Visit my properties on Upland and get UPX Fruits NFTs on WAX!!!

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 Hello , in my last post I explained the origin of my collection of NFTs. Today I come to present the UPX Fruits collection and how you can get the NFTs. 


UPX Fruits:

     It is a collection of NFTs created on the WAX ??blockchain.

     The main purpose of these NFTs is to reward Upland users for visiting or doing real estate business with me. There will be a total of 10 different fruits.  Each asset can be minted a maximum of 100 times.

Collection Name: upxfruitssss

Schema: upxfruits

UPX Fruits Assets (availability)

  • UPX Lemon (49/100)     
  • UPX Cherry (2/100)       

How to get UPX Fruits


      Its very simple: First of all feel free to contact me(I have enabled a Discord server for this purpose). You just need to visit one of my properties and I will send you the UPX Fruits NFT on your WAX adress.

  • Get UPX Lemon: Visit one of my properies on Fresno. (Fee = 25 UPX)
  • Get UPX Cherry: Visit one of my properties on San Francisco.  (Fee = 100 UPX)

Properties to visit:

     FRESNO :



     You still don't know Upland!! Join with my referral link.

     Thank you for reading.

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