Edo, the newest Tezos upgrade, is up and running

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I've poked around countless crypto subreddits and discords. One of the nerdiest groups I've come across, (and I say that with the utmost respect), are the people I've met in the Tezos subreddit.  They live and breathe the technical aspects of Tezos and love discussing new updates & the future of the project. The big buzz recently has been about the Edo upgrade. So, what is it?


Edo upgrade

This last weekend, the Edo upgrade was released. This brought 3 significant upgrades: an adoption period, tickets, and Sapling.



Sapling brings privacy preserving smart contracts. While not the first blockchain to use this, Tezos is by far the largest. Sapling will provide 'shielded transactions.'



Tickets will grant portable permissions. These can connect contracts, replace the need for multi-signature, and can be used for voting. This has been the upgrade that hasn't received as much attention, but I'm interested to see how it plays out.


Adoption Period

Simply put, this helps node runs much more smoothly. Previously, once upgrades were approved, they were implemented right away. This could cause issues in the ecosystem. The adoption period now gives a two week buffer so that the next upgrade can be seamless.


I've enjoyed learning about and using Tezos. If there is interest, I'll write up some more articles about my experience baking and using the Dexter Exchange

Regulation and Society adoption

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