AMA Satoshi Club x Wynaut, March 3rd

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Educational task of Satoshi Club drives us to acquaint you with all new projects. We were delighted to welcome our guest from Wynaut. The AMA took place on March 3rd, 2021 and our guests were @JensAnderson, @pw0_0.

The total reward pool was 4000$ in LP tokens and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear Satoshi Clubbers! We are pleased to announce our AMA with Wynaut

Today our guests are @JensAnderson @pw0_0!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Good day and welcome to a new AMA session

P W: Hey Satoshi Club, we’re thankful to be having this AMA with you all!

Jens Anderson: Hello everyone! Really excited about this

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Welcome to Satoshi Club, @JensAnderson @pw0_0

We are delighted to have you today!

To begin with, please tell us a few words about yourselves and how did you get to be involved in crypto & Wynaut? Take your time


Jens Anderson: Well my story is a funny one! Gimme a few minutes to type it all out

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Haha please take your time

Jens Anderson: I just got my toes wet in the BSC ecosystem and have been studying a bunch of projects and investing in cool stuff like Auto and ACryptos. I was chatting with people in those communities and suddenly a guy was yelling “ARE THERE ANY DEVS AROUND?” and he kept writing about how he has a freelance project up for grabs.

I message this guy and tell him I’m a seasoned dev and interested in doing some work on the BSC chain. He sends me a link to Wynaut’s homepage and asks me if I can copy EVERYTHING!

Logo, smart contracts, any whitepaper they might have had and whatever. Wynaut was like 3 days old at this point in time and was valued at way under 1c.

I became curious why anyone would be so eager to copy them. I jumped into Wynaut’s telegram and THE FUNNIEST SHIT was posted by the funniest people

Crazy memes, fun jokes and a very cozy environment. There were a few hundred strangers there that were just having a great time.

So I fell in love with it, jokingly bought a few coins, then more, and more, and suddenly I was very very deep. The rest is history as they say

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it is very exciting

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: What year was that?

Jens Anderson: Like 2–3 weeks ago?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Oh haha, congratulations for become part of Wynaut team

Jens Anderson: Thanks, it’s been a community-based team from the get go

P W: I wish my story was as interesting as Jens!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are in a hurry to find out your story

P W: I’m a crypto investor with digital marketing and advertising experience in the fiat world. I originally came onboard to help Wynaut out with social, invested some of my crypto wins and got increasingly involved with the team.

I’m from a family of crypto investors?—?my brother runs a crypto exchange in the UK and I myself have held various tokens and altcoins since 2015.

I can tell you that the Wynaut community is like no other, and we’re all excited to use our skills to make this project as exciting and rewarding as possible for everyone involved!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You are very funny guys! And we really like it

Jens Anderson: Well we call ourselves the Doge of Binance

P W: Haha! Now this whole club knows

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Our best wishes for you in this stage, Satoshi Club community is excited to know more details about Wynaut project. We have collected some questions for the first part of the AMA, are your ready?

Jens Anderson: yeah, can’t wait

P W: Looking forward to it Andres!

Q1 from Telegram User @meml97

Team Rocket is known for being the main villains a lot of times in the Pokemon universe, with this in mind, why did you decide to make “The Team Rocket Finance” and what goals do you have set for it? Aren’t you worried of being associated with bad things? For what kind of “troubles” do we have to be prepare and will you make them double?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: The best villians of the anime

Jens Anderson: oooh that’s a good one

PW got ya covered on that one

P W: Oh wow, great question! Well to start off with, Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet?—?the replacement to Meowth, the famous gen 1 Team Rocket Pokemon.

When we first made Wynaut, the branding was solely focused on that. However, when we wanted to create a really interesting yield farming proposition, Meowth felt like a great choice.

Wynaut (Wobbuffet) and Meowth both being Team Rocket Pokemon, we all thought ‘well what if we call ourselves Team Rocket Finance. why not / wynaut?’

Team Rocket in the anime are lovable villains, we’re more focused on the fun side of them than the villainy of course!

Jens Anderson:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You have to do this too

Jens Anderson:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I love this cat

P W: Just like Team Rocket, we plan to grow?—?for us that means we’ll be adding new features, new utilities, new use cases along the way

No escaping this one Jens

Jens Anderson: I’m answering with pics

They say a thousand words

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Haha of course, but there will be different phases coming? for example Katnia

P W: Definitely?—?we’re launching our Gen2 tokens soon, you could call it the next phase of Team Rocket Finance

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers

I am very impressed that you make serious things funny.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Ohh I am really excited to know the coming names and details

That’s the better way to create a great project I think. Well thank you so much for this answers, let’s proceed with the next question

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks guys!

Ready for the next question?

P W: Let’s do it!

Jens Anderson: Hit me!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: to the very heart

Jens Anderson: (with the question, please don’t slap me)

Q2 from Telegram User @Brainchest

Reading the articles on Medium, I see that you are very funny guys. In addition, you are good developers. Tell us if there are any plans to make a game with the presence of the NFT. After all, this is now a mega-HYIP. By making a game with your inherent humor, you will win over a lot of users.

P W: NFTs are definitely one of the hot topics for the team at the moment! We’ve been working with a load of talented artists to produce graphics, images, drawings etc. that we’ll use for NFT.

This will inherently gamify our ecosystem by adding something collectible to it, but over time we would absolutely love to add more game-like features.

We can’t promise a full game with the launch of Gen2, but we can promise that we’re all excited to bring NFT features to the community

Jens Anderson: Yeah most of the funny stuff on those articles come from our very own rapper! (Y Not)


P W: One of the team has been in talks with a game developer but it’s still incredibly early days! Expect collectibles first and we’ll build on that. Y Not is an incredible hypeman / writer / rapper / philosopher that brings all of his creative skills to our team!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes yes … I saw too

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: it seems that having a good sense of humor is one of the requirements to be part of the team

P W: It definitely helps!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Maybe I should pass my CV

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Jens Anderson: That’s my JAM!

We are currently pushing a lot of ideas regarding NFT collectibles and are working with very talented artists to generate proper art on the blockchain. These might end up in games in the future

I look forward to speak more about this when the Gen-2 platform is live and we’ve refined the ideas some more

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Could you share some of them? or they have not designs yet?

Jens Anderson: Yeah

This one’s very very cute and is directly linked to our Gen 2 tokens

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I really love it

P W: ‘thefuture.png’

Jens Anderson: Meet Baby Meownaut

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Great desgin

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: baby cute

Jens Anderson: Yeah all of us “hard guys” in the team had soft knees when we saw it haha

P W: We’ve got loads coming up but baby Meownaut is directly linked to our upcoming launch. You can see him hanging about on our website as a teaser for the community. They weren’t meant to know that

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: How can we earn those lottery winnings?

P W: Great question! We launched the Meowth lottery yesterday, which currently runs twice a day.

To enter, you can buy a ticket for 1000 Meowth, and winning numbers are drawn at 0700 UTC (UK time) and 1500 UTC.

This is a cool example of how the community influences the development of Team Rocket Finance actually. The lottery came up as a great way to spend and burn Meowth, and we used community feedback to quickly decide on the finer details too!

We’ll keep refining this until it’s the most exciting lottery in all of BSC

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: So interesting, I will join, I hope to have good luck to win

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: give a link where we can buy, please

Jens Anderson: Hope you don’t have PW’s luck!

This guy didn’t win a 90% chance of winning during testing!

P W: Ugh this is actually a true story

Haha good luck Andres! I haven’t won yet, I’ll water my money plant later though

Jens Anderson: Some community members won big yesterday though

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Haha thank you my friend

P W: Thanks Gold! Go to to buy your tickets to the Meowth Lottery

Jens Anderson:

Over 200K Meowth’s up for grabs currently

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And thank you! In fact, I very rarely win in such lottery… maybe lucky this time

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

I never

P W: You got luck on your side this time Gold!

Jens Anderson: Fingers crossed!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks

Sorry, longread )))

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Thank you for the clarification, are you ready for the next question?

Or do you want to add something else?

Jens Anderson: Hit me! (with the next question)

P W: I’m ready too

Q3 from Telegram User @MihaiPisica

One of the ongoing issues that have faced the community since the infamous dev wallet theft is that the original APY figures were based on your promising launch of a market-leading APY that was great for everyone, at least until that incident. How did you set this right? Can you assure further situations like this will not happen? How do you plan the rebuilding of the project and the community itself? How about reactions over revealing of your two new tokens, with regards to Wynaut and Meowth? How they will work?

P W: Firstly, great question from Mihai?—?it’s really important that we let everyone know how the team and the community have been working together to rebuild the Wynaut / Team Rocket project since that dev wallet theft.

To start off with, since we built the new team comprised of the trusted old team members and new people from the community, we have been able to get the Wynaut dev wallet fully renounced and the Meowth dev wallet only holds small funds for burns, lotteries and small marketing costs.

The majority of the liquidity for Wynaut and Meowth is in the hands of the community?—?as the Mandalorian would say, ‘this is the way’.

Jens Anderson: And also there are two sides of this coin?—?trust and tokenomics/business logic

P W: Going forward, we are moving the new tokens onto a multi-signature wallet?—?this means that any decisions that involve token transactions will only be approved if the team democratically agrees.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

P W: Love it!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Me too

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Talking about it, could you share your tokenomics with us?

P W: The Gen2 tokens have increased usability?—?my favourite features are Claim All which takes all of your farmed rewards and puts them in your wallet in one transaction (lowering gas fees), and Compound All which does the same but puts them back into a pool.

So they’ll be safer with the new dev wallet structure and also more useful for the community. Although BSC’s gas fees are considerably cheaper than ETH, I think everyone agrees they would rather pay less gas!

Jens Anderson: We’ve been working a lot on building trust internally in the team and also in the community. Internally we’ve doxxed eachother and aren’t anonymous anymore. We are working on a multisig wallet for the new platform and will distribute power, so any one person can never go rougue.

We have a few ideas for how to keep TVL high to ensure liquidity for the new tokens and making these funds inacessible to us.

On the tech-side, the old tokenomics were great. At least the idea of them, but the parameters themselves need tweaking.

Currently Wynaut has a 3,6% fee attached to its transfer. 1.8% is burned and 1.8% is distributed to all the holders!

We like this idea and will keep it for the next gen, but we’ll slightly tweak the numbers for sustainability.

P W: Wynaut has already been audited, and we plan to do the same with our Gen2 tokens too.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Which company has audited Wynaut?

Jens Anderson: Another issue with the current platform are the farms. They really are rather randomly setup. You can farm meowth for more meowth, so what’s the purpose of it?

The new platform will give each token it’s specific role to play. Wynaut-2 is your deflationary store of value that should increase in price over time with the decrease in supply, while meowth-2 is your inflationary token that will be used as currency on the platform (Lottery, NFT’s, etc.).

We are playing with the idea that Wynaut Exclusively can farm meowth, such that the farms make sense and have sensible APY’s.

P W:


Hope that PDF helps for anyone that wants to do a deep dive!

The audit was done by Vidar?—?following the audit where he noted the power of the dev wallet to change the fee structure as a potential vulnerability, the dev wallet has been fully renounced.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great useful feature, to be honest

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Great work facing the issues

P W: Really appreciate it! It’s vital that we face those issues head on and solve them properly. Big thanks to Mihai for asking a vital question

Jens Anderson: Of course we are also looking to get the Gen-2 platform fully audited multiple times

P W: The more eyes on it, the better. We’re happy for anyone to check out the contracts

Jens Anderson: Trust, security and sustainability are the three pillars of Gen-2

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Gold words

Thanks guys for the clarification! Ready for the next question?

P W: Sure!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Shoot @AndresM77

Q4 from Telegram User @garrinepotter

I found information that you hold meetings with the community and jointly make decisions on the project. I am sure that the events are fun because your project makes a smile thanks to the anime characters. But are there really important decisions in such a cartoon atmosphere? Share with us what major changes have been implemented shared in the community and who has the right to vote. Can you call yourself a full-fledged DAO?

Jens Anderson: “But are there really important decisions in such a cartoon atmosphere?”

The community is all fun and games, but there is serious money at play here. While the environment is playful, we fully acknowledge and take the responsibility we have when it comes to people’s money.

Any decision we make has impact on people’s investments. We *always* go through tens or hundreds of game-theoretic scenarios before we decide upon anything. We sometimes get complaints about why we did this and that, but most people do not think deeply about all the parameters and stakeholders at play. Everyone only thinks about their own specific situation, but we have everyone’s situation in mind. We want to do right to all our beloved community members, and every single decision is serious to us.

P W: The graphics are fun, the theme is fun, and of course we’re basing it off of a beloved cartoon universe. But we want to do right by everyone with an ecosystem that is built securely by a team that can trust each other fully, and create something that allows people to invest and enjoy themselves at the same time.

I guess you can see that there’s two sides to Team Rocket Finance?—?the playful creative side, and the serious tokenomics and trust that underpin it all!

Jens Anderson: We are not a fully-fledged DAO at all. The past two weeks have been rather chaotic and we’ve taken the devil by its horn to revive the community and the tokens. Someone had to take charge and do what needed to be done. 4000 people deciding at times of chaos wasn’t plausible. However we’ve stabilized quite a bit since then, and we are slowly moving towards more and more community-focused decisions.

We hope to be able to stake one of our tokens in a governance system sometime in the future, however. I personally look forward to that.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your position. If you want, you can share your plans for 2021.

P W: A governance system is definitely something that has been discussed already in the team. We have to take steps towards being a DAO of course.

Jens shall we tell them about the pre-sale?

Jens Anderson: Yeah!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Yes please, and some details about your roadmap for this year would be great

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Everyone can fall, only the strong can rise! You are strong and funny guys

Jens Anderson:

P W: Just to recap?—?Wynaut is a deflationary and reflectionary token that burns 1.8% of all transactions, and reflects 1.8% of all transactions back to its HODLers. Meowth is our inflationary token created by frictionless staking within our eco system.

Essentially, we are rolling out the same features of Wynaut and Meowth into the new tokens?—?holders will only get the new benefits (security, usability and more) with the ‘Generation 2’ tokens because of how the contracts are set up.

So with new features, and the heavily discounted pre-sale price for Wynaut and Meowth holders that I can tell you about right now (!!!), we expect that people will naturally move towards Generation 2 tokens… here we go:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We really love the secrets and hints at Satoshi Club

P W: Pre-sale info is as follows:

We have to finalise the calculations for the exchange, but currently they stand at:

1 Wynaut = 1 new token

1.8 Meowth = 1 new token

This is the early pre-sale price for our community.

We will also have an option for people who do not hold Wynaut and Meowth:

1 CAKE = 37 new tokens.

This places Wynaut and Meowth at an incredible discount, compared to buying via CAKE. We will then launch an improved lottery, and some of the NFT features we discussed that people will be able to join in with using Gen2 tokens.

Our roadmap includes:

– a massively improved user experience for trading and staking in our ecosystem

– Gen2 improvements with multi-signature wallets and optimised contracts for lower gas fees

– the development of NFTs

Naturally, as the community continues to stabilise and grow, we will be looking to the community to suggest and vote on new features

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: What are the main benefits for holders?

Jens Anderson: The plan is to build a whole eco-system surrounding cool NFT’s, gamification and collectibles. “Wynaut-2” will be the deflationary SoV of this platform and will be used to farm the currency (Meowth-2) of the ecosystem. With time the supply of wynaut-2 will fall by *a lot* and if the ecosystem becomes the success we are working towards, the demand will rise extremely too. So you’d be holding a token that has high demand, low supply, all the while you’ve been farming a bunch of currency and gotten the reflection fees. The longer you hold, the more your stack grows basically.

Let me iterate how powerful an idea it is:

Your stack grows, but the supply falls.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Wow, you have an strong project, I should recognize you for that

P W: We really appreciate that Andres!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thanks for the answer! ready for the next one?

Jens Anderson: HIT ME

P W: Let’s do it!

Q5 from Telegram User @ovkneze_big

I know that Wynaut is a frictionless token with a burn mechanism?—?every transaction burns 3.6%. That means 1.8% gets subtracted (burned) from the total supply, and the other 1.8% is distributed evenly among all hodlers and sent directly to your wallet. Tell me if this burns already work, how many tokens already were burned or when do you plan to start this. Also, i want to ask if this mechanism is working with those who is farming their Wynaut in your pools?

Jens Anderson: Wynaut had an initial supply of 36M tokens but currently stands at around 23.7M and keeps falling. It’s been alive for 3 weeks only. Imagine 3 years.

Obviously with the turnover to new tokens we are hitting the reset button. But this is everyone’s chance to get in from the very beginning!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: I imagine a big pump

Jens Anderson: Oh you had another question in there

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Good chance!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Btw, for join the pre-sale is there a whitelist?

Jens Anderson: Open for everyone!

And any cake we receive, we plan to support TVL with then burn our access to it

“Also, i want to ask if this mechanism is working with those who is farming their Wynaut in your pools?”

Yeah. The reflection is passed on to the pool, of which you have a %-stake of, so when you withdraw, your extra tokens will be in that calculation too.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes explain with farming

P W: Open for everyone, but the best rates are for Wynaut and Meowth holders of course!

Jens Anderson: It will ensure a base amount of liquidity that no one is removing. Giving the new tokens a good start in life.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Everything is clear to me

Thanks! Are you ready to proceed to the next question?

Jens Anderson: Yes, hit me

P W: Ready for it!

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Go

Q6 from Telegram User @Pratze

After join in your telegram, I saw your community chat about lotto ticket and lottery system. So what are the connection this lottery with Wynauth project? Is this kind of airdrop or new presale system, and how does your lottery system work? And also what are the prize for the winner?

P W: The lottery system spends and burns Meowth?—?it’s a fun way to manage the inflation of a naturally inflationary token. Later on down the line, we’re looking at adding NFTs into the lottery. How cool would it be to enter the lottery, and even if you don’t win Meowth, you get an exclusive NFT?

The winning numbers for the next Meowth Lottery will be drawn in 11.5 hours?—?currently the jackpot is over 200k Meowth! Feel free to get your ticket and I wish you the best of luck @Pratze

Jens Anderson: I want to invite anyone who’s wondering about it to head over to the lottery page and click around. There a bits of information that should make it straight forward

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: Satoshiclubbers, let’s join, that price should remain here

Haha we would love it if Satoshi Club got involved with Wynaut and Meowth, and benefitted from the pre-sale prices! Then I think you are ready to interact with our community

P W: Let’s do it

Jens Anderson:

Andres M. | Satoshi Club: The part 2 is coming, the rain of questions

Jens Anderson: Let’s play boys and girls!

Part 2?—?live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @Mamberr0y

Your X10 extreme speed initiative for farms and pools in Wynautdefi was a complete success ,I understand this is not the first extreme speed ,I know it just finished but when will be the next one ? Or what other initiative do you plan to implement in the future? I think extreme speed differentiates them by far from other farms or pools.

Jens Anderson: There will definetly be more Extreme farms coming

However they won’t be full-week events, it was a bit overkill. We learned a lot from this one. We will periodically turn it up 10x a few hours and make it worthwhile for those, who are keeping up with latest news

Q2 from Telegram User @stargateeatlantis

I want to join but what are the basic requirements for me required to join and start using Wynaut?

P W: Great question actually?—?you need a wallet compatible with BSC (Binance Smart Chain) transactions. I personally use Metamask, but some of our community use Trust Wallet and BINANCE Chain Wallet.Once you have that set up, just go to, and the Trade buttons in the menu will allow you to buy Wynaut and Meowth through the awesome team at PancakeSwap!

Q3 from Telegram User @Beterror203

Hello @pw0_0 You say on your channel that you exchange $ WYNAUT and $ MEOWTH, farm and pool, and buy lottery tickets, you have a lottery but if I am a small investor I will also have a chance since whales can have an advantage over this or is there a limit per person?

Jens Anderson: Everyone’s chance is weighted by risk by nature. Imagine you putting in $10 and having a chance of winning $10k. Now imagine someone putting in $1k and winning nothing. The more you risk, the higher your chance to win, *but you are risking more*. So it’s fair for everyone.

Q4 from Telegram User Da Funk

The rap songs are straight bangers. Is Y Not doing everything, writing, producing, rapping etc?

P W: Y Not is a creative machine. We’re very lucky that he can write, rap, produce and promote his songs for us. I’ll link to his latest track now!

Q5 from Telegram User @Ebelto

They recently changed the domain from Teamrocket app to Wynautdefi. app how hard was it to make this change? And what security measures did you implement to ensure the well being of your users and your platform?

@pw0_0 @JensAnderson

@pw0_0 @JensAnderson

Jens Anderson: This is a very good question actually.When the new team formed (fully community-based) we had no control over the platform. We didn’t have any of the logins for twitter, medium, github, domains etc. The first two days was focused on gaining control back. Little by little we got the code, the smart contracts, passwords etc. But we weren’t able to get the domain, so we had to move over. Currently we are 100% in control of everything and there is no outside-risk to it. Even the wynaut smart contract has no owner now, since the original dev renounced ownership.

Q6 from Telegram User @spongeboblu

Are there any other social media platforms or other online places that you are promoting and advertising Wynaut to grow communities other than telegram? Or is it just telegram for now?

P W: We use a few actually! I’ll drop some links here:





Q7 from Telegram User @moonhold

The key part here is the time, what’s the longest time I can lock my tokens with Wynaut defi?

P W: We actually offer frictionless, flexible staking so there isn’t a set time. Of course we would love for you to HODL your Wynaut and Meowth, but the main rewards are from 1.8% reflect in Wynaut and the Meowth rewards from farming and pooling. There’s a great mechanic between the two tokens that we think is really interesting and lucrative, and it gives holders the flexibility to move around as they see fit.

Q8 from Telegram User @rioliandaro

Wynaut = Pokemon.

Are you a big fan of pokemon ??

P W: Funny story: as a 10-year-old, I built my very first website about Pokemon (Red and Blue at the time). Feels like we were destined to meet again with Wynaut and Meowth!

Q9 from Telegram User @kosku21

How do you work to expand the community and become more known? What are you planning in the project with the other DeFi ecosystems? Do you plan to have technological alliances or be one more competition?

Jens Anderson: Great question. Obviously we are doing cool AMA’s like this one! They help a lot. We’ve recently gained a new team member who has absolutely awesome graphical skills. He also has a grand vision for marketing and branding. We are planning, under his advisory, a complete makeover of the websites which includes synchronized branding across all our social media accounts. The NFT’s will also spread like wildfire we believe, since we have very good idea’s about how to create a collector’s environment with them. You know the feeling people had when they bought a pack of pokemon cards and a legendary was in there? We will bring this to the blockchain.

Q10 from Telegram User @joy19x

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so with Your project what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here?

P W: We would love to build a larger community in Southeast Asia?—?I myself am half Southeast Asian (half Filipino). We see massive potential to grow our community there. We already have a Vietnamese Telegram channel, and if anyone else would like to help grow our ecosystem in Southeast Asia then please feel free to reach out.

Q11 from Telegram User @thanbien

How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to prove? What are your expectations?

Jens Anderson: The original dev is not with us anymore. But when I asked him, his answer was that it was just a meme. But an interesting thing happened, where a special community was building around it based on wynaut memes. Community grew from 300 to 4000 in like two days. So it was never intended to blow up, but it did. After the collapse, the new team wanted to rebuild it and we were astonished by how much support and faith the communtiy was still showing! So we decided to evolve through the meme-project and actually provide real value. That’s where the things with NFT’s and tokenomics that I was explaining earlier come into play.

Q12 from Telegram User @ubuntucoder

The defi market is a new technology growing very rapidly and there are security breaches almost everyday in defi projects so what Wynaut have on security problems of those?

P W: We mentioned it earlier, but there are a few factors where we feel we are making massive improvements?—?Wynaut has already been audited, and we will be seeking multiple audits for the Gen2 coins. We also have a team that have internally doxxed, and we are moving onto a multi-signature wallet system so that control of the token development is split fairly across the system. DeFi is an incredible new tech, I completely agree. At the same time, we can take so much guidance from DevSecOps from more established fields. Luckily our team has massive experience here!

Q13 from Telegram User @AllenLu

The lottery is done weekly or daily, how do they do it, how does it work, how do I know that it is truly transparent? @pw0_0

Jens Anderson: The lottery is a fork of Pancakeswap’s own lottery. The mechanism is very similar and the smart contracts themselves are not that different. Millions of $ are being paid out by pancakeswap and it is a grand success. So the model itself has been proven to work. We will add our own ideas (hint; legendary NFT’s) to the lottery when we are ready, so it will become its own truly unique product.

Q14 from Telegram User @Akira23

Is it possible for you to tell us the incentive and advantages for investors to hold Wynaut and Meowth token in a long term? What strategy do you have to support and handle demand and shortage of the token?

Jens Anderson: The plan is to build a whole ecosystem surrounding cool NFT’s, gamification and collectibles. “Wynaut-2” will be the deflationary SoV of this platform and will be used to farm the currency (Meowth-2) of the ecosystem. With time the supply of wynaut-2 will fall by *a lot* and if the ecosystem becomes the success we are working towards, the demand will rise extremely too. So you’d be holding a token that has high demand, low supply, all the while you’ve been farming a bunch of currency and gotten the reflection fees. The longer you hold, the more your stack grows basically.

Let me iterate how powerful an idea it is:

Your stack grows, but the supply falls.

Q15 from Telegram User @ronaldo_super

I want to earn coins while giving your system liquidity so which coins can I use?

P W: Hey Ronaldo, good question! I would recommend buying either Wynaut or Meowth on and then creating a liquidity pool with BNB, CAKE or BUSD that you can farm

When you farm with LP, or pool with Meowth, you are rewarded with more Meowth. This incentivises people to stay within our ecosystem and enjoy growing their stacks.

Farming is a humble profession, but one I enjoy—?go to Trade at the top to get started

Part 3?—?Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Wynaut. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 3000$.

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