3 Reasons Why Bitcoin Brings You Peace of Mind.

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We live in a more uncertain world than ever before. It's a reality you have to come to terms with. Whether you like it or not, you have to face reality, accept it, and then adapt. It is an absolute necessity.

In 2020, a pandemic on a scale not seen in decades suddenly hit the world. No one thought it would happen. And yet, it did. This pandemic of COVID-19 will have shown how ill-prepared we were for this type of event.

It also highlighted the flaws in the current monetary and financial system like never before.

Just under two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, a war broke out on Europe's doorstep. While everyone thought that we would never see this again in Europe, and that the lessons of the second world war would be forever engraved in the memories of men, Vladimir Putin decides to attack Ukraine to wage a war of another time.

If I say out of time, it's because nobody thought he was capable of going so far. Everybody thought that he was doing this for months to put pressure on America, the European Union, and Ukraine in the framework of negotiations, but nobody thought that he would decide to go to war against Ukraine.

Here again, it is the astonishment that prevails, and everyone starts to fear a nuclear war that could happen for any reason. Here again, the current system shows its limits, but this time at the political level. A man elected by the people has been able to impose absolute power and then lead his country into an absurd war, the consequences of which will be paid for dearly by the people.

For those of you who don't own Bitcoin yet, I think it's time to ask yourself the right questions and understand why owning it is an absolute necessity for peace of mind. I'll give you the 3 main reasons here.

Bitcoin allows you to no longer be at the mercy of the arbitrariness of the powerful at the head of the current system

The current monetary and financial system suffers from seven flaws that will lead to its downfall. Period. At the root of these flaws is the possibility given to central bankers to print as much fiat money out of thin air as they deem necessary. It is in their interest to do so, because it allows them to take control of the world little by little.

To justify these arbitrary decisions, however, the central bankers must have the consent of the people. This consent is best obtained when the people are afraid. The more afraid you are, the more you are willing to adopt the “Follow the leader” mentality. A mentality that is easier of course, because it does not require you to be responsible for your choices

So you will prefer to trust your leaders. The price to pay will be high when you wake up. As you can see, our leaders are leading us straight into the wall. Their arbitrary decisions are only meant to protect an unjust monetary and financial system that benefits them.

Bitcoin is a special species. Bitcoin is not tied to any central bank. Bitcoin belongs to all its users, which gives everyone complete power over the fruits of their labor. With Bitcoin, you are no longer at the mercy of the arbitrariness of the powerful in the current system, but you are in a relentless system that highlights the advantage of a programmatic monetary policy

The laws of mathematics apply. They are written into the source code of Bitcoin, which runs no matter what happens within the nodes of the network. You have the freedom to run your node on the network to take complete control. By running your Bitcoin node, you have peace of mind.

The fruits of your labor are safe, and you will not be at the mercy of the bad decisions of a few powerful people who print fiat money out of thin air in infinite quantities, without even thinking about the ultra-negative consequences on the vast majority of the earth's inhabitants.

Bitcoin is your weapon to protect yourself from censorship and confiscation

Bitcoin offers the same opportunities to each of its users. That of a global P2P payment system whose transactions cannot be censored. When war breaks out between Ukraine and Russia, Bitcoin helps citizens of both countries in the same way.

Ukrainians can receive donations in Bitcoin to continue fighting for their country. It is their only way to continue while the banking system is put at risk. In Russia, the people can use Bitcoin to protect themselves from the consequences of Vladimir Putin's war.

Bitcoin protects you from censorship and confiscation. Best of all, Bitcoin allows Ukrainian refugees to leave their country with their wealth in their heads. All you have to do is remember your 12- or 24-word seed phrase and you can leave in a hurry and save your life.

This is something that gold can't offer you. At the border crossings or on the roads, smugglers would soon rob you. And I'm not even thinking about the Russian state, which could decide to seize gold from individuals in the best interest of the country.

Bitcoin gives you peace of mind that the fruits of your labor are safe in the world's most secure decentralized network.

Bitcoin encourages you to take responsibility for the security of your work product

Not your Keys, Not your Bitcoin

You all know this adage, because I keep telling you it. I keep telling you this because it's essential. If you don't own the private keys to your Bitcoin, you don't own anything!

In other words, you only own the Bitcoin you have the private keys to access

Some people are reluctant to take possession of their private keys because they think it's too complicated or they don't want to take responsibility for the security of their wealth themselves. If you're not willing to do that, you simply don't understand the why of Bitcoin.

You will enjoy only part of the benefits of Bitcoin, but you will be at the mercy of others who can confiscate the fruits of your labor, or censor your transactions. This is obviously not what you want. The great power that Bitcoin gives you will only be yours when you decide to take full ownership of it.

To fully achieve self-sovereignty with Bitcoin, the next step is to run your node. Then you will actually be able to have peace of mind. You will be anti-fragile.

In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter: Everything around Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the cryptocurrency market

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