Moron Judges Make Take Down Bitcoin Whitepaper

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Judges go to law school for nearly a decade and build up decades more of experience in order to become judges. These are supposed to be the wisest public figures in our society.

Uhhhhhh... no.

This group of idiots recently made the website take down the bitcoin whitepaper based on the testimony of Craig Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto and as such, the owner of the bitcoin whitepaper.

Put another way — this group of idiots made a random site take down a random document because a random person said so.

It's the same as saying I invented the word "the" and demanding the courts tell everyone using my creation to delete that word from their websites. Oh and by the way, I have no proof that I invented the word "the" other than the fact that no one else opposed my claim to the invention.

This is the argument Craig Wright brought to a Western court. And they accepted it.


The good news is these courts don't have jurisdiction over crypto whatsoever. Their ridiculous rulings are meaningless. Cobra, webmaster for, may have to comply because his servers are centralized, but he could switch to a decentralized solution and be completely immune from now on. (By the way, this immunity to the rulings of physical nation-states is the core value proposition for proof of work, and it's probably why theeeyyyyy are trying so hard to get rid of it.)

And in case you didn't know, Craig Wright is a charlatan. He claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto and got credited for it in court because no one else has enough free time to challenge such a ridiculous claim. He's not Satoshi Nakamoto. No one as selfish as Craig Wright could have invented bitcoin.

Good thing bitcoin and any sufficiently decentralized protocol is shielded from the idiocy of any one group of humans. It's time to take power away from silly judges with no common sense and give it to programmable smart contracts. 


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