Crypto FUD Wars: The Line I'm taking is "Respect crypto (and The Snark) or f@@k off!"

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For context, the below is my response to some technophobe asshat who thought he was my friend and could not only get away with spreading FUD, but pick a fight with me over it. (His username references semiprecious stones and a raptor favoured by the ancient Egyptians.)

Poor little birdy with a broken wing,

Cannot fly, cannot sing.

So shoot the bloody thing!

"The University of Cambridge maintains an online tool that estimates the level of electricity the crypto-currency network uses and compares it with other entities. It estimates that Bitcoin uses 143 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricty per year, more than many countries and around 0.65 percent of worldwide electricity consumptionStatista's Chart on Bitcoin Mining Electricity Usage

Yeah, crypto mining uses less than 1% of the world's electricity consumption, as anyone who's read one of my previous writings debunking FUD will know. That's just Bitcoin, which is definitely the be-all-and-end-all of crypto, as anyone with any sense knows, despite the hype. Far better and more efficient cryptos exist (some of which aren't even mineable, because they don't use Proof of Work). You, meanwhile, live in the United States of America, which is the world's second largest consumer of electricity, but has only ~4.5% of the world's population. (China is the world's largest consumer, with a population of about 18.47% that of the world.) To add insult to injury, over half of Americans don't believe that climate change is a thing (or that humans contribute to it in a significant way). However, I don't see any major bills being pushed through congress to address particular problem. (I don't know how much of America's energy consumption is green, but I'm guessing not much thanks to the likes of Texan oil barons. Crypto miners, on the other hand, probably fair a little better. It's even right there, albeit mentioned briefly, in the article you've linked.) Funny how you've conveniently failed to glean that from the article you've linked, isn't it? Your education system really has failed you; Americans have fucking reading comprehension and you can't even interpret a chart properly.

Anyone with a little search-fu can find heaps of FUD to cite in support of their so-called "argument" against crypto, instead of reading the articles helpfully gathered in one place. If I were you, I'd go read them and educate myself instead of being a hypocrite trying to remove a spec from someone else's eye while having a log in my own. Crypto is the inevitable future and no amount of ineffectual flailing around in protest is going to stop it. If you're not going to get on the crypto bus, do us all a favour: Throw yourself under it and stop wasting our fucking time that we could better spend earning crypto.

Next time you wanna blow up a friendship, think real hard if your technophobe bullshit is worth it. Adios, you asshole. You have failed to meet the bar necessary to be friends with me. I even warned you about how spreading FUD isn't good for you, but you somehow failed to take note, then went ahead and did it, anyway. Not only that, but you felt compelled to @ me on it too. What did you think was going to happen? You brought this on yourself.

Post thumbnail photo of Egyptian Heiroglyphs by Lady Escabia from/on

Regulation and Society adoption


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