Governments Planning to Fuck Crypto in the Butt

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So to get the jist of what inspired my inspiration, read this post. It's a well-organized post about how governments plan to absorb crypto to maintain the power of the traditional nation-state and tax the fuck out of everything you want to do. Brought to you by Ordep, who got kicked out of my Telegram group because of some technical bullshit. Dude, I promise I didn't manually kick you out. Join back. If you can't, leave a comment. We'll work it out.


Now take a breath.

We've known this. We knew they were going to come at us this way. The first hurdle to get over is your mindset.

Nowhere in this post did it say that governments were going to impose some hidden, militarily-based shackles on crypto. Bottom line: If you choose to remain anonymous, private, secure, trustless, etc., they are going to lock you out of all the systems they control using coercion — i.e., fake power — not real power.

Dude. No different from a club denying you access because you don't know the promoter or you don't have on cool shoes. It seems like a huge diss because it's the coolest, biggest, most well-funded club in town. They get international DJs and all the hot girls go there. But it is still a choice for you to try to get in.

There are plenty of incredible hotspots around town that are actually even more exclusive — you'll never know about them unless you know the right person. ClubSXXXy! is only ClubSXXXy! because of the billions of dollars of promo ClubSXXXy! has to make people believe that mediocre is good. Once you get in, you find out the drinks are weak and overpriced, the makeup is more beautiful than the girls, and the DJ is using autoplay.

And you gave up 2 forms of ID and paid your whole check just to get inside. Once.

The smaller clubs function just fine, providing a better experience with cooler people, but they have no advertising. They function on word-of-mouth. And if you don't know the right folks, you'll never even find the front entrance. They play better music, everybody is awesome, and there's plenty of money, good times, and cheer. No starving artists here. Everything is upscale, much to your disbelief. Yes, there is a community that functions completely outside of what's marketed to the stupid mainstream.

But Alucard, governments aren't clubs! Governments have force of law!

That's just it. No they don't.

Reread the Reddit report. How will governments enforce their prerogatives? Not through shutdowns and felony charges. Through licenses, risk profiles, and personal punishments. As I've said many times before, these governments do not have the power to tax your crypto. They are taxing your citizenship.

Licenses, risk profiles, and personal punishments are all instruments of coercion, not true power. You have to believe in the coercion for it to work. Explanation:

If the post is correct and governments plan on creating these international licenses for "safe and regulated" defi shit, all that's required of us is to put no faith in the license as a measure of trust for a platform. Hell, I've had tens of thousands of dollars in a website with a URL "" Do you really think a fuckin license determines what the fuck I do to make money?

But Alucard, they're going to crack down on every platform they can! You won't be able to use anything because they'll mark your wallet as a terrorist wallet and shut you out!

You can bet they'll impose these licenses on everyone they can reach who has created something of value. And you can also bet that these mopheads will FOLD like a chair. Let's take Trustswap, for instance. No reason I picked Trustswap. It's just the first thing that came to mind.

Trustswap is headed by a guy named Jeff Kerdeikis. We know that Trustswap is headed by a guy named Jeff Kerdeikis because Jeff Kerdeikis decided of his own free will to make himself known. He chose, from the inception of Trustswap, to function and proceed as a company doing business in the crypto space under the jurisdiction of whoever gave him money or physical proximity in which to build.

When Jeff chose this path, he committed himself away from the path of anonymity and trustlessness that Satoshi set forth. And he opened himself up to scrutiny and regulation in return for the protection of established mores. Jeff is a certified multimillionaire, possibly billionaire or trillionaire, for the rest of his life because he plays ball.

But that also means that Jeff is a middleman who can be coerced. And anyone who uses Trustswap's services will fall victim to this coercion.

Jeff's hardly special in his capitulation. Every crypto founder gone public has chosen to do business as a business under the jurisdiction of a sovereign rather than as a sovereign creating its own currency. Every sufficiently decentralized crypto is a sovereign with its own currency, but some choose to operate as a business out of convenience. Jeff's just one of those. Back to Jeff.

Trustswap is very useful. You can mint your own coin in minutes. You receive auditing of projects, so average investors who want presale gains can avoid obvious scams. You can stake Trustswap tokens for free tokens, i.e., free money. Trustswap is fuckin useful.

You can bet that whatever international cabal that is forming will impose the VASP label on Jeff, require that he register his firstborn son, and require that Trustswap impose KYC/AML on anyone who wants to use Trustswap in the future.

That's inconvenient, to be sure. Imagine having to learn code to launch your own token rather than just making it happen with Trustswap in minutes. That's just fuckin a hassle.

But you know this is coming. You know it. And if you don't want to KYC/AML/BOW DOWN to create your own token, you'll figure out how Trustswap created its shit and start modeling that instead of using the middleman that is Trustswap. Crypto was created to kill the middleman, remember? Why are you now mad that middlemen that ripped their shirts off in the middle of the battlefield looking for attention are now getting it? Are you following their political example? Or are you figuring out how to stay away from those lunatics and continue the path forward without all of that nonsense in your life?

There's a larger point here. There are a lot of Jeffs. And they have sycophants. Guys like Ivan on Tech and Elliotrades and Boxmining to do the marketing. Other founders who are jealous and create centralized companies instead of crypto countries because they want to floss that fiat. 

They also have no reason to fight because they've already made millions. There's no need for them to market any sort of non-centrist philosophy, and there's every reason for them to comply with any fuckin thing from any fuckin institution with any power that allows them to keep their money. Because that's what they're about. Not hating. Certain humans are made to be simple.

So yes, you can expect that if you want to keep your wallet anonymous, you won't be able to use Trustswap at some point. And possibly Uniswap, anything on Matic, everything on Solana, etc. and so forth. Just assume you're gonna be locked the fuck out.

But you being mad about that presupposes that you and those around you can't create something just as useful and cool.

See, unlike physical territory, these nation-states cannot and do not have jurisdiction over the virtual space. You can create your own Trustswap given you have the knowledge. Those around you can create other useful apps and build your own ecosystem that is completely outside of the one that the international cabal is trying to lock you out of.

This is a pretty easy idea. Just don't use the compromised platforms, somehow get the intellectual capital to create the same thing in a truly decentralized and separate silo, and people can make money in the virtual space.

But Alucard, what about when that money has to be transferred into the physical space — the space that the cabal controls?

Oh, I've thought of that, so don't worry. See, I'm not an anarchist. I'm just against the pieces of shit we have in control right now staying in control. Big difference.

Eventually you're going to want to buy a house and maybe have a kid and a garden. And that physical land is definitely monopolized by the traditional nation-state. No matter where you go, if you want to have a physical life and not just do crypto in a Matrix pod, you're going to run into Western-backed international regulation. And at that point this fantasy of anonymity and sovereignty comes to an end, right?

It can. But it doesn't have to. And should we truly realize the potential of Satoshi's vision, it can't.

See, I'm all for the "don't-let-the-left-hand-know" type of lifestyle until a better one is found. As in, the creation of decentralized DAOs that exist completely outside the purview of nation-states and invest in business ventures within those nation-states. That is, the DAO is its own nation-state, and it accepts the regulation of other nation-states as par for the course for a competitor. Why get mad about the "opwer structure hur hur hur" if you have your own power structure that can't be touched?

Nations impose tariffs on each other all the time, the weight of the tariff usually correlated with the weight of that country on international politics. If untouchable decentralized DAOs become a global investment force, traditional nation-states will have no choice but to treat them as equals instead of trying to impose condescending labels such as "business" upon them. If you view your project as a sovereign in a global competition instead of as a country just waiting to get regulated, you'll understand the actions of the traditional nation-states against you instead of fearing them. And you'll do what it takes to defend your country against the inevitable attacks of those competitor countries. You also send your own attacks back. It's war.

To attain the distinction of a true sovereign that can't be attacked, DAOs will definitely have to give up convenience. You won't be able to use Trustswap to launch your token, that's for sure. But it can be launched. And it can be paired with ETH from anonymous, non-regulated investors. And it can be given value through the intellectual capital of the innovations behind it. And those innovations can rival the innovations of the obsequious VASPs, providing a viable alternative to those who want to change their virtual statehood to one that actually respects them and makes sense.

And it can be put on DEXs and exchanged for bitcoin and coinmixed into anonymous wallets that can be surreptitiously, tactically introduced into the regulated space so you can get your house. (Coinmix profits from the unregulated, sovereign DAO into your payment wallet. Let the payment wallet pay your regulated house wallet. Borrow stables against your bitcoin in the regulated house wallet and buy the house. It's cool. As long as they can't tax the REAL stash.)

Eventually, the stashes they can't touch will innovate and invest their way into real power — power that traditional nation-states will bow to, because they'll be fuckin broke and in need of real value. And they won't be able to take this value because the DAOs in question will be properly decentralized, with no founders like Jeff hounding for the spotlight, so there will be no one to hunt down and assassinate or jail. (You'll have your own hookers on retainer using the Sablier app, so they can't tempt you with puss puss.) So there will be compromise. A change, actually. Because the people who will power this new paradigm will see that compromise with the old system is stupid and unnecessary.

Then we get the real life Jetsons.

But it won't happen tomorrow. And it won't be pretty. What keeps me going is the dream that I could be truly revered by my descendants as a vital part of the world they live in. A founder of not just a crypto project or two, but a culture of innovation and cooperation that finally convinced the Vulcans to make First Contact.

We just gotta get all of the pieces of shit out of the way. Kind of like the market has to clear out all of the Dogecoiners before bitcoin can really pump.

TL;DR — don't worry about what the government is planning. What are your plans? You have the infrastructure to beat them now. Will you use it, or will you complain and damn your children to slavery under Kamala Harris, Klaus Schwab, Jaime Dimon, and the rest of the shitfucks runnin shit now?


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Regulation and Society adoption

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