Lil Bubble: The Cryptosphere is a Ridiculous Place (Sometimes)

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Source: a video screenshot, YouTube, The Crypto Bubble

You’ve probably heard crypto anthems “All Time Lows” and “When Moon?” The person behind these parodies is called Lil Bubble, who told us that the Cryptosphere shouldn't take itself so seriously all the time. Well, with his tongue-in-cheek YouTube flicks, he's definitely doing his part!

Lil Bubble is a known figure in the Cryptoworld, liked for his talent to parody popular songs and create crypto-themed tracks, sharing them on his Twitter and YouTube channel “The Crypto Bubble,” garnering so far tens of thousands of views and several thousand retweets. These are accompanied with music videos, featuring a number of details familiar to the crypto proponents, particularly Lil Bubble’s presentation as an astronaut with a rocket, often carrying garbage bags full of altcoins.

This graphic artist and a music producer prefers not to identify himself, because he doesn’t think his identity’s important for what he does. “Lil Bubble is a crypto caricature. The sum of every crypto stereotype expressed in musical form,” he tells us, and adds “I’m just a crypto enthusiast that loves creating things. One of those things is Lil Bubble, so it’s more fun to let him live.” While he grew up drawing and playing in bands, he now designs, edits photos, and makes music and videos, both for work and for fun.

As for the goals of his music, Lil Bubble tells us that “if anything it’s ‘taking the piss’ or poking fun at how ridiculous it [the Cryptosphere] can be. That’s something I think is important and hope to continue. We don’t need to take ourselves so seriously all the time. I like to think the lyrics can be a tongue-in-cheek lesson on responsible decision making. By highlighting how silly we can be sometimes, the songs might make viewers question their own actions.”

Ideas are aplenty, it seems, as Lil Bubble says that the Cryptosphere is his inspiration, while he also gets a bunch of parody ideas upon hearing certain songs – it’s automatic for him by now. “I have no shortage of ideas, I just need more hours in the day to finish them!"

Creating the Bubble

While the latest songs include “My Ponzi” and “Liquidated,” his earlier YouTube uploads comprise a number of crypto memes created from movie snippets. However, he had realized that he “could bring my music skills into the mix and make the content from scratch, something a bit more unique,” he says. “Lil Bubble was born,” with no big goal, “I’m just making music I find funny […] for anyone who can relate to the subject matter – anyone within the cryptosphere!”

Given his habit of turning everything into a song, he says “the crypto stuff just happened,” but the reactions to his song have been “kinda crazy,” quickly garnering fans. Lil Bubble makes all the music himself, either on his couch or in his spare bedroom/home studio, while his friends help him make videos. “The beauty of a comedic project is the work can happen fast – the music and video are often first takes. Imperfections just add to the humor.”

Lil Bubble tells us that he is a guitarist who grew up on metal and rap, and with a musical background in rock bands and electronic production. “The Lil Bubble project just lets me just have fun with it. I actually used to make parody songs back in school just about my friends and our inside jokes. I guess in a way that’s all I’m doing with Lil Bubble - the crypto community is just a bigger group of friends!”

He says that he enjoys this “wide mix of people from all areas of life” that forms the crypto community. “I felt like I was the only person in the world who found these ideas funny […] I love hearing that the songs have brightened someone’s day or made a person laugh.” There will always be somebody who's not a fan, but that is fine, as the music is not meant for them anyways, Lil Bubble says.

Original Lil Bubble music coming soon

Lil Bubble has plenty planned for the future. Though he just wants to make music for fun, he also says that he gets a lot of requests to get the music onto Spotify, for example. “I’m just trying to get the licensing sorted out to allow that to happen,” he tells us. “There’ll be some original Lil Bubble music soon too.”

In addition to that, he’ll be performing at BlockShow in Singapore this November, and he also continues creating his merchandise, describing it as “another avenue I get to be creative with,” with his next step being to set up crypto payments.

Stacking them sats

Speaking of crypto payments, Lil Bubble’s involvement in crypto space is mostly as a trader, he says, but he has come across “plenty of ideas that sound promising.” His first purchase was in early 2017, on a friend’s recommendation, after five years of planning to buy . “Since then I’ve bought and traded a bunch of alts and have been stacking those sats,” says Lil Bubble.

Crypto is still new, says this trader, and “as projects start delivering I think we’ll see a continued shift towards a very different world in terms of employment and societal structures.” The internet is a good example, as its effects “are still taking shape and we’re seeing new career opportunities and wealth transfers in areas that just sounded crazy 10-20 years ago. I think crypto will just enhance the new gig economy and allow the monetization of our interests, which is exciting to a creator.”


Check out some of Lil Bubble's work bellow:




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