Toshify Finance AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Community ( AMA especially for FastSwap DEX )

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On 27th of January Toshify Finance conducted their 4th AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was Rehan from Toshify Team. Our conversation was focused on FastSwap Dex. Let’s take a look at most interesting points from it.



Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. Mr. Rehan is here. Lol.

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Hi guys

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Welcome Rehan!

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Glad to be here Danny! Hope everyone is doing alright.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Happy to have you here again. Haha. This is AMA Number 4 for Toshify Finance in Crypto Revolution. It’s like your 2nd home here??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Yes! haha

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Quick few words for yourself for the people who don’t know you?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Absolutely. I am Project Strategist & Advisor to Toshify Finance. I have also designed the token metrics as well as pools rewards structure. I am here to talk about and our launch of v1.5 this Friday, 29 January.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. FastSwap Dex will bring Crypto Revolution for sure. We are ready to get to know more about it ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: The man, the legend, the visionary behind Toshify Finance is Dontoshi.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Dontoshi is a Legend. No doubts ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: I see what you did there lol.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Could you please present FastSwap in Layman’s term to the Community?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: FastSwap is platform offering DEX services, staking, pools, liquidity migration as well as a portal (Fast Bar) for our holders to earn revenues from FastSwap. We will have cross chain swap as well as LaunchSpot (IDO on our platform). The roadmap is it to become a Super Platform; no matter what you want to do crypto related, you can do it on FastSwap.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: This is awesome. Are you planning big surprising Airdrop like Uniswap did ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: We are but with a twist. We will rewards our users with quarterly airdrops. This will be for the next one year.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: ??????


Q1 from @Ontortk

What are the requirements staking on Fast Bar? What are the daily returns? Is there any lock-period for withdrawing my asset? And for claiming my rewards do I need to pay extra fees?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: No requirements at all. It is very simple. Stake your Fast tokens. That’s it. There is no lock period, the rewards are daily (it is from Fees earned) and there is no penalty or charges for withdrawing rewards or stake. And the best part is we will give 100% of fees earned on FastSwap for one year to our holders. 100%!!

Danny| Crypto Revolution: 100% Insane

Rehan | Toshify Finance: We have made it simple and fair. No holder is left out.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. How you will let’s say utilize YFT and MVP Holders using FastSwap?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: YFT & MVP holders will also be able to stake on Fast Bar to earn from fees. There are two dedicated pools for them for farming and they will also be able to participate in LaunchSpot projects

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Thank you. I know they fee like left behind but they are definitely not.

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Oh absolutely not! We got them covered!

Q2 from @Ontortk

Fastswap use Ethereum network which result in high Ethereum gas price. FastSwap v1.5 will launched on 29 January. Will this update solve high gas problem?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: We will give quarterly airdrops to our users. This will go a long way to reduce cost of Ethereum gas charges

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Got it. Seems pretty fair to me ??

Q3 from @Jupiter_Ji

1. What are your goals to the end of 2021 and beyond?

2. What problems have your project solved?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: 1) Cross chain swaps, Launch Spot & p2p payments are the goals of 2021 . 2) We wanted a platform that is intuitive, easy to use and easy to start earning for anyone.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: In your opinion why people have to move from Uniswap to FastSwap? Why they have to trade on FastSwap?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Quarterly airdrop, fees shared with holders, all in one platform & strong community.


Rehan | Toshify Finance: The main focus is to bring volume and users to FastSwap over the next few months. We will have cross chain swap powered by Polkadot Q3/Q4 2021. For ethereum high gas costs our quarterly airdrops will cover for it.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: What Marketing you plan in the next few months to bring more users to FastSwap?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Exactly what we have been doing so far. Our holders have increased consistently on a weekly basis. The number of holders have 3x in 3 weeks. I believe our marketing efforts are on point.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: I believe so too but as usual we have too many Moon Boys around ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Yes. Well as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: I agree. Patience is golden in Crypto


Rehan | Toshify Finance: To earn fees and other rewards consistently and forever.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: People can’t farm anymore both YFT and MVP right?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: That’s correct. There is no more ‘free’ YFT & MVP. I don’t really want to use the word free but you get what I mean. The max supply of both is what it will, it will never increase.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Could you please mention few words for FAST Tokenomics?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Circulating supply is 151,720. Max supply is 714,371

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Do you plan to list FAST on more CEXs?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Yes we do. We have even done a poll on what our holders preference are. We will be listing on a lot of CEXs.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: That’s nice

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Community is everything!



Rehan | Toshify Finance: Every holders of ours is an Ambassador. They represent the project. Our community support is just amazing. You can email us at [email protected]

Danny| Crypto Revolution: I like that. Every person is Ambassador. And I advise everyone if you want to help the Project you invested in don’t complain about the Price all the time. Go and spread Awareness ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Help the Project you invested in don’t complain!

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Before we move to Quiz Part what we are expecting on 29th of January, 2021? ??

Rehan | Toshify Finance: We will be adding Liquidity, Pools, Staking and UI/UX update. It is a big update!

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Looking forward to it ??


Question: What is FastSwap?

Best Answer: FastSwap is platform offering DEX services, staking, pools, liquidity migration as well as a portal (Fast Bar) for our holders to earn revenues from FastSwap.


Question: What will FastSwap v1.5 bring?

Answer: v1.5 will bring Liquidity, Pools, Staking & UI/UX update


Question: What are some of the current revenue streams for our holders?

Best Answer: There will be multiple revenue streams for yft & mvp, able to participate in LaunchSpot, NFT, fees, liquidity pools for both and moreIf you hold Fast there is other revenue streams such as Fast Bar. If provide liquidity even better, as we will reward liquidity providers quite well.


Question: What’s the percentage of fees earned on FastSwap given back to our holders?

Answer: 100%


Telegram User:

At the moment, all tokens go down in price even with great partnerships, hype, marketing, and working products,… So, what the challenges do you have and the plan to make Your project strong popular? Are you see it as an opportunity while the current market decline?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Price is not in our control. What we can do is buidl. With a suite of products in development and the progress we are making, in the long run we believe our holders will be happy.

Telegram User:

What are you presently focusing on in Toshify Finance ? Is it building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Building products, raising awareness & exposure to the ecosystem and partnerships in the future. Dontoshi is a firm believer of You Build; They will come. Let the products do the talking. Marketing is always ongoing too as evidenced by the steady growth of numbers of holders.

Telegram User:

What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: 1) Bring volume & users to Fast Swap 2)Launch Spot for IDO projects 3) Cross chain swaps 4) Partnerships 5) p2p payments

This is going to be an exciting year for our holders!


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you for your valuable time man

Final Words for Community?

Rehan | Toshify Finance: Try Join our group @toshifyfinance and get started with staking and farming. It is very easy to get started and earning on FastSwap. We have an amazing community always ready to guide and support any new holders. TBH probably the best community you can find on TG.

Thank you Danny for having me. Thank you to all the members for the enthusiasm. Hope to see you in the group soon!

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