Burn Clock 5 - Rapids is Waiting for You to Come Home

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One of the great things about every blockchain project is the community that follow, track, develop & participate.  It leads us to this next day in following: Burn Clock 5 - Rapids is Waiting for You to Come Home.


Show Me Your Circle

It has been said by many people and I do not know where it initially originated from, yet I heard it first from Tony Robbins -

Show me the 5 people closest to you and I'll show you...

  • your productivity
  • your net worth
  • your happiness
  • just about everything else...

It's really a great way to look at a situation.  Look at your own life and compare across the board and see what you think.  What happens when you look at our own community?


Rapids Everywhere

Over the last couple months I have had quite a bit of exposure to the Rapids Network community.  One could go off and say, they're everywhere.

From the community that I mentioned in the Day 6 Burn article (Link at the End) about Rapids.host to some of the telegram groups.  The community is super engaged, really friendly and engaging as well as looking in what appears to be the same direction.

All that to say, IT IS AMAZING!

For example one of the telegram channels, Rapids Communityhas really great information and is reallly up to date.  And when I say up to date, I mean multiple times a day across every channel someone is talking about something.

And it's worth noting that it's none of that "here's my referral code...." nonsense.  Not that referral codes don't have their place, but my philosophy is: VALUE FIRST!


It Reaches Beyond Telegram

Suffice to say, you can find the community in all of the usual places but not in the usual types of ways.  For example, I am sure there are plenty of folks that are on Facebook.  I don't see them though.

That has everything to do with me as I am overflowing with information from just Telegram, Twitter & the whole .Host of RapidsNetwork sites. (pun intended)

So What is Really Going On is something that keeps coming to mind.  Cool people, Interesting Project, Uber Engaged Community, Accomplishments (from exchange listing to social proof), there is a welling up of service and capability that I am not seeing in other places.

Granted you may say, that is part of the mission of the project.  Leveraging social networks to facilitate payments would be completely amiss if the project was lacking social engagement.

Either way, the tone and tenor of everyone that is involved in the groups I have seen so far remind me of the work ethic needed while going through break-in week at uni while playing sports. 

You might even say running the marathon at a sprinters pace...


Instead Of

There could be an exhaustive list here of all of the different groups, channels and cheerleaders involved, but what fun would that be?  Rather having a couple lines to run down first will no doubt lead you to where you need to be.

The Twitter feeds of @RapidsRPD, @RapidsHost and a few of the key leaders of the organization are a treasure trove of information, connectivity and value. 

Frankly, I can't say that I have come across anything like this before.

For example, here is a great activity that you can benefit from, right now, today.  Follow @matt_cimelli instructions and see where it takes you.  You just never know.


Parting Thought

There's a proverb that has some mileage to it about running further or faster. Even so it's still appropros here too. Personally I like to find a way for both.

To go fast, go alone but to go far, go together.

What do you think about them apples ??? Looking for a community to engage that is more than just some project group, then you're in the right place.


NOTE: Follow me on Twitter and stay up to date with the countdown to the #Rapds5BBurn!

Regulation and Society adoption


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