A $BTC Global Reserve: The Satoshi Standard In a Changing World Order / Entry2

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In the second entry of my ?? ??? discoveries, I review "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order" by Ray Dalio and "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous, integrating the thesis of each into a lens for interpreting the direction of our global future in the Information Age.

Over a decade has passed since Satoshi Nakamoto slipped off into the sunset without scorn or glory, setting free the innovation of Bitcoin into the wild to emerge as a pioneer species of regenerative force for social evolution. This little peak behind the scenes of the environment it was released in, can help inform speculation of how society adapts to the creation.

Hyper-Bitoinization is inevitable and these books combined, explain one of the reasons why.

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Generation X were coming of age at the dawning of a revolutionary transition into the Information Age; caught between the two population behemoths sharing this transition (Millennials and Boomers) often nurturing multiple generations in their homes as more and more today care for both parents and children in the same household. Could Satoshi Nakamoto be a GenX'er with that same quiet and humble disposition, sensitive to the intersections of past and future? There, is the belief that Satoshi Nakamoto is not a he or she, but rather a group, of possibly multi-generational individuals. It's interesting to ponder; the anonymous creator(s) walking away from the immaculate conception of Bitcoin. Was it the noble silence of a Generation, sweeping through in a grand gesture towards humanity's liberation from centralized monetary rule, forfeiting all praise, rewards, and accolades of such achievements? It could have also been mere precaution and mindfulness of the repercussions that disrupting such megalithic powers, that an innovation such that Bitcoin is, would threaten, meaning possible risk to personal safety, that Satoshi Nakamoto walked away from.  Over a decade has passed since slipping off into the sunset without scorn or glory, setting free the innovation into the wild to emerge as a pioneer species of regenerative force for social evolution. Having gained such rapid adaption, that even if the identity resurfaced today by cashing out the 4.5% of Nakamoto's Bitcoin holding, would be a fraction of the 7% inflation loss from the U.S. dollar's value this year alone. 

With only clues to chase, within the code of Bitcoin, a likely motive for developing it, alludes to the 2008 financial crisis as signaling the need for a tool to empower global monetary exchange, while stripping back control from central authorities. A message in the Genesis Block code, the root of the Bitcoin blockchain structure, reads, "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks." 

A likely interpretation, would assume motive as contempt for blatant use at the time of tax payers footing the bill for the global economic impact of predatory banking conglomerates. The wealthy elite lavishing their lifestyles on the backs of the general populace, spurring a global economic recession to do so, is illustrative of the decadence during cycle tops that can be imagined of the peak days prior to the fall of the Roman era on the Denerius Standard, to the numerous Global Reserves pre-dating today's supremacy of the US dollar. "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order" by Ray Dalio, looks deeper into those cycle tops and bottoms, disseminating his teams' research that analyzes the indicators behind archetypal measures of societies; including education, innovation, military, and more. These averaged out into cycles repeating over time in the rise and fall of changing issuers of the Global Standard Reserve Currency. These "Big Cycles" are comprised of various social indicators gaining momentum in The Rise, peaking at The Top, then falling during The Decline, eventually unfolding over an average of approximately 100 years as the Standard of the Global Reserve Currency. In continuing through multiple  Big Cycles over time,  as power falls from previous Global Reserve Standard holders, a new Big Cycle begins, ushering in a New World Order, and with it, the issuer of the new Global Reserve Currency. The rise and falling of each empire having held the prominence of Global Reserve Issuer, can be plotted in these arcs composed accordingly to the measure of indicators, from the Dutch Guilder giving way to the French Livre, before giving way to the British Sterling, which gave way to the U.S. dollar. Advantages and disadvantages in the indicators included in Dalio's analysis, imply that the US dollar, having been the Global Reserve Currency for approximately 80 years, appears positioned to give way to China and their Yuan currency. However, part of the equation factoring into the prevailing Global Reserve, is the soundness of hard money. Gold had held this lead the longest, and currencies have attempted to displace it, centralizing the control of gold, which has disrupted and corrupted that market value.  Historic and logical evidence of how infringing on the Gold market caused it to lose value as the standard, which the falling value of every currency on Earth, backed by gold or otherwise, can be detangled into characteristics essential for an instrument to meet the Standard of freely becoming the Global Reserve.

"The BItcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous, explains how free markets seek a common trading medium, which the market chooses based on salability, making the most sellable asset, that which can be most easily liquidated according to characteristics of transportability, divisibility, and store of value; becoming the Standard Reserve, or the most held medium of trade, among global economic participants. Hard money, is determined by the difficulty to reproduce it, with the stock-to-flow ratio as a reliable measure of hardness, representing a ratio of supply and future production, with the higher the ratio, the more capable it is, as a store of value over time. Government fiat-money, backed by decree, authority, or a promise, attempts to deprive the free market from choosing, though as the most sound money is sought, the debasement of fiat through centralization as it becomes more debt-backed, begins to lose value in reproduction, leading to inflation, meanwhile, debasing the price of goods and services to foreign trade. Hardness of government money, depends entirely on the select individual's decisions of reproduction or printing more; which debases the stock to flow ratio as seen throughout the failing currencies worldwide. Sound money is a tool for FREEDOM, as being determined by a free market becomes a true store of value, (ie. with the most salability) opposed to a tool for government obedience. By holding value over time, sound money creates lower time preference, incentivizing saving and investing in production for the future. This time-preference shift, works as a keystone for building a healthy civilization, as planning and expansion from the delayed gratification reaps higher future rewards and the passing down of generational wealth among other measures for growth. That's the correlation seen between Bitcoiners and health; having a lower time preference, as the appreciation of the Standard their chosen Reserve is in, incentivizes planning for tomorrow rather than with just living for today. 

As the U.S. dollar cycles out, in "The Decline" stage, upcoming competitors will play out and position for power to take reign as the new Global Reserve. Imagine an innovation programmed specifically for the highest function of money as a means to transmit value of diverse scale, across space and time. Imagine a Global Standard that did not bow to the whims of any Nation and no central authority. 

What separates Bitcoin from all others, is the creators' identities at this point of the network's growth, has become irrelevant in the continued functioning of the Bitcoin protocol as originally released into the wild. The Worldwide market is choosing an incorruptible, ledgered record, distributed through encrypted sovereignty, with more than a decade of continued operations without a leader or central authoritative control, continuing the utility of transferring value across time and space in divisible scale, through the software network of Bitcoin, securing a limited stock of $BTC and a pre-determined flow of a 21million fixed supply, increasing confidence in the Stock-to-flow ratio. Satoshi Nakamoto developed it perfectly leaving the open-source code, transparent to all, operating to the full function of the white paper design. Global Geo-Politcal changes are transfusing exponentially around us all as we speak. Gate-keepers and authorities are increasingly losing returns from the historic tactics of violence and coercion as emerging structures threaten their rule ( ie. Lightning Network).

It's very informative to gain the insights in the Bitcoin Standard of the attacks the Bitcoin protocol has endured and emerged from with integrity intact, and comparisons in examples such as the Ethereum DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that although was marketed as "decentralized" still buckled to a back door authorization of rolling back the chain, or projects premined with 88% volume going to an Originator(s) Account(s). 

The moral of the story about how the Information Age is restructuring our social interactions worldwide, is that the integrity of decentralization that the Bitcoin Network alone can claim, makes it KING among all the copycat attempts that have followed. Growing over a decade with first to market network effects, the #Bitcoin protocol that protects each $BTC and Satoshi, is most fit to meet the new emerging Standard for sound money as the Global Reserve. Reserve being the key word, hints to the core strategy to build our wealth most in the strongest and most widely used asset, meaning STACK and STORE your $BTC for generational wealth. 

(Bitcoin is for Saving ;)

EVERY other digital asset is an investment in start-up tech and crypto projects with developers, investors, marketers, and other controlling interests that debase it automatically as a store-of-value. The second largest market-cap having connections to legacy banking groups, and simply the commercial interests of corporate tech, make them all unlikely to meet the Sound Money Standard needed to become THE Global Reserve. I am not against trading or gambling, but want to clarify the difference between #Bitcoin and ALL others. I know many Bitcoin maximalists are Anti- any other crypto investing, as a matter of ethos, in the slowing of Hyper-Bitcoinization and the effects of the Global Monetary Revolution on humanity as a whole. 

I believe that Hyper-Bitcoinization is inevitable but more than that,

 I believe in FREEDOM, 

    above all..... to get us there ~*~

I like to prescribe these 2 minute truth-pills with these entries as extra topic tid-bits that correlate with my summary review. 

For this edition, Check out "Winner Takes All" by Tip_nz, flawlessly breaking down the main themes I came away from these books with.

https://youtu.be/cVpZbZOMoeo I recommend unpackaging the remaining insights I left for you to discover in "Principles for Changing World Order" and "The Bitcoin Standard" 

I've provided links to the sources I've used in the references section below


Odysee :  https://odysee.com/@CryptoChronicles:95 Minds : https://www.minds.com/cryptochronicleshttps://twitter.com/manifestm5 PublishOx : https://www.publish0x.com/jakovapen and all that, to keep our energy circulating towards a peaceful monetary revolution and the social progress a Bitcoin Standard will unleash as value transfer backed by truth, integrity, and soundness, written directly into the heart of the code, is having on our world 

 I've also just joined the Lightning Network and welcome any tips or even just to test out the service if you like ;)

Much Gratitude for any donations and support!

BTC Wallet Address:


Regulation and Society adoption

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