Debt Slave, Debt Master; FOX News Round Up Saturday Fun

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MEDIAHannity rails Biden and Democrats' willingness to do anything for power: 'They want to overhaul' Supreme Court - Unfortunately for Mr. Hannity and other would be patriots, the Republican party is not a Constitutional option. This has been demonstrated countless times. They enable, and the Democrats instigate for, the overthrow of the Constitution. They are both paid by who? Global debtholders, in charge of the Federal Reserve. The treasury is broke. The economy has crashed. The debt masters pay for it all, building, administrating and enforcing the world of the debt slaves.

So we like to give the awakened perspective on that central bank, investor driven media, for those over there who think the theater of the political arena is what is really going on. One of our favorite themes is the good cop bad cop routine of the 2 major parties. Our other favorite theme, is how we can and must firmly stand.

Standing On Agreement | The Power To Make and Keep Agreement Is Self Governance - The Power To Deny and Break Agreement Is Tyranny

The power to enslave by the debt masters, is the power to overthrow norms of prior agreement. This is primarily occurring in the field of established, medical, public health and safety, including healthy sports and lifestyle. It is being done to stop the economy, inflate it and throw the population into mass debt.
U.S.New Hampshire track coach fired for refusing to make athletes wear masks speaks out on 'Tucker' - IRUUR1 --   Thank God if you are a believer, and the great Unknown if other. Someone, with a modicum of authority, and a well spring of courage. A teacher who actually cares about their subject, their obligations, and the younger people they lead, enough to overcome this tyranny, where they stand, and use their 1st amendment for speaking the truth about health and safety.

Only Local Self Funding, Globally Interactive Education Will Solve This Mess

Here is a local, self funding idea to get the ball rolling. It only happens however, as we continue to non violently act to force our ability to assemble in freedom.

POLITICSMichigan HS sports group says no to Whitmer call for 2-week break: ‘We’re going to play’ - Right now, if that team could televise their games, I might reconnect my cable and/or satellite just to watch a real team and teams with heart. Playing because they are on fire, and not because they are on the PC stooge trail of professional sports. Maybe a livestream on a video site. Debt master paid for, Professional Slave Sports Events, call for fan and player participation, in a belief system beyond the rules of the game, making those games demeaning for most avid sports fans to care about on a sports level. The slave games replace individual accomplishment with collective compliance. This insults the individual character, of the player connected to the play and the fan, rendering them self lowering to watch for the average sports fan. 

Sports fans do not want players who comply the best. They want players who make the best plays, demonstrating talent and decision making ability during dramatic moments, on the playing field or court. When players who are non compliant off field, are denied, participation and decision making on the field, for other than on field reasons, the value of the event becomes worthless as a sport, It becomes a propaganda enterprise consisting of formalized, staged, athletic, entertainments. A state sanctioned, gladiator, personality contest. An amusement, presented as part of a civilian population, personal/collective values reinforcement ritual for compliant debt slaves. 
The first loyal sports fan test of the social credit system in the digital economy of the currently evolving NWO, may be whether you are willing to use part of your designated digital dollar allotment, to subscribe to ESPN.


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