LION Moon - Astrology on Bitcoin movement

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This upcoming full moon is not a subtle one, to say the very least! It comes to us in mighty Leo - full of pride, passion, pleasure, creativity and confidence. As a double Leo myself (rising and sun - yikes, I know) - I am no stranger to Leo energy. However, this moon has a different texture to it. Typically, a Leo full moon rolls out a stage for our greatest talents, inspirations and opportunities to shine. While that energy does still exist in this January 28th illumination, it is also dancing with some pretty interestingly challenging partners. 

This moon is going to be square Mars, and opposite Jupiter. In astrology, squares often create tension and bring to light some issues that might need to be reckoned with. Oppositions create more direct challenges. 

Personally, I think of squares as like a frustrating coworker or friend who just always brings out sides of yourself that you aren’t super fond of - you aren’t getting in outright fights with this person, but you certainly learn a lot about yourself by the tension they bring to you, even if you can’t put your finger on why. 

Oppositions are the individuals you might have the full-on arguments with. Like in life, sometimes these oppositional energies are the closest to your heart and soul, otherwise you wouldn’t even take the time to have the difficult discussion with them. 

Mars is the planet of aggression and war. So, when prideful Leo bumps up against this in a square, you can expect frustrations that lead to anger. I don’t see it as the type of anger where you feel extremely grounded and communicative in your anger - it feels more like the type of anger where everything piles up so you start unconsciously slamming the kitchen drawers. Maybe the fact that the last of your holiday decorations don't fit perfectly back into the box makes you want to chuck them all out the window. It has been a very long 12 months, and to be honest, I think we all might need to install a punching bag in our homes at this point. 

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, healing, and good fortune. So, thinking about fiery Leo being in direct opposition to this brings up some questions about what our egos might be blocking in terms of becoming the next version of yourself. 

Many astrologers are using a “next chapter” metaphor when discussing this upcoming moon, and it feels fitting. The stars are challenging us to choose our battles, exercise patience and push beyond the immediate frustrations to become the next iteration of who we are meant to be. 

WAY easier said than done! But hopefully with a little advance knowledge of this upcoming tango of tensions, we can take a deep breath and respond vs. react.

by EFM

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