"I Go All-In On Bitcoin Cash Because It Is The Real Bitcoin" 🤨 Really?

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Well, this is a quite controversial topic as I know that many users from noise.cash and READ.CASH are very active here on Publish0x. They will probably give me a downvote and I guess that I will have to live with that. But before you do, please hear me out!


My Start With noise.cash

At the beginning of the year, a new micro tipping platform called noise.cash emerged which I joined quite enthusiastically. I was quite active there and I soon reached more than 1000 followers. I was convinced that this platform has potential and that?s why I also wrote a post on Pulish0x about this platform with the title "Noise.Cash Is Like Twitter But On Bitcoin Cash".

Under each of my following posts, I mentioned that you can also follow me on Twitter and on noise.cash.

However, things are changing but unfortunately not for the better.


The New Policy Of Noise

Recently, noise came up with some changes, especially to their free tips policy. They stated that 96% of all messages on noise are spam and with that, they announced that they will soon stop giving free tips to "low quality" content authors. Hey, sounds great, let?s get rid of the spammers.

But wait, what is low-quality content?

What do we define as "low quality"?

- All kinds of giveaways (if like to give away money, sure, but give your own)

- Subscription/tip exchanges

- Replies like "done", "wow", "nice", "great", "thank you for the information"

- Image posts with a smiley, - Image posts with a short phrase "London" or "Tree" (or slightly longer "A woman standing near a tree")

- Quotes - Anything that has been copied from the Internet, - "Good evening", "hello" posts and replies, - "Time for a dinner", "here is my dinner", "I just ate dinner", "did you eat your dinner?", "what did you eat for dinner?" - "My click" (random photo that you took with a phone without anything interesting about it, like a story or something) - "Thank you XX for tipping me"

So far so good but now comes the controversial part:

There is one more thing that we will probably stop sponsoring in the future - that is promotion of competing sites (Leo, Hive, Peakd, Steem, etc...) and competing cryptocurrencies (i.e. anything except for Bitcoin Cash). Why? Well, our goal is Bitcoin Cash adoption and that's what we want to sponsor. We don't want to sponsor promotion of competing sites that promote their own cryptos or other cryptos. You are still free to talk about them, of course, we just don't see why we should sponsor it with FreeTips.

If you write about other cryptocurrencies than Bitcoin Cash or if you share links to competing sites like Leo, Hive, or Publish0x, they will also mark your content as very low quality and this is exactly what happened to me yesterday.

Well, it is a private, centralized platform and all free tips are sponsored by one guy called Marc De Mesel who is also funding read.cash.

It?s their platform and their money, so yes, they can do whatever they want on noise. It?s their right. I am also not saying that they are censoring content but what I can say is this: Either I am restricted or others are privileged or some users on noise are just more equal than others.


Another Bitcoin Cash Echo Chamber

Now think about the result of this new policy. I am afraid that noise will become an echo chamber for Marc De Mesel?s obedient little Bitcoin Cash shillers similar to read.cash. The intention of noise.cash and read.cash is "spreading Bitcoin Cash Awareness". This leads to absolutely brainless stuff like "I am going all-in on Bitcoin Cash because it is the real Bitcoin".

One thing is for sure, I will not sell my integrity for some micro tips. There is so much more than Bitcoin Cash and I like writing about all kinds of different cryptocurrencies.

Many users were confused and annoyed about this so noise elaborated this last point:

For anyone still confused about why we will not sponsor (with FreeTips) content that promotes your content on competing platforms like Hive, Leo, etc.. - it's really very simple. You earn money on these sites. This is YOUR business that makes YOU money. When you want to promote your business - you come to other sites and you buy ads from them to earn more money. They don't pay you to place your ads, you pay them to place your ads to promote your business. It can't be any simpler. The same is with the coins that you want to promote. If you just bought SomeRandomCoin and want to pump it by posting about it - it's the same thing - you are "advertising" your coins so that their value goes up (again, it's your business that makes you money), so don't expect us to pay for your ads.

Ok, noise, message received. Now, I am asking myself, why Marc De Mesel is sponsoring noise with hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. Right, Marc De Mesel wants to spread Bitcoin Cash Awareness, so that the price of Bitcoin Cash goes up.

In the end, Marc De Mesel is not the good samaritan, he just wants to pump his own well-filled bags of Bitcoin Cash.

Many users on noise are coming from "competing" platforms like Leo, Hive, or Publish0x. They did it like me and wrote about noise.cash on their home platforms. See, here on Publish0x, we can write about all kinds of cryptocurrencies and we are even allowed to promote other platforms like noise or read. We are even allowed to republish posts from "competing platforms". We can do with our tips whatever we want on Publish0x.

Now imagine, PUBLISH0X would come up with a new policy like noise: "If you promote competing websites or if you write about other cryptocurrencies like AMPL or FARM, we will stop giving you free tips!"

You would probably ask: "Are you serious?" and then leave.

Noise recognized quickly that many users were upset about this change and they come up with this change a few hours ago:

Ok, we can see how some people took offence about the "low quality" status. That's just our opinion (and it's not perfect, sure, sometimes made based on one "hello" post of yours). After some thinking, we decided to remove the status, etc... Just remove it from the interface.

Well, their new policy remains the same, and removing the status is making it just more intransparent.


My Final Conclusion

In the end, it?s their private platform and they have the right to make the rules on this. On the other hand, it is my decision if I want to be active on noise or not. I did well before noise and I will be doing well after noise. I am just happy and grateful to be an author on Publish0x where I can write about whatever I want without losing any kind of privileges.

I will never ever sell my integrity for some micro tips that are coming from Marc De Mesel. I will never tell you that Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin or that you should go all-in on BCH. Writing about this new situation helps me to deal with it. When you disagree with me, please let me know why, and don?t just downvote without any argumentation.

In the end, I hope that I could provide you with some interesting and useful information. Just be yourself, be authentic, and don?t sell your integrity.

Thank you guys as always for reading, liking, following, and tipping ??

If you like, you can also follow me on Twitter.

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