How to become a Drug Lord with Non Fungible Drugs

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After several science fiction-themed projects, we are finally talking about a blockchain game based on NFTs with a scenario that many of us, at the cinema or in video games, have certainly dreamed of being part of. Get ready to become a Drug Lord in Non Fungible Drugs, a play-to-earn game where you can trade all kinds of drugs that will be implemented on the Wax blockchain!


What better way to talk about a project than with its creator? So, once we found Pablo's contact, we organized ourselves to have a good chat about the project. Here is in brief what we said to each other.


Hi Pablo. First of all, what is the game all about?

Before talking about the game it is advisable to make some clarifications, a duty when "drugs" are involved. Many people will remember that one of the first uses that were made of the blockchain was to create Silk Road, an underground market where it was possible to buy everything, including drugs. The epilogue of that story saw all the protagonists in handcuffs. Our project is basically the opposite of Silk Road. We hope that users enjoy and earn from our blockchain game, not that they end up in jail. Non Fungible Drugs is a game and it is essential to keep this in mind. A game that absolutely does not intend to incite consumption or drug dealing, just as games like Grand Theft Auto do not necessarily represent an incitement to violence. On the blockchain, moreover, it is possible to monetize game progress, without doing anything illegal.

How do you answer to who will criticize the choice of allowing drugs to be traded?

Well, in the collective imagination, drugs retain a strong attraction. In the cinema and in video games it has always been a recurring theme, the "dark side" has always had a charm but then it is up to every single person to make the necessary considerations and behave accordingly. Much more important: buying and selling NFD doesn't harm anyone.


From the website, we discover that each NFT represents a certain amount of a specific drug. Can you explain this aspect to us better? Will they be the only NFTs needed in the game?

The basic logic is very simple, the NFTs are divided by weight as well as by type of drug: it starts from the micro-dose equal to 0.1 gram up to the 1 kg batch, passing through intermediate measures such as the gram and the ounce. This division will clearly be functional to the game. In addition to the cards related to drugs (for now we have revealed the first three: hashish, marijuana, and mushrooms), there will be cards related to land, or terrains, which will be divided into nine types, equivalent to the number of substances that will be marketable in the game. It will be possible to make exchanges between the different territories and other features will be implemented that we will reveal later.



On which social channels is it possible to find information and updates on NFD?

We are on the main social networks, users can find us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram but our main channel is the Discord server. There we already have over 1300 active users and in the various server channels we organize airdrops and mini-games that allow you to get NFT of the game in view of the beta version.

We are also implementing a system through which, on the "# play-earn-nfd-token" channel, users can find a whole series of games needed to earn NFD Discord tokens (which does not have its own blockchain, so they can only be used at inside the social network). On the "# coffeeshop" channel, on the other hand, users will be able to spend the tokens earned to purchase the game's NFTs.


At the moment, what aspects are you mainly dealing with?

At this stage, we are promoting airdrops on an almost daily basis, mainly on Discord but also on Twitter. In addition to these, we have started collaborations with some land owners on Alien Worlds that allow players to earn our NFTs by mining on those specific coordinates. Using the same method, we gave away tickets for a lottery that is always giving away our NFTs.

We give candy to strangers, which everyone seems to accept very gladly. Of course, also given the appreciation of the project in terms of card value, some users are already selling our NFTs, the demand is high and the reactivity to drops is even higher.



Do you have a roadmap for future developments?

We have it and for now we have fully respected it, at a later time we will publish an updated version along with the white paper. The game's native token should also arrive with the beta, which will be implemented on WAX. I wouldn't want to go too far, but if everything goes as we expect the game will be up and running very soon.


Before saying goodbye, what features differentiate Non Fungible Drugs from other blockchain games?

First, to become a drug lord you cannot act alone, the player will need a basic strategy and will have to use some "henchmen". I don't want to go too deep into details and the dynamics but I can spoiler that the game will be based on rankings that will take into account different parameters.

We thus aim to distinguish ourselves from other games in which only whales that have been playing for the longest time and have the best performing tools are able to obtain profits and advancements in the game. I strongly wanted the skills to play a central role in Non Fungible Drugs, and I believe that this is one of the aspects that will make the difference.


After thanking Pablo for his availability, I close the call with a renewed confidence in my country and in the minds that he still manages to churn out. Not for mere parochialism, but this project really has all the cards on the table to work and above all to compete with the sacred monsters that still run mainly on consoles today. Non Fungible Drugs has the potential to take blockchain games to the next level as it has the right features to attract even the most reluctant players to the crypto world.

In conclusion, I just have to say huge good luck to Pablo and his team and look forward to the developments of the game.


Visit the Non Fungible Drugs website!



[Original article here (for an italian mag):]

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