How to Get Cheap and Easy Cryptocurrency Part 1

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Earn Your Crypto and Slowly Become Wealthy

People who are new to cryptocurrency want to figure out how to buy Bitcoin. People who are rich and have been in cryptocurrency for a while just buy Bitcoin. The rest of us need to figure out how to earn or receive Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I am doing a series of articles on how to earn and receive cryptocurrency in such a way it doesn't have to break your bank. If you have any questions please ask me.

No Brainer Opportunities

There are some opportunities in cryptocurrency that are so easy, cheap and obvious that everyone should do them. It's understandable why someone would choose not to put their wrapped Bitcoin on a Defi platform because of the inherent risk. But if something costs no money and has minimal risk why wouldn't you do it?


This one will probably only work if you are an American citizen (there are stores like Udemy should work for every country) but every middleclass American should use this platform. It's very simple. Login to Lolli on your Web Browser, go to one of Lolli's many online partners (Kroger, Best Buy, Office Depot, Udemy, Groupon, Gap and thousands more) and buy something. Now here's where it get's good: get some Bitcoin back for your purchase! For instance, I bought a desk on Office Depot yesterday; I will get 5% Bitcoin back for my purchase. So for every hundred Dollars I spent on my new desk I am getting 5 Dollars worth of Bitcoin. I was going to buy a desk no matter what; now I get some extra Satoshis. If you aren't using Lolli yet sign up on this link. 


Yes, I am aware that Pi is not worth anything yet and can't be exchanged for Bitcoin. But they have a dedicated team, a good vision and already over 10 million people signed up on their Pi Wallet. Most of all when you sign up on their wallet you automatically start earning Pi tokens. It doesn't drain your phone's battery or cost money so if the project fails you lose nothing. If the project succeeds you will have a nice bag of crypto that you paid nothing for. Sounds like a no brainer to me. Sign up today at this link. 


Finally, I will mention Presearch. It's a search engine dedicated not to tracking your every move and rewarding you in cryptocurrency. Every time you search for something you will gain 0.25 PRESEARCH tokens (up to 8 a day) you can then turn around and use these tokens to get your website found on their search engine. Pretty neat. So here's my question: Do you search the internet for stuff? And do you like cryptocurrency? Then you should go ahead and get on Presearch


These three opportunities should be used by every coiner on the internet. I will bring out some more opportunities over the next few weeks but let me know what you think in the comments section below. 

Regulation and Society adoption


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