What is PRESEARCH ? The search engine which gives you crypto.

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Earn PRE by searching on PRESEARCH

PRESEARCH is a decentralized search engine based on Ethereum blockchain which gives you back its native crypto token : the PRE.

First, by using my referral link, you will automatically earn 25 PRE (about 2$ worth) : https://www.presearch.org/signup?rid=2065130

Then, let's try to understand how it works. 

On PRESEARCH, you will earn money only by searching anything on it, whatever it is. the reward is 0.25 PRE per research and the daily limit is 32 researches (so 8 PRE). But there are other features that you could enjoy and use too.

Advertise for FREE

By staking PRE, you can stake keywords and advertise for your website or website you like a lot. You can buy PRE directly on the search engine if you want but you can also use this feature by collecting PRE as we have seen before. That makes advertisement totally free.

You can also create your own node if you want and if you want to help and secure this project and its protocol.


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