Overly Technical People Will Stay Poor in Crypto

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In my previous post

Hidden Farms on BSC there is a teachable moment in the comment section between myself and some dude who thinks he's CryptoGod. When I pointed out a couple of degen farms that had been working well for me, as in I had made money in them, he took it upon himself to point out some obvious technical point that had nothing to do with the point of my post. I argued with him for a second, which is not what I do. I bring that information out in another post to continue the conversation in a positive way (and get tips).

Fact is, I'm making money in these farms, and I wouldn't recommend them if I hadn't put my money where my mouth was first. Fact also is that overly technical people who make ancillary points can chip away at my reputation for no reason even if they don't have a leg to stand on. There are folks who actually read what I write (God forbid!), and I'm not taking hits to my rep lying down any more. I have a unique perspective. I think differently from the herd.

I've learned my lesson in crypto, and that is to shut my mouth 95% of the time. The more I listen, and the more open my mind, the better I do.

So about the conversation. The farms I'm making money in, the guy said they were scammy because they were close copies of Pancakeswap. First of all, this is fuckin obvious. I'm not anything near a tech guy, and I knew that. It bothers me how folks who come at crypto from a technical perspective can't see the other side of what's making this market successful. I'll call it the sentiment side.

These tech folks are the ones who can't understand why Doge is a top 20 coin. It's because without adoption, none of this tech matters. Adoption is equally important to success in crypto, and in some cases, more important. As in with these degen farms. The only thing you need to know when you farm degen is community:

  • How much total value is locked
  • Does the mcap leave room for growth
  • What's the chart look like
  • Are there whales that can dump, and are those whales invisible or chatting it up with the rest of the community?

If you've got a stable TVL, low mcap, positive charts and engaged whales, then you have a money printer — tech fork or no tech fork.

The next point. Crypto is an open source culture. For instance, all of the major DEXs on the relevant chains are forks of Uniswap. Like, all of them. Pancakeswap is a BSC fork of Uni, which the Honeyswap guys forked for xDai, which the Pangolin guys forked for Avalanche, and so on. So the obvious point about the shit being a fork is a technical point that makes 0 difference. You gonna overlook the huge opportunities in Pancakeswap because it's a fork? I didn't think so.

Instead of telling people what you think you know, it's always better to ask in crypto. So the guy wastes his breath on me telling me an obvious fact instead of assuming I have a modicum of intelligence. If he'd've thought that way, he might have come across the question, "Why is Alucard putting good money up in a protocol that is an obvious fork? There must be something else to this."

And there is. There are many things. All of them have to do with community. I know some inside baseball that proved to me these projects were solid for what they were trying to be — money printers. Not the next fuckin YFI, just a farm to create and distribute some wealth for people smart enough to take it. If you're building Cardano and trying to onboard millions of unbanked rural people and make deals with top government officials, then you might need a new UI. Degen farms that are meant to test perpetual finance principles and have some fun for a few weeks, maybe longer? Not so much.

Bottom line is this for the noobs that actually pay attention to my posts: Don't come into this thing trying to impress people with what you know. Don't assume everyone else is a moron. Shut up and ask questions. You'll come out much better for it. You may even be able to change your financial life. I don't make money like King of Fomo or Trevon James make money. But I would never call them scammers or go on their pages saying what they invest in is technically wrong. I learn from them.

The end.


YOUR GUIDE TO MAKING MONEY IN CRYPTO STARTS HERE ---> Making Money in Crypto Part 1 Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot AllianceBlock is a shit project All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki Trading - Unimex Finance - Soar

Regulation and Society adoption

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