Should You Aim to Write Daily?

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As difficult as it may seem at first thought, writing every day and aiming to publish at least one post a day is something every writer (author) here can do without breaking the backbone.

At least, for me, that's the goal and something I am working on doing.

In this post, I am going to share with you my thoughts on why and how to write daily.


How to Write Daily:


  • Take Inspiration from Everything

Take inspiration from everything happening around you: the news, the comments, other people's posts, tweets, etc.

Personally, I write mostly based on inspiration which can come from anywhere and at any time.

For example, this post you're reading right now was inspired by my own comments on a PVMihalache post on Disctrict0x resurrection

I thought, hey, I can expand this comment and turn it into a post that other authors might find actionable, and here it is.

Another example is this post: How to Identify and Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams. I wrote this after an applicant for the CryptoSorted Writing Job sent me a reworded -plagiarised- article as his first content. 

I was like this is a super interesting topic and this guy just bastardized it.

Plus I have had in mind to write on the same topic before he came along.

So when I see he's a cheat and too lazy to do justice to that topic, I decided to write it myself. 

However, this strategy might not help you achieve a predictable and consistent daily posting schedule.

This is because you might run out of inspiration and have nothing to write about. Something that happens to me more often than I like. 

However, I am now trying to be able to plan and schedule my content production for both my personal blog and other publishing platforms (like Publish0x, and just recently that I frequent in order to have a predictable and consistent publishing schedule.

But that's boring (to me, right now) and makes writing feel a lot more like "work".

I seem to write best when I'm in the mood and can't put anything interesting down by forcing myself to write. 

To solve this problem I create multiple posts and drafts on the days when I'm "in the mood".

This way, my best days will cover for my not so good days as I have something to fall back on when the inspiration temporary dries off.

But writing based on inspiration and when you're in the mood alone may not get the job done.

...and talking about being in the mood.


  • Learn to Put Yourself in the Mood

You must have heard the saying that if Muhammed refuses to go to the mountain, the mountain will come to Muhammed.

If you're like me and you write best when you catch an inspiration or in the mood, how do you ensure you're always in the mood?

How do you push yourself into the mood to be able to write consistently and maintain a predictable posting schedule? 

These are some of the things I personally do:


1. Read a lot

When you read you'll discover what people are talking about, you'll agree with some, disagree with others, and find out that some people didn't do justice to a particular topic as you would like to.

Do you agree or disagree with the other writer? what do you agree or disagree with in the post? and how can you expand on the reasoning behind your agreement or disagreement with what they said? These are potential posts you can develop.

There're tons of posts being Published on PUBLISH0X every day.

So that even if you're lazy to go around the internet looking for things to read about, you can do it all here and you'll still catch that daily writing inspiration through this method.

More so, I frequent Quora a lot and get requests to write answers to different questions related to my area of expertise -cryptocurrency. 

Sometimes, I refine and turn these questions into posts, share them on my blog or Publish0x, and cross-promote on Quora.

Once you have set up a Quora account and specified your area of expertise, you can never run out of questions as you're bombarded every day with questions from left, right, and center.

Your answer to these questions is an article. So go ahead and help someone with an answer and help yourself with a post.

Plus it feels good knowing you're the answer to someone's burning question. That's one of the biggest fulfillment that comes with writing.


2. Comment and encourage comments/questions

Commenting can spark a debate that will awaken your writing hormone. Not all your comments will lead to a new post (common, that's not the goal in the first place) and that's fine.

The idea is to put yourself out there to be able to catch that inspiration that's flowing around.

Like I stated earlier, this post was inspired by my own comment on someone's post and I have written a post based on someone's comment or question on my own post. 

One person taking this practice to almost an extreme on Publihs0h here is AlucardLife.

This guy would rather write his response to your comment on his articles as a post than reply to you in the comments section.

Bro, you can write a post based on a comment but please respect your commenter by responding to the comment in the comment section first and you can take the rest to your post if you may.

The discussion can even lead you to discover more information that you can use to make your next post more valuable.

Similar to what I did with this post: Is Ethereum an Altcoin?.

No! I'm not trying to claim or prove anything, I'm only explaining a point with a relevant example.


3. Write about everything that comes to your mind

Really? yes!

Writing is just thoughts in words and your mind is filled with so many thoughts.

In fact, if you look more deeply, there's a whole movie series playing in your mind.

Turn those into stories and you'll be amazed how much people love to discover and read your story.

Are you thinking how shitty that coin you discovered yesterday is, write about it.

Are you thinking how hilarious the thought of buying crypto through PayPal, CashApp, Square, etc is, write about it.

Are you thinking of using a new platform, write about. 

If it's not your deeply private stuff, you can turn it into a post.

These are some of the strategies that I use and works fairly well for me. I know you too have other strategies you use to stay on top of your game. Please feel free to share in the comments section of this post.


4. Know WHY you're writing in the first place

Ask yourself, why did you choose to write in the first place? What was your motivation for writing?

Is it:

  1. Because it's fun and you enjoy it?
  2. To pass time when you're bored?
  3. To become popular (a sort of influencer)?
  4. For the joy and sense of fulfillment that comes with providing inspiration to others?
  5. Because you feel it's cool and hippy?
  6. To pay the bills?
  7. To clarify your thought process?

Your reason can be anything or a combination of things.

The most important thing is for you to have at least one compelling reason why you write so that when the inspiration is gone, you can think about your strong WHY and get new energy to keep writing.

Your why will remind you of what you'll lose or gain if you stop or keep writing. And could be a great source of consistent motivation and inspiration.

You can turn your WHY into a post on its own that you can always reference from time to time when you need a reminder.

If it's not something you're comfortable with sharing with the public, you can also write it down in your diary, on your notepad, Google Doc, etc. where you can easily access it when you need to.

By all means, write it down, and in detail. Don't just keep it your brain.


Why Aim to Write Daily?

Especially when writing can't pay the bills (yet) and it's not like it's your full-time job.

Wait. That's exactly one of the many reasons to aim to write daily.

It could become your full-time job, pay the bills, and even afford you your dream lifestyle.

Can it?

I heard it can, and I'm also trying to find that one out personally.

So what're the benefits of writing daily? 

  • It helps you hone your writing skills
  • It helps you to gain more followers 
  • It helps you to be consistent in posting
  • It helps you make more money


1. To Hone Your Writing Skills.

You have heard that practice makes perfect. 

And that's very true. The more you write, the better at writing you become.

It's as simple as that.

So if you want to become a better writer, write more.

And if you want to become a better writer faster, write every day.


2. To Gain More Followers

You too can become an influencer or is it inkfluencer.


The more you write, the more people you're able to reach, and the more followers you will get especially on Publish0x here. 

People who come across your posts and enjoy them will most likely follow you. So that they don't miss what you have to share next. 

There're many reasons why you would want to have thousands of followers but that's for another post. 


3. To Maintain a Consistent Posting Schedule

What is your posting schedule?

Daily, 2-5 posts a week, weekly?

Whatever your desired posting schedule is, writing every day will help you accomplish it smarter.

Come to think of it. How can you maintain a healthy posting schedule if you don't write?

And if you don't post often, you may not be able to grow your followership or even lose your existing followers.


4. To Make More Money

Like seriously! are we talking about money now?

You better be realistic.

Money is an important factor in why we all write.

If it's not among the reasons why you write please feel free to use my wallet address to receive all your earnings ??

Remember, the more you write, the more people you're able to reach, and the more followers you're likely to get who will tip you, use your referral link, donate to you, sponsor you, and whatever else that puts money in your pocket or coins in your wallet.

These are definitely NOT all the reasons there are for aiming to write daily but it's a good place to start this discussion.



It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because I didn't mention quality content anywhere throughout this post you can sacrifice quality for quantity.

Sorry to disappoint you, I was waiting to hit you with that in my conclusion, and here it is. 

I'm not really sure why anyone would want to write unoriginal, low quality, scrap posts.

Especially those copy-pasta professionals. Do they feel proud of that or they think the Publishing platforms and Google are too stupid to recognize their laziness and lack of integrity.

If you know that attempting to post daily will affect the quality of your articles, bro (or sis) stick to quality.

If you only write and consistently post one quality post a week, you will achieve far more than churning out multiple mediocre posts daily.

But that's not to encourage anyone to be lazy, if you're already doing one solid post a week, next month aim for 2 a week and keep growing. 

There're people writing top quality posts every single day and they're still humans with 24 hours, one brain, 2 arms, and a pair of eyes like you.

I didn't plan for this post to be so long but I guess I'm turning into a talkative now. 

Now over to you!

Do you aim to write daily and posting more frequently? Why and how do you do it? Share with us in the comments section below.

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