Upland--UPX coins

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Join Upland, the earth’s metaverse where you buy, sell, and trade virtual properties mapped to the Real World.

Become a digital land owner and run a virtual business to earn UPX coins. Connect with fellow Uplanders to build one of the largest communities and digital marketplaces. Be the 

True Owner of your digital assets because Upland is powered by 


Play Become one of the first digital land owners in Upland’s OPEN BETA by purchasing a virtual property mapped to a real-world address. Receive special rewards by completing signature property collections, participating in daily treasure hunts and live events. Ready to climb the leaderboard?     Earn Join a new economy where you have the opportunity to make money in the virtual and the real world. Start out by earning a return on your properties and collecting fees from visitors. Flip some of your properties for profit in the open marketplace. Create an income by running one of the many upcoming businesses in Upland. Ready to become a mogul? EARN NOW


Connect Socialize with fellow Uplanders in Discord and Telegram, and soon in one of Upland hang-out spaces like virtual coffee shops. Learn about best practices, strategies, tips and tricks, also by taking a look at the broad content of Upland’s Contributor Network . Make friends in Upland, make friends for life. Ready to join the community     FAQ Ever wanted to hear the answers to the common questions about Upland? Well, here you go:

What is Upland?

Upland is the earth’s metaverse mapped to the real world and accessible via web, iOS and Android. It has its own in-game economy, operating according to the laws of supply and demand set in motion by players such as yourself. Upland's foundation is built on three pillars: entertainment, community and business. Upland has been in open beta since January 2020. We have a detailed whitepaper available as well as a development roadmap detailing all the exciting features to come this year.



Who is behind Upland?

Upland was created and is operated by Uplandme, Inc., a Silicon Valley based company with support from organizations such as Block.one (creators of EOSIO blockchain), and veterans from the gaming, real estate and technology industries. The company was founded by Dirk LuethIdan Zuckerman and Mani Honigstein, each contributing from their own area of expertise. The rest of the team includes a development division in Ukraine as well as professionals based in the US and Germany.


Where can I find basic information and frequent updates about the company?

Official blog: https://www.medium.com/upland

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/uplandme

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/uplandme

Discord: https://discover.upland.me/discord

Telegram: https://t.me/upland


How do I join? What do I do? How do I win?

Please see our How to Guide.


I read that Upland is somehow connected to “blockchain” or “crypto”. Do I have to know anything about these to participate?

No! It’s true that Upland is powered by the EOS blockchain, that’s how we create true ownership. It’s also true that commerce in Upland takes place using a utility token. But you need to know literally nothing about these concepts to enjoy it! Upland uses the latest innovations in tech but its streamlined user interface is designed for the common individual. Just use and enjoy intuitively.


Is UPX, the internal token, a cryptocurrency? When can I withdraw it?

Technically speaking, UPX is a fungible token on the EOS blockchain, similar to any cryptocurrency. We have elected, however, to use UPX strictly as a utility token. This means it can only be used inside Upland and cannot be withdrawn. By doing so, we avoid UPX being traded on external or decentralized exchanges outside of our control and possibly being deemed a financial security by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC). Maintaining compliance with United States regulations is one of our top priorities. However, as the platform does include a real economy, we have elected to partner with the financial division of Linden Lab (creators of Second Life) to allow a new feature, coming soon, called “fiat out”. Using this feature, you can choose to sell your virtual properties and items for either UPX OR fiat (e.g. USD).

Our partner is officially licensed in all 50 US states. You can read more about that here.


How does the platform’s economy work?

Please see Upland Handbook.


What does “true ownership” mean? Are these virtual properties and other items really mine?

One of the magical things about using the blockchain, and some would say its primary benefit, is the idea of true ownership. The meaning of true ownership has evolved along with blockchain technology itself. At Upland, we define it as the notion that no one can control your in-game assets aside from you. When you reach Uplander status (10,000+ UPX net worth), an EOS blockchain account is automatically created for you. This is a real EOS account, just like you could create anywhere else. The private keys to that account are generated from your email/password combination, and are not stored on our servers. Though the Upland system helps you manage your EOS account, we can not control your in-game assets even if we wanted to, nor can anyone else. The account is yours forever and the assets inside it are yours forever.


The game is based in San Francisco and certain cities, but I’m not. What’s the point?

Being physically present at the location of your ‘block explorer’ (avatar) is not required. We know that the first place users want to own and develop their virtual properties may be in locations close to them, either geographically or in terms of familiarity. We started Upland in San Francisco, New York and other regions - but our dream is to reach every major locale around the world at some point in the next few years.




Regulation and Society adoption

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