Is ETH the New Whale/Fed/Institution Manipulation Target?

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The Youtube shills will have you thinking that institutions are your friends. After all, they're bringing their billions of dollars into crypto to pump your bags, right?

Wrong. They're bringing their billions of dollars into crypto to pump their bags. Not yours. And isn't it ironic, don't you think, that all of you shitbertarian types are all so fuckin happy to get validated by the very institutions that enslaved you in the first place. Paypal locking your funds. COINBASE shutting down at critical times. Wells Fargo cheating you on your mortgage. Chase nickel and diming your account to death with fees. The US government taxing you to give bailouts to Israel and Greece while leaving your cousin jobless. The Federal Reserve debasing your dollar and quality of life just to make sure you're under control. Shall I go on?

No, it benefits you to be a bit skeptical and cynical. And even if this current price action isn't whale manipulation in the crypto market, you should look at it like it is. Markets are nothing but buyers and sellers, and it's a FACT that the majority of buyers right now are institutions. Institutions that are beholden to governments, which are beholden to central bankers.

That is, if the central banks haven't started buying up the supply directly themselves. They're buying up shit companies in the stock market. Why wouldn't they also buy the best performing asset in the world as well while they're at it?

I'm looking at this price action 24/7 and all I see is centralists trying to take your power from you. It looks like they understand more about ETH now, and they are focusing their efforts there. ETH has a smaller market cap, and retail is less informed about it. If ether drops, the noobs will be more likely to capitulate. They don't look at ether as digital silver or as a direct investment in the world's decentralized computer. Stupid Youtube shills are still shilling fuckin Litecoin as digital silver somehow. The sheep see ether as a speculative investment. So when there are calculated dumps, those people will capitulate. Add to that the stupid traders who are too smart for their own good and the folks who have to sell to keep from going bankrupt, and you've got a world's first decentralized computer that is looking to become pretty centralized sooner rather than later.

I'm saying that to say this. Keep your ETH like you keep your BTC. And simply invest well. Look at it this way. The more money you make in crypto and keep in crypto, the more you do to fight for your own sovereignty and that of others. This doesn't mean charity. That's the beauty of crypto. You are actually incentivized to make good investment decisions and be unselfish — to reward true problems solving and have fun. It's the only monetary system that accomplishes this.

The first thing to do is hold your ETH and buy dips. Regardless of what manipulation comes next. Remember that we can fall to $1300 and still be in a bullish pattern. You can bet we won't fall more than that, because no buyer is going to value the core instrument of defi at anything less than what it was in September 2020, when defi was in its nascent phase. It's a fully utilizable system now that builds wealth for tens of thousands. $1300 ETH is a steal. $1600 is a steal.



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar

Regulation and Society adoption

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