Second Passports, Overseas Bank Accounts, Second Shore Real Estate & CRYPTO

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In my previous article

You Can't Trust Companies that Just Lay the Fuck Down in Crypto

I ended the piece by saying,

Take the time to expand yourself politically beyond the borders of the US. Second passports, overseas bank accounts and second shore real estate aren't just tools for the rich.

One of my esteemed commenters said to me,

I would love a write up about this!

Absolutely. Done and done. Why? Because this is one of the most important solutions, not issues, of our time. If you want to make 90% of your problems go away, take the time to establish a global identity instead of relying on a country so damn much.

In 100 years, maybe 50, I predict that having lunch cross-continent on a workday will be commonplace. Not streaming over a phone while you have lunch across continents, but taking a bullet plane from San Fran to Shanghai on a whim and being back in Silicon Valley by 1 pm. Our world is globalizing, which is not a bad thing. What's potentially bad is globalization with power centralized in the hands of a few. Crypto gives us another choice.

I don't care how many LBRY doomsday documentaries you've watched. If you actually have personal sovereignty, then a world of open borders and free travel is a paradise, not an apocalypse. Right now, the only people with global experience are 1. super rich folks, 2. folks connected to an institution controlled by super rich folks (e.g. the military), and 3. folks like me, nomadic hippie rebels who value freedom over convenience.

The third group constitutes a laughable minority of global travelers, but our perspective is similar regardless of our place of origin. When you earn a consistent source of income that is not tied to a physical location, your entire outlook changes. We don't respect national borders or the silly politics that come with them. Important leaders become cartoons because of their inability to simply act like human beings. We see similarities in societies across the world, and we're relieved of the need for a personhood based on a mainstream political narrative.

Crypto (and Tesla stock) gave this to me. It's enlightening. If things go like all the shills say they should in 2021, I will become completely free of the need for any government. They will become nothing more than obstacles — formalities and paperwork that I breeze by at airports. Hurry up and stamp my shit so I can get to the hostel and party with the cool people. Oh, I owe some stupid fee because I overstayed my visa? Here, bitch, now move. I've got a festival to go to.

I'm getting older, so I'm slowing down on the festivals, actually. I want to establish my global identity. That doesn't mean having a house and a car; it only means having the money to get a house and a car if I want one. And since I don't care about where I establish, I'm free to negotiate a free passport and residency out of my investment. That's just one way a global identity can expand your perspective.

Overseas bank accounts have been so vilified in American culture that you might think just having one is illegal. The stereotype is that if you have one, you have something to hide. First of all, do your history. The Cayman Islands was set up by the UK on purpose to drive business to the country. That's just one example. Also, the elites that pay for the propaganda to keep your money on shore are moving the money you custody with them offshore. (Jaime Dimon Syndrome. Telling you bitcoin sucks while his bank buys it all up.) Take a good look at any big bank's books. They tell you not to have an offshore account, but as soon as you put your money in a savings account, they use it to buy buildings offshore.

I can't go through all the details here obviously, but the Nomad Capitalist YouTube channel is gold. His program is for 6 and 7 figure businesspeople, which I'm not. But it turns out you don't have to be. If you want to know more of the particulars of what I'm talking about, subscribe to him.

Expanding your economy beyond the borders of the United States relieves your fear of tax audits as well. I'm not here to tell you how compliant to be or not to be with the government. Take your own stance on that. But know that there is absolutely NOTHING illegal about moving money offshore if you keep the paperwork up to date. (I won't talk about the bit of extra freedom that crypto gives you to do this, but you can use your imagination.)

You might reduce your worries about retirement as well. It takes a couple million bucks to retire in the lower middle class in the United States. In the meantime, you could spend your golden years on a beach house with better health care in Portugal for $250k. If we're vigilant enough to keep the government out of defi, we can draw our daily bread from Pancakeswap or Bankroll or Pickle. Imagine that. Social Security's bankrupt, but friggin Pickle is still giving you those sweet WETH divs on the daily. While you're on the beach. A clean beach. With bikini clad Portugese women *drool*

The larger point is we're not told about the wonders of the world. Seeing the world no longer has to be a vacation or a "break from reality" with crypto. Adventure can literally become your life. Your reality becomes the reality of the rich who don't have to scrape and bow for a paycheck. You can live like them.

But only if you fight. We need government out of crypto. And only if you learn. You don't have to be Donald Trump to take advantage of overseas interest rates. Remotely park your money in a bank in Georgia. Not the state, the country. 9.4% if you convert to the Lari. Crypto gives better APY, I know. I'm just making the point.

But you get nothing if you allow countries to supercede your sovereignty. The United States is full of cancer because Rockefeller switched the country away from herbal medicine to oil based medicine (PETROleum jelly) for his own profit. The reason you can't pay your mortgage is because bankers from another country decided to debase your currency to create weapons to kill people you don't know. Get educated about how to establish yourself globally so that when you decide to fight, you can do so confident that your government can't just disappear your ass.

And even if we lose, we'll be chilling in a nice home in a country with no extradition treaty. Giving those fucks the middle finger and hitting on Portugese women until the day I die.

Regulation and Society adoption

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