Burn Clock 4 - Little Tip Big Impact with Rapids Tipbot

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Sharing content and adding value; is not that what we all strive to do at the most basic level?  Be sure to read on for:  Burn Clock 4 - Little Tip Big Impact with Rapids Tipbot


June 2020 Release

Have you ever noticed when there is more motion in your life, other areas of your life seem to speed up?  The law of attraction points us to a universal truth:

Energy and Focus in a Common Direction Creates Success.

The same holds true for the Rapids Tipbot group on Telegram.

Announced via multiple channels including a Medium article earlier this year, the Telegram channel is very active, nearly all day long every day with thousands of engagements.


What Is A Tipbot Anyway?

Across any number of projects tipbots have been developed to recognize, celebrate, and share in the success with everyone who is engaged. The Rapids TipBot exemplifies all of these areas.


What is intriguing is how quickly processing occurs, near instantly.

Probably the most notable fact that any user needs to keep in mind is that any balances on a TipBot are not reflected in a user / owner's wallet. It takes a quick command, usually something like /withdrawal {address} {amount}.  It's really that simple.

The value everyone gains is a rapid calculation and execution of any number of transactions including calculation, balance, withdrawing & send.

If you haven't had a chance to participate be sure to join the channel (link below) and check it out.  You're bound to stumble upon a happy hour, recognition or just for no particular reason the group will be active.

The channel has great support to make sure the nefarious activity stays away. Thumbs up in my book.


The First Step

You can use join the TipBot channel without a RPD wallet, but it is recommended to have your RPD Wallet set-up as you do not want to hold RPD longer term on the tipbot.

The mobile or desktop wallet is an easy download & setup. You can find it here

That's all you need to do to get started.  Two links from down below and you're in business. 

Hope to see you there!


Regulation and Society adoption

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