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The Fragile Environment

When it comes to Bitcoin and a few other cryptocurrencies, there is a problem of energy and staying “green.”  I really do not like the term “green.” It is just so ambiguous.  It gives a concept that there must be 100% good or %100 not good.  So let’s look at what “green” means.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, it means suitable for the environment and a beginner.  These come from the phrases these can be related to are  “Go Green” and “a green thumb.”  While these are simple definitions, what is “going green” and what is not.

Nowadays, going green means buying an electric car or hybrid.  Nevertheless, are they actually green by definition?  It means using less natural resources.  Can we agree on that?  So if it is good for the environment, then it is green.  So let’s look at the technologies considered green and really think about it.

First, the most obvious choices are electric cars and hybrids.  Wow, save money with gas now!  Cool, feel good by saying you’re saving the environment at the same time….good job Captain Planet.  Or is it?

Lithium is used in the batteries of both hybrids and electric cars.  According to, “In addition, toxic chemicals are needed to process lithium. The release of such chemicals through leaching, spills or air emissions can harm communities, ecosystems and food production. “Moreover, lithium extraction inevitably harms the soil and also causes air contamination.”Oct 14, 2019. --Sound environmentally friendly?

Okay, that says a lot.  So we know that lithium is toxic and toxic chemicals are used to process it.  Let us add this to the fact that if you are a hybrid owner or an electric car owner, accidents are highly complex incidents.  Car accidents used to be remedied by a tow truck and an ambulance.  With the “green” methods, we add a hazmat cleanup.  Hazmat for a cleanup?  That doesn’t sound very eco-friendly, either. 

How about if you live in Southern California, they get most of their energy from nuclear power.  In 18 states of the US, coal is used the most.  So if you are using an electric car, you are charging it with non-green sources.  So, what’s the point?  If you charge you var, you're using non-green energy.  You still save money, but I ask is it green?

The Balancing Act

Cow farts or smartphones? (by the way, cow farts are methane and don’t last as long- tonight’s Jeopardy final question.)

So what are our choices?  We don’t have many.  First, we can give up the conveniences of power.  Every environmentalist I run into wants to save the environment.  I tell them to get off the grid and don’t use internet devices.  Iphones and similar technologies use up to 80 KG of carbon.  Seeing how Apple has sold over 217 million according to a 2018 survey, the cow farts look better, and at least we can eat steak.  However, the environmentalist will stick to their guns and be angry at Bitcoin and people who use gas cars.

There are many other things that environmentalists won’t give up, such as air conditioning and notebooks (very bad).  However, think about it.  The very people (environmentalists) who should, by definition, stand up to the government for changes give into the system by promoting fiat. 

If we really want a government to stand up for us and not themselves, we need to show them where the power is.  It’s in Cryptocurrency.  That the thorn in the lion’s Achilles heel.  Cryptocurrency gives power to the people.  That’s what I want.  How about you?

So If you are going to pull an "environment excuse" to ban cryptocurrency, you better check to make sure that you're not just wearing a badge to fit in society and feel good.

In case you missed my last blog, here is the link. 

Enjoy my friends.

Regulation and Society adoption


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