Limiting Travel Limits Crypto

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Through crypto, money can move faster than ever. This utility, which has governments across the world shaking in their boots, is nonetheless limited if people cannot move themselves physically. The fake COVID pandemic has given governments the ability to limit the travel of the world's population without too much backlash. If allowed to continue, this will destroy any of the utility that crypto gives to the world's citizens.

I've had the unique experience of traveling the world with people from other countries. In most cases, their passports were not nearly as strong as mine. In some cases, their countries would not let them outside of the borders, and our trip had to come to a sudden end.

Keep in mind this was before COVID hypeteen. Now governments are creating reasons to keep their citizens' wings clipped. I can't help but think that part of the reason is to limit the ability of cryptocurrency to move value off of their shores.

Crypto adoption is around 1% of the world. Why would governments try to limit travel based on this small percentage of people? 

Well, that begs the question, why are a certain cabal of people in power, and why have they been in power for hundreds of years? Well, if you don't have to think about money and survival all day, you can devise plans with hundred year timelines. In order to get power and maintain it, you have to think generations ahead. Governments may be behind the technological curve, but they are masters at social order. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist in their current form.

I say all of that to say this — those of you who prioritize freedom and are into crypto for some reason of sovereignty or liberty, you must fight to be able to travel freely.

I don't think US citizens will understand what I am talking about. Of the major world powers, the US is the one that puts the least amount of restriction on its citizens traveling. Even with that advantage, only 20% of US citizens have passports.

One reason for this is that the US is just bigger than other places. You can find any environment and type of person you want in the US depending on where you decide to go. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the freedom to live, work and do business outside of the US. Because many American citizens don't take advantage of the freedom to move about the world in a way that most people can't, that right can be taken away from most of them without a protest.

Most US citizens have also enjoyed the privilege of not needing political asylum from any other country. Americans really don't understand what the ability to switch governmental allegiance means to their overall sovereignty. Simply having the choice to move outside of a country's direct jurisdiction makes that country treat you with more respect. Why? Because you can take your value away from the economy. The second that your travel is limited to the borders of the country, you can expect oppression. I believe that many US citizens will learn this lesson too late, and many of the opportunities to migrate to a better country may deteriorate by the time folks realize they need to use it.

I don't need some news outlet or scientific study to tell me this is true. I have seen it firsthand in my friends from countries that already impose this. They feel less than, and their country's political hold on them grows into an effect that is psychosomatic.

The disorder in the streets and the migration away from America's legendary coastal cities — New York, Los Angeles — should serve as a warning of what's to come. The US is a dying superpower that does not have the financial space to support all of its citizens, especially with all of the immigrants knocking on its doors. But by the time travel regulations are changed because of COVID, those who might be able to afford a great life outside of the US will not have the political freedom to move there.

Crypto provides such a democratic opportunity for everyone to build wealth across the world that it must be stopped. If we do not address this problem now, you can bet that the elites will build a political fence around the US. By the time most people recognize it, it will be too late to divest. Your life will be limited to what the elites decide to give you. Perhaps more importantly, you won't be able to experience the real beauty that this world has to offer.

Regulation and Society adoption


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