased, due to those who give no thanks to knowledge they would rather coin than share. Yet we teach children to share at the earliest of ages. As a species, eliminating arrogance, jealousy, and acting on unconditional love would create a Nirvana. Yet we are told this is not human nature, yet this is what was promised to every living creature in existence. Using the Scientific method I pieced together one gigantic movie of the Bible (the oldest history book we know), every story ever told (that I could recall book, thought and movie), every scientific theory (both proven and unproven) throughout the coarse of this thirteen plus year experiment, in order to see what a perfect life would look like if we as a species were given Nirvana at any given moment. In order to do this all values, beliefs, and lessons learned had to be tested. To make this movie work, everything that has not brought about change had to be removed. Everything that fit a pattern that would bring an evolution into perfection. By matching WORDS based on origin and definition, I found a pattern of numerical and color value, a formula so to speak, that could solve any problem. The catch to the formula is that huge data needed to be absorbed and understood to improve its accuracy. All simply because I wanted to be the Greatest Life Coach ever! I never expected it to become so difficult, saddening, and heartbreaking. The things I have seen, the hearts I had to break, nearly drove me insane. One does not simply choose a Hero’s journey, it chooses them. In order to love unconditionally, one must place no conditions on love. To love unconditionally means that no matter what, you must love by all means. In order to create perfection this would have to be on a global scale. Yet how does a world plagued with fear, darkness, selfishness, and greed, love each other without condition. Everyone would literally have to know everything that is going on at the same time. It would take emotional and logical based thinking to determine the most selfless way to live life. It would take a “collective conscious”, but how does one combine the consciousness of every single living entity on Earth. A scientific study that would literally drag me Mind, Body, and Soul through hell, heaven, Earth,  and infinitely through them until it was non debatable. Yet if coming up with a theory that cannot be debated based off its principles and values, would that not be perfection? If only it were that simple. Perfection is one hundred percent. Even laptop and cell phone batteries are not one hundred percent when they display one hundred percent. Lets perceive that from a biblical stand point for just a moment. In the Bible, it is stated countless times that Jesus was perfect. Yet everyone who reads the very next sentence will either be appalled or shocked at its content. (Especially anyone who has ever obtained the title Father or Mother). Jesus was born a baby. Facts. Babies are in no way perfect. Facts. Sure they look cute and are playful, but they can become little Tasmanian devils at the drop of a dime. I’ve got two boys, and even with divine intervention they are loved unconditionally, but sure aren’t perfect. Jesus died Son of Man yet also proclaimed to be the Perfect Son of God. This is difficult even for me to conceive. So straight out of the womb, Jesus was perfect. He didn’t cry, didn’t go through the “Terrible Twos”, and definitely didn’t denounce God upon his death. I mean that’s what the bible says, right? Oh wait, no that is wrong, the bible states he denounced God, which is also a blasphemous sin in the Bible. Correct? If that is indeed the case, does everyone come out perfect at birth? At what point in historical data, did the human species deem something as not perfect? Who made the call that something was not as it should be? All of this chaos among two combined data packets of information covering just science and the bible. After several paragraphs, I came back here to notify I will not quote a single Bible scripture. The reason behind this is simple word association and sentence association. Pay attention to random biblical quotes or “paraphrased” statements that many should know. After an extensive study and attempt to break the parabolic pattern of the bible, I started to find that some denounced scientific theories were in line with the parabolic pattern. (Hence forth to be written: PP). This PP allowed me to take some famous theories such as, Theory of Relativity, String Theory, The Law of Gravity, and more to “debunk” so to speak. After this PP was mastered, more doors started to open as I began to see a pattern of lies and deception within society. One common factor I found was free society based concepts were almost always discredited as apposed to those that would generate income for some already “Rich Jackass (will not apologies for any language used)” to make more money and make more people suffer. For example, free forms of electricity, free forms of water generation and irrigation were not favored over those that could generate income. When in all instances the greatest good of humanity should have been the deciding factor between Free Vs Monetized inventions that are mainstream in society. Yet no one fought for their right to free electricity. When did we stop caring about our existence, and simple care about surviving conditions that should not have been placed in the beginning. Selfish much?

Brain Explode Yet: Let’s Talk Time with just a Thought:

The purpose of this segment is to break your first barrier. To open your mind to the FACT that we have been lied to our entire existence. Is free will really a choice or an alternative yo what your creator parents told you?


As we dive deeper, I leave you two options from hence forward. To help narrow your beliefs system, I will put my request into the PP. As you read I want you to focus on these two ideologies. This paper will either: 

A: Be one of the grandest discoveries into human evolution, or

B: Be one of the grandest screenplay, documentary, Super Hero story, movie, or fictional book series ever seen in our HHD. Chose your path now and see what conclusion you come to. This paper will not describe every detail of the formula as it is far more complex than any theory I have study in HHD. Yet it will use nothing but words and no mathematical equations that we currently perceive.

What is time? Can you hold time? Can you wake up in the middle of an island and know the time to the exact minute and day? If you answered yes to the last one, I want to talk to you directly! Seems we can only tell time anymore by picking up a phone, checking the TV, a wristwatch, or some physical measuring tool that has to be set by someone. Then there is the Atomic Clock. Do you know what an Atomic Clock is by definition of the words? An atomic clock is an extremely accurate type of clock which is regulated by the vibrations of an atomic or molecular system such as cesium or ammonia. Wait you mean the same stuff that can be found in foods deemed safe by the FDA contains one of the ingredients found in an Atomic clock, and the other can be found on shelves in stores? Could one not match the amounts found in the Atomic clock and tune the body to a specific frequency to match that of what we conceive to be time? Google it. Sonic resonance was stated to be a practice of previous historical cultures, but some how has been forgotten (buried) somewhere in humanity’s historical data (HHD)? Now just wait a minute, we cannot physical grasp time but we can match it? That is simply way to many inconsistencies. So if I have to follow time and age in time, why can I not live outside of time? That’s when it punched me in the face like a father would a child that stands taller than him calling him out to fisticuffs. We already live outside of time. But wait!? How can we live outside of time and not exist in another dimension? Then the evolution of time took place. If time is no more than a measurement and does not physically exist, then why do we measure it and subject ourselves to overwhelming amounts of stress? Simply because from birth we are told to do so. Babies are so carefree during those first few years outside of the womb. They have no concept of time. They are highly ENERGETIC and highly VIBRATIONAL. As this concept took form, the hard part came into play. How to I visually see into another dimension? How to I travel back into the 1950s or forward to a year when none of this ridiculous sheep following takes place. (Notice the words used here!) However; I quickly came back to the concepts that time is not physical. If there is no physical time we have simply measured the age of all life on the planet based off what I can only describe as an “Uneducated Guess”. I used the word uneducated because, the first measurement of numerical time had no base control to test against. Think about your thought before you refute here. If time had never been measured, where does your zero hour actually begin? How old was the zero day event? It is all right here, right now. The past, present, and future are all happening simultaneously. (This concept is literally an entire book in itself). The concept and science behind my time theory will be in a separate book titled: The Day Time StoppedIn every decision making moment, we are creating a multiverse type instance similar to the “Part Truth, Part Lie” (PTPL) found in the latest Spider Man: Into the Multiverse movie. In most cases the science behind the PP created can be displayed in everything around us. The PT portion is the concept. It can be seen, but is shown to us in a different way. The PL is the conditioning. Making society believe that the lies we have been told can only look a particular way. For instance in this movie. Vibration alerts for being on the wrong path were displayed as glitches. Similar to the “Glitch” character that also appeared in Wreck It Ralph. Also similar to the way the Flash and Cisco use there super powers to travel to other physical dimensions. When in reality it is our bodies natural way of responding to change in its environment. (“Use The Force Luke”). If time is not physical, than physical dimension jumping would not be a true concept neither. To sum this section up: The majority of what we have learned from science stems from the concept that time is physical. By changing the base theory and replacing it with time only being a measurement. Everything from that first measurement must be retested. This is evident in the rash of Spirituality taking place in this realm. The biggest war going on currently is between Religion and Spirituality. Not the impending doom everyone is speaking into previous existence within the collective consciousness. The race continued as I dove deeper into my lose of time. More will be discussed in the aforementioned book.

“Treat thy neighbor as thyself”:

To view in every instance the person you are trying to help as yourself. For you would not treat yourself badly or rudely. You would not judge yourself based of looks or BACKGROUD”.  You would more than likely help yourself at any given opportunity and certainly wouldn’t judge yourself without facts. Yet the very first thing many faithfully do as a human species is judge others. More on this will follow in the section of Spirituality in All: The telepathic connection of the collective consciousness. Simply put, the Spirit that is in control of the world, both physical and spirit, would have to exist within all stories in order to bring about a collective knowing of everything. This would be the only way to achieve what I theorize is the closet thing to perfection…. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. A love without a single condition. Meaning you love with all fault, will all flaws, and with all the baggage of everyone, and everyone vice versa to others. I mean that made my head hurt and I had to read it twice. The Spirit connection within all living things, combined with unconditional love is the closet our species can come to perfection. To a critical point near “SINGULARITY” which just happens to be every scientist favorite word when describing the end of the Universe… I would insert some type of FUTURAMA echo through Fry’s hollow head here, but what is the point right? This near perfection would force a human evolution as it would be the critical point that has been described to us throughout HHD. “The Revelation”.  Enter my good friend “FEAR CONTROLLED CHAOS”.  Have you taken notice that things that instill fear seem to not fit with any story. I haven’t even cracked the surface of the complexity of the code. Simply attempting to remember this much research and data to summarize a paper that will outline each and every book I will be working on is tough. Especially when you have A starting 5 Basketball line up, and the Next Venus and Serena as children. A sick mother, a retired father, and a background that no one will hire you for. Knowing that you did it all to yourself in hopes that many grasp the concepts you are putting forth in order to show that the world we know it is changing with “HASTE”.  Because the more you discover the more a new paradigm shift takes place. Then you realize you are not “FULL OF SHIT or BAT SHIT CRAZY”. Simply because an entire generation of creative thinkers are following this same journey fulfilling their purpose in this grand orchestrated reality. Knowing you consciously made the choice to bottom out in a greater effort to find what know one has been able to find……. “THE KEY TO THE LIFE PROMISED”. This concept will be further elaborated on in another book in the series titled: “Mark of The Beast”: I Took It & So Did You. I failed to recall mentioning that reading the series from start to finish in the order I will figure out later because my head freaking hurts and I am in need of mental relaxation. Yet because if I go get some healing crystals, or practice some sacred art, the ones who still are under the will judge me and simply frustrate me for their lack of will power to break bond between the Mind and Hand portion of the . I advise you google all of this. Its really not the freaking hard at this point as many false beliefs (Negative Energy / Karma) ooh lets use (NEK) for that one because lets face it this is everyone’s HHD and I really love acronyms and hate the way the English language differs from every other spoken language. (No wonder everyone believes America is Babylon. I personally believe the World is the “New Jerusalem”) are being purged from our reality. The Two Witnesses literally made the crazy Super Hero path choice to assist in removing this karma. I bet they wish they knew what they were getting into before they went, Yes I would love a Blissful kingdom filled with my greatest desires. However; if that was the case what would be the point in testing each decision in every moment if you know exactly the time and day of the completion.

Sorry somewhere I got to rambling. I am really exhausted. I can’t even get hired so I have to work damn near all the time just to help out with all aspects of my life. Not to mention, when you go hey I will learn every human experience, jail repercussions suck. Yet to prove what we know is wrong, I simply come to the conclusion, that “Everything happens for a reason” why get angry, frustrated, stressed, or worried? I guess if you wanted to add more “FAKE TIME” (hopefully everyone gets a good Trump laugh out of that one). You should if you love everything unconditionally.

STOP::::::::: That was some philosophical shit!! Sorry mama, but no fears equals being as real and true as can be!

I seriously have enough mental content to continue writing until, well I would put a deadline, but time ended with the last stroke of the keyboard. Wait it just happened again. Seriously though. Just stop and think about how many seconds it takes to make a second. Is a second just a tick on the clock. Is it the amount of time it took the synapse in my brain to fire off before writing this now what I want to make a blog. Simply so I can just type what’s coming from my head and no one can go….. You spelled cheese wrong!

Okay, I need to stop and make the blog site now. Then write an entire research paper on how I got arrested on an issued warrant about a FTC that took place 6/5/2019. Stating I did not go see the assigned probation officer. So because I didn’t have the proof handy in the jail, the judge attempted to get me to take a guilty plea. My ass was literally like whoa yo dog. I can’t do that because then I would be lying under the oath no one asked me to take. Wait you guys did ask if I wanted a lawyer either. Then it was like a domino effect on the mystical amount of negligence in simply paperwork that the system has inmates plea guilty to. So if anyone knows a Lawyer that wants a case that would make him more famous than the the guy that defended OJ Simpson, I have a ton of documents and research for him. Soon a research paper also. I mean my mom literally drug me to the probation office on 6/3/2019 and some how I miraculously failed a drug test for THC. And coincidentally I took a hair follicle test that morning and it came back from the lab negative. Something definitely does not add up there. Seriously if no one sees the issue in how a man who can rant this long intelligently has an issue with the inconstancy in the “BIG ASS FACTS” presented then I’ll use the formula to make enough money to buy a self sustaining Island with the same technology governments have kept hidden from “THE PEOPLE” Really go look up free energy generation on YouTube. I don’t know about you, but that would make some awesome home decor on and Island away from this life that I have deemed complete and utter nonsense. Not just America, but the creatures of this World have some self healing that needs to be done. A lot of you need to look inside of yourself and find what you truly fear. Because some of you worry so much Id rather live in a dark basement than be force to go get a job and here one more person complain about their crappy life because they are to lazy to think outside of the box! Let alone listen to someone who has enough ideas to take to California and let Elon Musk have a field day with. Maybe we would stop wasting so much money on old theories and look into some new ones. I mean I have several that will be in the series. Black holes here on Earth. The map of the stars. 

 STOP: If I continued that list I would literally not get this posted to any type of blog.

Seriously wish I had some good weed. However in order to legally smoke this plant that randomly grows out of the ground, I have to go and pretend that the Psychiatrist and his fancy degree knows what the hell he is talking about. Like bro I have been cleared by the Spirit, I am sure I could fake anyone of these mystical diseases you spoke into existence with your words and have the entire medical board and big pharma under global protest. In fact that just may be my first VLOG serious. How I magically obtained seven different prescriptions from seven different doctors for seven different illnesses because they couldn’t distinguish acting from the list of illnesses they memories. They literally play a matching game of your words to illness conditions, and go you have this take this. Who the hell believes that is going to help them. They went to school for any easy way to honestly make a shitty paycheck. Now some of them may be genuine souls looking to help fellow souls in need, but lets just face facts here…… Every one that has made it this far knows that shit ain’t true at all!

Regulation and Society adoption

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