Splinterlands | Scavenger Challenge

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Something else this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge as an ability is highlighted in the Scavenger Theme.

Scavenger is an interesting new dynamic that was introduced in the Untamed set which recently sold out. The idea is that every time a monster on the entire board dies, the monsters with the Scavenger ability gain +1 health. The Parasitic Growth in particular is a card I like to play it also has the Opportunity ability allowing it to attack from any position on the board. Add some health regeneration and it has the potential to get in the first-row spot with a lot of health for the 4 mana cost.

More than about the card, this post is also about how the social part and the community around the game which I still very much love. The match I played (and lost) was against a player who had cards I had never seen before in the game (It turned out to be Epic cards from the Dice Set). Seeing how this player (@sharkmonsters) with higher-level cards had No Guild yet, I went to look him up seeing he's also posting on hive.blog interacting with the community. Since we had a spot free in our Dec Hunters Guild, I invited him to join and he accepted. This combination of playing & blogging really works well for things like this.


The Parasitic Growth has low speed with is a disadvantage in regular matches but an advantage in games where the speed rules are reversed. I played it in 4th position hoping it would survive to get in 1st place with high health. The Spineback Turtle is an ok tank in low mana battles followed by the Furious Chicken in an attempt to make full use of the Scavenger ability. The Albatros is another low mana monster with extra heal ability while the Crustacean King provides both heal and Armor. most attack damage came from my backline card in the Pirate Archer which has blast ability



The plan to some extent worked as I managed to get the Parasitic growth in 1st position with 9 health and a healer behind it. Unfortunately, my overall damage was just not high enough in my line-up especially since facing a deck with all maxed out cards for the Gold League. My line-up also just didn't have an answer against the Lord Arianthus.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

Splinterlands | Cerberus

Splinterlands | Coral Wraith

Splinterlands | Minotaur Warrior

Splinterlands | Octopider

Splinterlands | Silvershield Bard

Splinterlands | Peaceful Giant

Splinterlands | Fire Spitter

Splinterlands | Naga Fire Wizard

Splinterlands | Naga Warrior

Splinterlands | Mushroom Sheer

Splinterlands | Spineback Wolf

Splinterlands | Lone Boatman

Splinterlands | Furious Chicken

Splinterlands | Molten Ogre

Splinterlands | Water Elemental

Splinterlands | Stonesplitter Orc

Splinterlands | Grim reaper

Splinterlands | Defender Of Truth

Splinterlands | Dragon Summoner

Splinterlands | Exploding Dwarf


All SPLINTERLANDS players are free to join this Weekly Challenge (regardless of your rank) and will get rewarded by the team with Upvotes on Hive. If you haven't tried out the game yet, this is a great opportunity as it allows you to earn back the 10$ Price of the Summoner's Spellbook you need to get your Hive Private Keys after creating an account, share in the game rewards, get Daily Quests, join tournaments, Earn DEC for each Ranked Win,... 

For more Info Around the Splinterlands Game see...

Hive: https://hive.blog/@costanza

Leofinance: https://leofinance.io/@costanza

Twitter: https://twitter.com/costanzabets

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