I Now Accept Crypto

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Be for 2020 i had only invested in Crypto back in 2017 in ETH, It was a small amount and i was introduced to it when i was working at a University an a Student gave me the run down. As i then seen the Markets fall to poor levels and Bulls were Bears I never really looked back but kept in mind the next time a Financial crisis were to happen get ready. In witch i was not, I was not ready for the Corona Hoax at all. I had  finally saved up a great sum of funds that would enable me to finally go back to were i call home Portugal. Had i great Job Waiting for me as i was set to move back in April to work as a web help agent Freelance. I had a paid in full saty for 6 month, Food sub and some other options like free Private medical care, In other words this Scamdemic Blow up all my plans. So i was totally not ready for this scamdemic as i was distracted Constructing my Feature. But as all situations they close and open doors.

So when the scamdemic hit me i was jobless and stayed jobless till i was lucky to find a crap job, But its what allowed me not to dig iin my savings and invest in Crypto again. Luck because BTC was still cheep. It even hit a Low be for it started to kick in Pandemic/Higher BTC price, So i was totally lucky i got some quick gains be for the BULL RUN STARTED.

I then remembered that BTC was not really what people wanted in the Privacy was not private at all nor like most coins. So i wanted to get a better understanding of all the 1000000 Crypto projects out there, Ended up Finding the TDV/TCV . They really gave a good understanding of what is what, After watching some TDV videos i went and subscibed. The best thing i ever did an also saved me from having a very Bad year in the financial area. So i ended up making a good and have total understanding of my Portfolio`s Assets. 

I have to say the TDV/TCV gives you a great lay out of there ideas and Assets in witch they believe in there opinion to be Solid, An after reading one Newsletter you get a full image from being to end of there ideas and why the will triumph ( Its Insane). I dont even own BTC anymore because of them there just way ahead of the game its unreal but i am not here to chat them up..

How i Implemented Crypto to my day to day.

Because of the Scamdemic i was forced to  submit to a change of life that made me think, It made me panic till i understood what was real and what was not. So after giving this whole situation the deep thought it required, I came to the conclusion that i can no longer go along with The normal way of things. All areas are under the Social government structure, That alone complicates everything Normally making simple complicated. So i Started to innovate and really thing of what was possible in these restricted social times.

So i took action an taking advantage of the publicity of Health, By making my own Oils and Broths along with some other old school Health supplements. I would get my supply from organic farmers, Buy bulk in cash then to make Cod liver oil and others. I also went ahead starting a handyman/renovator in cottage land in the north of Canada. All this has given me the Economic Freedom that i wanted but also everyone will soon need an want. I am self employed as well as have my own online passive income.

So were dose the Crypto come in?

Here is were the Crypto comes in, Given that if i made 10,000 CAD i would have to declare it and pay tax.. Yes , How crazy is that? Lets just say i did a side job to pay off credit, So then i would still be in debt because of Tax... Just because self employment on top on normal add o the normal here in tax, meaning add to your income. So i said to myself why not work for cash, So i did in till after my investments  in BTC , and subscribing to the Dllar Vigilante. Then it hit me " Can i get people to pay me in Crypto?" After days and days of giving it thought it came t. 

Here is what i came up with t Implement Crypto to my day to day Financial life

So after long talks with my Customers and some Promo an convincing i finally got 60% of my Health Income in XMR. As for the Handyman part i got only 30 % so noot even Half yet! The online part was easy given most people i sell to are in my social circle along with all being Tech able. They had no problem with this and  i even sold them the XMR so they can say on there Tax they never owned Crypto. This is a good thin to keep in mind because 95% of all Crypto are Bought with Debt cards... 

So it was really cool giving the INTRO to these people, Most had no clue to how Crypto worked and what the real Risk Level was and  its usage. So i even sold them the cypto for a flat price 1usd sub Of the current price at the time. Build some trust with them also hope they call me again when needed. Sme rejected and got a bit mad so cash it was, not that i have a problem because to deal with the Mainstream world i need FIAT TRASH. The more Wealth the client was the more interested they were, Like one guy said XMR is what he always dreamed of. 

So how i deal with the books?

Its not hard because i am off the mainstream guidelines, But i guess what ever it is you use Crypto for is in a world of its own. I get paid in monero and deal with the funds as a investment in its own wallet. My personal investments are apart to these funds. As i was saying all payments are sent to a wallet and treated as any investment would, When i need to convert to cash i simply cash out, If at the moment i am already holding in Haven xusd then its a simple cash out. If i am in lose of funds because the price has droped, I see if the last funds received are at a big lose. If not then who cares its urgent. But normaly i would keep Reserve of xusd in haven vault were i will not lose value like other stablecoins convert to Haven then t what evr to get fiat. 

So the Idea tthat Crypto cant be used in the real world is not True, Nor would the statement that crypto could never take over the USD. Not true its simply cant be the mainstream currency as we knw it to be , Because its Crypto its totally different end of story and cant be anything other that crypto used in any way. I have increased my Income by alot! By useing this structure and along with a exclusion from the Mafia . 

So yeah when i hear people say h you cant use crypto in the real world, No i do and it worked out well but if the bull run ends , then i would need a stable from of private payment.

Regulation and Society adoption

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