Can Twitter Be Decentralized?

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Source: iStock/DKart

Dr. Bruce Ng is an educator in the field of Distributed LEDGER Technology (DLT) and has been a lead crypto-tech analyst for Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings since shortly after their launch.


People now live a good portion of their lives online. But in this digital, over-connected age, we’ve hit some bumps in the road.

Among users of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, complaints abound.

Pictures of a newborn are flagged as “pornography.”

Solemn prayers are mistakenly blocked as “hate speech.”

Legitimate businesses are mistakenly shut down by robotic algorithms.

All this goes beyond censorship. It’s arbitrary and random sabotage, cutting off primary sources of income for content creators.

And what about privacy concerns? How often has Facebook been hacked? How often have the private lives of millions of users been hacked and spilled all over the internet?

Regulation and Society adoption

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