Manga Book Promises to Teach Readers about Basics of Blockchain

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Source: Asteria

The link between blockchain, crypto and manga continues to deepen in Japan – where a software company has published a new book explaining all the intricacies of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and distributed LEDGER technology using the power of manga.

Entitled “Blockchain through Manga” (rough translation), the book is the brainchild of software and computer network systems provider Asteria, and is priced at around USD 12.

The book was penned by the director of Asteria’s Blockchain R&D unit. Aimed at beginners, per a press release, the book takes readers through the most basic concepts of blockchain technology, and contains a chapter devoted to cryptocurrency – although, being a manga title, images of cute cats also abound.

The title was illustrated by Sakura Isami, a Tokyo-based manga illustrator who has worked with tourist bodies on promotional materials – and features cats and bicycles (and sometimes cycling cats) in his work.

The firm says it has made an effort to cut down on technical jargon to help first-time blockchain explorers understand the basics of blockchain without getting lost in hard-to-follow terminology.

Asteria added that the book also covers the use of blockchain outside the financial sector “so that readers can think as flexibly as possible” about the technology.

The release comes hot on the heels of a recent manga series about a blockchain-powered social revolution spearheaded by a time-traveler and another title that centers on the fictionalized origins of – as well as a .

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