Swissborg update - My gaining tag team for the Community beting competition.

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Hi all!

This is my Group to win the Community wealth app competition with your help!

The power of the Swissborg Swarm!

Alone you are nothing,

What?s your call?

Together we are bothering

Do we pal?

For you we take every unbearable pain

Brother Blood rushes through our veins

United we are undefeatable strong

Let?s move it on and on!

We are the unstoppable SwissBorg Swarm!


Become the Swarm

Join the SwissBorg Swarm on Discord and get helpful tips for your bets in the price prediction game of the Swissborg Community App (SBCA). Start your bets with +3,000 points. Earn more than just the 1,750 CHSB tokens, up $300 in crypto! Save a share from the prize pool (up to $500,000 in Bitcoin) without playing the game. Get an extra scratch ticket reward payout for the SwissBorg Wealth App (SBWA).


We are more... 

We take care...

We will win...

We are the

Swissborg Swarm!

Join or click the image

Morph to the legendary SwissBrutalisk!

The optimal condition for the brood are $30,000 in BTC (this equals the 1st place provided by Swissborg, when 500,000 players have joined the game, right now 135,000 players - equals $135,000 in BTC (19:34 UTC+1-2020-07-20), for every new player Swissborg adds $1 to the pool, so there are still 365,000 to go). But the brood can only grow through new infestation of terrans- yummy terrans. The smallest member of the brood is the SwissLarva. Each SwissLarva has to infest new terrans so that the brood pool is growing and the terrans themself become infested terrans that transforms to new SwissLarvas (promote your personal link that the overmind is providing ;D). Each infested terran feed the brood pool enabling SwissLarvas to morph to other genera of the Swarm and secures the food for other nascent SwissLarvas. Morphing and infecting new terrans requires energy, that?s why the highest morphed genus is rewarded with the biggest bite of the brood pool. The highest morphed genus is the Brutalisk which get 10% of the brood pool.  

1 ?? SwissBrutalisk ?? - The death in persona, but hates Airunits

The SwissBrutalisk unit is special heroic Zerg enemy unit encountered in Wings of Liberty campaign. SwissBrutalisk is always tied to bonus Zerg research points and as such is optional task in any mission it is present in. It is also extremely powerful unit. It does extremely high damage to a single target every three seconds, so massing cheap units against it is ideal (eg. Marines). The SwissBrutalisk?s air attack does moderate damage, but shoots very fast. They can take out your Medivacs or other important air units very quickly. SwissBrutalisks are pretty slow though, and they don't have any ranged attacks, so kiting them with Marauders or Reapers could work. (The full text of this chapter Text is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed)   

Costs 10% of the brood pool. 

2 SwissUltralisk ??- It?s big and reminds me of a crossing between a Rhino, a Mammut, and an Elephant

The SwissUltralisk is the Zerg's toughest late-game unit in StarCraft II. It can only be made once a Hive is researched and a SwissUltralisk Cavern is made. The SwissUltralisk has been upgraded since Brood War: principally, when attacking units (within a range of 1) its attack deals splash damage within a range of 2.5 in a 180° arc towards the target, albeit at a low 33% of normal damage. This improvement is paid for by the increase in overall cost, which places it around the same level as the Thor and Colossus. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed)   


Costs 5% of the brood pool.

3 SwissBrood Lord?? - Shoots with cute broodlings

The SwissBrood Lord is a flying heavy-assault Zerg air-to-ground unit that spawns Broodlings when it attacks. The Brood Lord can be morphed from a SwissCorruptor once the Zerg player has made a Greater Spire.

The SwissBrood Lord is followed by a number of flying Broodlings on its model. This may seem trivial, but it's important: If the SwissBrood Lord has two Broodlings flying alongside it (the maximum), it will shoot both Broodlings on its attack, each dealing the SwissBrood Lord's attack damage on impact. If it only has one Broodling by its side, it will only shoot that one. The recharge time for a Broodling is equal to the attack speed of the SwissBrood Lord, so if ordered to continuously attack, the SwissBrood Lord will be firing one Broodling at a time.

Broodlings are temporary units which will die 5.71 seconds after landing, regardless of their health. As a result a single SwissBrood Lord attacking continuously will sustain just over 3 Broodlings on the ground. If the Broodlings are not killed before expiring, their attacks will provide significantly more DPS (26 without upgrades) than the attacks of their original SwissBrood Lord (11 without upgrades).

SwissBrood Lords have the unusual property of benefiting from both ground and air upgrades as their Broodlings are ground units and benefit from Ground Carapace and Melee Attacks. The latter is particularly important due to the very high attack speed and low base damage of Broodlings. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed)   

Costs 2.5% of the brood pool. 

4 SwissViper??- Sounds like a wasp bssssssssssssssit ... Waaah!!!!

The Viper is a Zerg flying support caster that requires a Hive. The Viper does not attack. Instead, it uses its spells to disrupt the positioning of enemy units. The Viper is particularly effective against entrenched positions and clustered armies. It can also separate high value targets such as Thors and Colossi from a group so they can be surrounded and killed more easily. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed

Costs 1.25% of the brood pool. 

5 SwissCorruptor ?? - Luring around the air

The SwissCorruptor is a flying Zerg unit that has strong anti-air capabilities with decent speed. They are also distinguished from Mutalisk by their greater range and huge health pool, as well as their inability to attack ground. They are effective in any case where they can force engagements: against capital ships, for example; inversely, when they cannot, and especially when they are outranged, as by Phoenixes, they tend to be a weak air unit for that situation.

The SwissCorruptor also possesses the ability to use Caustic Spray on any enemy buildings, which deals heavy damage over time while the ability is channeled.

SwissCorruptors are what morph into the powerful SwissBrood Lords. This can only be done once the Zerg player has upgraded the Spire into a Greater Spire. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.9% of the brood pool. 

6 SwissMutalisk - what was it?! Oh dead!

The SwissMutalisk is an extremely fast air attack unit capable of attacking both air and ground units. The SwissMutalisk's projectile, called "Glaive Wurm", hits the target and then two subsequent targets (each for a third of the damage of the previous hit). SwissMutalisks make effective scouts and skirmishers, able to slow/disrupt mining operations, incoming forces, or enemy expansions.

Needing a high economy to produce in mass, Zerg players believe they "have to do damage" especially to workers and unfinished buildings (no armour bonus). An alternative to this mantra that may come with experience is to: "Aim for the low hanging fruit." As simply keeping SwissMutalisks alive and taking advantage of their SwissMutalisk Regeneration keeps this threat alive and forces the opposing player to make more static defences as the size of the SwissMutalisk flock grows.

The other consideration is Mutalisk have a weakness to anti-air splash damage of Terran units and bonus damage to Light units of Protoss, a weakness the high health of SwissCorruptors do not and if the opponent counters with mass air units Vipers can exploit just as well with Parasitic Bomb. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.8% of the brood pool.

7 SwissRavager ?? - blasts its way

The SwissRavager is a ranged Zerg ground unit introduced in Legacy of the Void.

"This monstrosity wields plasma fire both in close-quarters combat and as a wedge to crack open entrenched positions, something the Swarm struggled with in the past. Its heavier frame isn't subtle, but has the ability to launch large gobs of Corrosive Bile at distant targets." Smartly adapting to the problems of the Sentry's Force Field ability and buildings both crushed by the Ravager's ability (ignores armour), Morphs from the Roach any time after completing a SwissRoach Warren; but is not an Armored unit like its previous evolution. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.7% of the brood pool.

8 SwissSwarm Host- loses eggs

The SwissSwarm Host is a Zerg siege unit that requires an Infestation Pit. It attacks in the form of spawning a pair of Locusts with an activated ability. The Locusts are slow-moving ground-to-ground units with a timed life that nonetheless extend the range of the SwissSwarm Host beyond that of any other unit. Although the Locusts spawn as flying units, they are unable to attack in the air. They are able to fly over terrain and use the Swoop ability to land and begin their attack. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified . Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.6% of the brood pool.

9 SwissLurker - is good in dig in

The SwissLurker is a Zerg unit that may attack only when burrowed and is also able to burrow without the mutation being evolved. A SwissHydralisk can be morphed to a SwissLurker when a SwissLurker Den has been constructed. The SwissLurker deals damage to all enemy ground units and buildings in a linear attack, similar to a Hellion. Each spine that spikes out of the ground has an individual splash zone with a radius of 0.5. There are 10 spines in the attack that are each offset about 1 full cell from each other from the SwissLurker to the target unit. There is a 0.125 second delay between each protruding spine, resulting in a full 1.25 seconds to fire an entire line of spines. This makes it possible to dodge the outer spines with reactive micro. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.5% of the brood pool

10 SwissHydralsik - can spit very far

The SwissHydralsik is a ranged Lair-tech unit that can be morphed after building a SwissHydralisk Den. The SwissHydralisk's fast attack and high damage, along with not relying on bonuses to specific unit types, makes it consistently effective at dealing damage to both ground and air targets. Can morph into the SwissLurker after morphing the SwissHydralisk Den into a SwissLurker Den.

Due to the large difference in speed off-creep and on-creep, the Muscular Augments upgrade and/or spreading creep should be a key focus when executing any SwissHydra-based strategy.

SwissHydralisk (and SwissLurkers) are made for it's attack range to counter units with a similar attack range like Stalkers and Marauders (terran units, yummy!), usually with high health SwissRoaches to tank and Burrow/Tunneling Claws combo to retreat the low health SwissRoaches. This simple and forgiving unit composition is great for lower level players that wish to practice their micro with a friend against Terran Barracks or Protoss Gateway units before moving onto a more complex unit composition.

Note that while the SwissHydralisk also has a melee attack animation when attacking ground units at melee range, this attack is still affected by the normal Ranged Attack upgrades. However, this close range attack is not affected by Guardian Shield, nor is it blocked by a point Defense Drone. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.4% of the brood pool.

11 SwissRoach - likes swiss choclate

The SwissRoach is an armored-ground unit that can be produced after a SwissRoach Warren has been built.

With the Tunneling Claws upgrade, the Roach becomes one of two units (the other being the Infestor) that is able to move while burrowed. This is also indicated by the appearance of crystals on the backs of the Roaches.

The SwissRoach is useful in all three match-ups because it can absorb large amounts of damage. SwissRoaches have very high HP values considering their cheap cost. This is augmented by its ability to regenerate its health at a tremendous rate of 7 HP/second while Burrowed. This allows for a full heal in just over 20 seconds.

Note that while the SwissRoach also has a melee attack animation, it is affected by Range Attack upgrades, but not by a Guardian Shield or the now removed Point Defense Drone. (The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.3% of the prize pool.

12-15 SwissBaneling - explodes sometimes

The SwissBaneling is a suicide bomber unit morphed from Zerglings after a SwissBaneling Nest has been constructed. Similar to the Infested Terran from Brood War, the SwissBaneling is a suicidal unit that deals significant splash damage.

SwissBanelings have a splash radius of 2.2 and do not deal friendly fire damage to either your units or those of your allies. However, their attack range - unless manually detonated - is only 0.25, which is basically melee range and too short to go off from second row by themselves. But they can be detonated manually, and they will also perform their "attack" upon death.

SwissBanelings are a very effective unit against Light units due to their high damage bonuses in combination with splash damage. Correctly using a group of SwissBanelings can deal massive damage to a hostile army and allow other units to clean up any remaining army much more easily. Because of their low survivability, getting SwissBanelings to successfully hit groups of enemies is key. There are many options that can help a player use SwissBanelings effectively:

  • The Burrow upgrade enables a player to hide his SwissBanelings to act as a trap. When the opponent runs over your SwissBanelings, detonate them while burrowed to wipe out entire groups by surprise.
  • The SwissBaneling speed upgrade Centrifugal Hooks is also important for getting your SwissBanelings into the action by cutting the time it takes to reach the front lines.
  • Tactical use of Creep Tumors can also help SwissBaneling use by increasing their running speed.
  • Tactical placement of SwissBanelings is important too; by flanking opponents you can deal even more damage and leave the opponent with no way to escape.
  • By using Overlords you can drop SwissBanelings over an opponent's army to great effect.
  • Using the Infestor's Fungal Growth, you can keep the enemy from dodging your Banelings.
  • It is recommended one avoids attack moving their SwissBanelings for as long as possible. Attack moving into an army may cause Swissbanelings to focus units inefficiently (e.g. focusing a siege tank instead of a mass of marines or killing only one enemy SwissZergling). Simply boxing or using a separate SwissBaneling control group to move command them towards more cost-efficient targets is important.
  • It takes two enemy SwissBaneling detonations to kill a SwissBaneling; therefore, it is beneficial to move SwissBanelings in groups of two and move command them when walking near enemy SwissBanelings. This can help min/max your unit's value with respect to total damage dealt and/or potentially cause the enemy to trade cost-inefficiently.

Try to surround and attack, pull back a little and attack again. You don't want to waste SwissBanelings on tanky units such as Marauders. You want to hit light units, so be wary of good players who will use these Armored units to shield their Light units.

SwissBanelings deal a lot of damage against structures, dealing significantly more damage that scales well with upgrades but they are very cost-ineffective. There are several things to note about SwissBaneling damage vs. structures:

Exploding SwissBanelings always deal extra damage to a building in range. That is, you do not have to use their Attack Structure ability on a building to deal the extra damage.

SwissBaneling damage on buildings is not mitigated by armor, so that the 1 armor that most buildings possess and the Terran Building Armor upgrade that grants +2 armor does not affect SwissBaneling damage.

(The full text of this chapter is copied and pasted from here, just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.2% of the brood pool. 

16-100 SwissRaptor Zerglings - You better run the swiss way

An upgraded version of the SwissZergling. Faster and even more deadly!

Costs 0.15% of the brood pool. 

101-1000 SwissZerglings - Fast and deadly

The SwissZergling is a small and fast melee attacker and the backbone of the Swarm army. An individual SwissZergling is relatively weak, but as part of a group they can rapidly surround and damage enemy ground forces. In addition, their use in large numbers helps to soak up a considerable amount of incoming damage, and they provide a shield for more expensive units.

SwissZergling have unique spawning attributes: two SwissZerglings hatch from a single Cocoon, with each SwissZergling taking only half of one supply point. Once a SwissBaneling Nest has been constructed, SwissZerglings can be morphed into SwissBanelings at any point, even while out on the battlefield. (The full text of this chapter Text is copied and pasted from here,  just the unit names have been modified. Due to the reader friendliness the text was not marked as a quote but is one indeed.

Costs 0.03% of the brood pool.

1001-1700 SwissLarva - tired all day just waiting for metamorphosis

The SwissLarva is the basis for every unit and can morph into other genera of the swarm.

Costs 0.016% of the brood pool.


What about the SwissOvermind? He takes care of its brood, be assured my SwissLarvas that everyone gets a piece of a terran pie and each SwissLarva will recieve an extra bite (100% of my scratch ticket from the Swissborg Wealth App) because

We are more... 

We take care...

We will win...

We are the

Swissborg Swarm!

Join become the Swarm!  



  • Brood pool - Prize pool
  • extra bite - For your participation i?ll give you my reward ticket from Swissborg, perquisites: using this link and a deposit of € 50 to the SwissborgWealth App (SBWA), tell me your Swissborg Username and give me a BTC address in the Discord channel. If don?t want to join the discord channel you can even just write me an e-mail mentioning that you’d like to participate. 
  • SBCA - Swissborg Community App - Use OA62FUI when you sign up
  • SBWA - Swissborg Wealth App
  • tnx - transaction (minimum tnx fee is 0.00020000 BTC (~$2/tnx) or 0.1% of the amount you’d like to withdraw)
  • The Game we are talking about: Price Bitcoin prediction game from SBWA. 
  • CHSB - CH for Switzerland SB for Swissborg. CHSB is a multi-utility Token and is used as the Exchange currency on SBWA.

Calculations (approved)

Best case budget: $ 30,000 in BTC

The Overmind gives away extra bites and distributes the brood pool among the swarm, the fees are paid from the price

  • RANK         %     WIN/$          $   +    COST/txn       TOTAL costs
  • 1st place: 10% ($ 3,000 ) = $ 3,000 + $ 3 = $ 3,003
  • 2nd place: 5 % ($ 1,500)= $ 1,500 + $ 2 = $ 1,502
  • 3rd place: 2.5 % ($ 750) = $ 750 + $ 2 = $ 752
  • 4th place: 1.25 % ($ 375 ) = $ 375+ $ 2 = $ 377
  • 5th place: 0.9% ($ 270) = $ 270 + $ 2 = $ 272 
  • 6th place: 0.8% ($ 240) = $ 240 + $ 2 = $ 242 
  • 7th place: 0.7% ($ 210) = $ 210 + $ 2 = $ 212 
  • 8th place: 0.6% ($ 180) = $ 180 + $ 2 = $ 182 
  • 9th place: 0.5% ($ 150) = $ 150 + $ 2 = $ 152 
  • 10th place: 0.4% ($ 120 ) = $ 120 + $ 2 = $ 122
  • 11th place: 0.3% ($ 90) = $ 90 + $ 2 = $ 92
  • 12th-15th place: 0.2 ($ 60) = 4x $ 60+ 4x $ 2 = $ 248
  •  16th-100th place: 0.15% ($ 45) = 85 x $ 45 + 85 x $ 2 = $ 3,825 + $ 170 = $ 3,995
  • 101st-1000th place: 0.03% ($ 10) = 900 x $ 10 + 900 x $ 2 = $9,000 + $1,800 = $ 10,800
  • 1001st-1700th place: 0,0016% ($ 5) = 700 x $ 5 + 700 x $ 2 = $ 3,500 + $1,400 = $ 4,900

From $ 30,000 are $ 23,450 distributed among the swarm and $ 3,401 are used to cover transaction fees. Remaining $ 3,149 is the Overminds piece of the cake or are used for unexpected expenses of this campaign.


Proof for fee Calculations 


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If you have further questions feel free to contact me via.

E-Mail: [email protected]

Discord: Bananamator#0055 (The Overmind :D)

Telegram: @Pthioskamp


Zerg images where taken from: Thumbnail image is a screen shot from the embed youtube video.



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