Break the Law of Silence – Former US Government Regulator Says Bitcoin Is a Tool for Social Justice

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Many people in the general public believe that the current monetary and financial system we live in has always been there, and will always be there. Very few people finally realize that the monetary and financial systems that humans have put in place all have a limited life span.

Some systems last longer than others, but all eventually reach their limits over time. This is what world history teaches us. The current system was instituted unilaterally by Richard Nixon in August 1971. This system, which you may have thought was unbreakable, is very young by world standards, having turned 50 years old in 2021.

Although relatively young, this system has already shown its limits many times in the last years. More and more people are realizing that the current system is flawed, and not fixable. Of course, we are far from having witnessed mass awareness. However, things are slowly coming together.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the monetary policies pursued by the central banks of the world's major economies have highlighted the flaws of the current system as never before. At the same time, Bitcoin experienced the third Halving in its history in May 2020.

You had two systems with opposite philosophies clashing. On the one hand, the current system with the quantitative easing practiced by the Fed. On the other hand, Bitcoin with quantitative hardening, which aims to give more value to the units already in circulation every 4 years on average.

Those who work within the current system have a mission to save it at all costs

This reality that I am exposing to you is known to all the powerful people at the head of the current monetary and financial system. They all know that the current system will not last another 50 years as it is. This unfair system that excludes a majority of people around the world while differentiating between individuals based on their race, gender, or social class is not sustainable.

Yet, everyone working within the current system has the same attitude: defend the system at all costs. The system must be saved no matter what. The stakes are very high for the privileged people who benefit from this system. They do not want a redistribution of the cards that would allow for greater equality.

That would knock them off their pedestal, and it would also require a total rethink on their part. Most of the people who take full advantage of the unfairness of the current system have learned how to make the most of it. They do not want to start over in another system. Well, zero is a big word, since they could embrace the Bitcoin revolution and still benefit greatly right now.

Let's just say that these people don't want a system where they don't have a free pass compared to the rest of the users. Indeed, Bitcoin is different in that every user within its system has equal weight.

The law of silence reigns, but as soon as they leave the inside of the system, the former officials start to endorse Bitcoin

There is a sense of a law of silence that must not be broken for those working within the current system. And all of a sudden, as soon as these people regain their freedom of speech by leaving the current system, they start to say what they think about Bitcoin. And then you might be surprised to find out that most of them endorse the Bitcoin system.

I've seen this phenomenon before with many former U.S. government employees, and I just had another example a few days ago. This time it's Charlene Fadirepo. You probably don't know her, but she served from 2015 to 2019 as an audit manager at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. A position that requires a certain amount of restraint and therefore officially supports the current system whether you think it is unfair or not.

When she left that job two years ago, Charlene Fadirepo decided to get into the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. So much for her choice to get into something she truly believes in. She recently helped write a book called “Bitcoin and the American Dream: The New Monetary Technology Transcending Our Political Divide” which was released at the end of 2021.

Former U.S. Government Regulator Charlene Fadirepo now claims Bitcoin is a tool for social justice

Charlene Fadirepo was recently interviewed by Yahoo! Finance. The opportunity for her to share her vision of what neutral and apolitical hard money like Bitcoin can bring:

“Bitcoin is absolutely a tool for social justice.”

For a Bitcoiner like me, Charlene Fadirepo is pushing an open door, but people like Charlene must speak up and talk about Bitcoin in these terms. In the interview, Charlene went further:

“If you think about Black Americans, we believe that Bitcoin allows [us] to build generational wealth. And not just Black Americans … Latino Americans, the LGBT communities, and Indigenous communities. It allows communities to build wealth in communities that have been left out of the discriminatory banking system that we have today.”

Bitcoin is an ideal tool to allow individuals who have been left out of the mainstream to protect themselves from a racist American banking system, as many examples have shown in the past.

With her background in the banking world, Charlene Fadirepo then gave her vision from an investment perspective regarding Bitcoin too:

“The big picture is so bright for Bitcoin. If you look at Bitcoin on a 10-year basis, they’ve had annualized returns of 200% and if you look at Bitcoin in the past two years of this pandemic era, Bitcoin had returns of 400%. Gold had a return of roughly 15% and the S&P delivered 42%. So those are amazing returns for any kind of asset class and incredible returns for Bitcoin.”

Don't be fooled by what the officials working in the current system say, make the effort to look beyond to understand what Bitcoin brings

The reason I wanted to put forward these words of an ex-government regulator is to alert you to the importance of always taking the words of officials working within the current system into perspective. These officials are criticizing Bitcoin to protect the system at all costs, in a kind of “law of silence”. You need to keep this in mind so that you don't get blinded into missing the unique opportunity that Bitcoin represents.

Because the same people who were openly critical of Bitcoin when they worked in government agencies always end up breaking the law of silence as soon as they leave the system.

The bigger picture you need to see is that more and more marginalized Americans see Bitcoin as a chance to finally take control of their success in the future, without having to worry about any government or third-party intervention. Bitcoin is thus seen for what it is: a tool for freedom to live life on one's terms while gaining access to greater equality.

It is this kind of positive change that Bitcoin induces that we need to focus on. That's where the real signal of the Bitcoin revolution lies: the way Bitcoin is already changing lives. Focusing on that will remind you why we fight every day to support the Bitcoin revolution: to build a better world for the many in the future.

In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter: Everything around Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the cryptocurrency market

Regulation and Society adoption

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