Your Time Pays

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Times have changed since I was a young man. When I was young I always wanted to earn money from watching ads or from doing different tasks online. Just a couple of years ago this would seem impossible or if it was possible you did not make enough money and it was not worth the time.

Times are changing that is for sure. 

Everyone is always talking about investing in your favorite Crypto project, but what if you do not have the funds to invest. What if all you have is time to invest? What if you could turn this time into Crypto? It is starting to become easier to turn your free time into money. Like they say time is money. These days there are so many different ways to earn money online from your attention it is mind-blowing. It seems like every day there are new ways popping up that allow you to earn online from your attention. Either from watching ads, blogging, playing games, or even listening to music! This does not mean that they are all worth your time but it just shows that it is getting people’s attention and people are willing to try them out. 

If you are like me then you see the potential in Crypto projects but do not have the funds to invest in the projects you believe in. In this article, I want to share with you the ways I am finding to invest without investing your cold hard cash. Instead, I am investing my time. 

When I try to introduce these earning opportunities to people I get one of two things said to me. Thank you for sharing and thank you for giving me more earning opportunities to try out. Or people will say, these sites take too long and you do not make enough. The majority of people end up responding with the second one but the majority of these people want things right away. They want to see funds go into their wallets the day they use the earning opportunity. I used to be the same way until I realized, nothing good comes easy. Nothing worth my time comes with just a click of a button. Everything that is worth investing in takes time and dedication. You can not expect money to just come flowing in without having to put some kind of work into it. 

The more you spread the word and show people that this is possible the more your job gets a little easier. Each person that signs up using your links makes you a fraction of a cent more from whatever site they sign up to. This does not sound like a lot and this makes the “I want it now” people not interested. Imagine doing this for years though. Imagine being able to have people sign up using your links for years. This adds up over time. Writing these articles and using these sites is not for immediate gratification for me. This is an investment for my future. My goal is to show others how to turn these earning opportunities into a small form of passive income. At first, it will not be passive but once you start getting your referral link out there and people start using it, you start to see small amounts come in without having to do anything. This of course takes time, but that is what this article is about. Making money from investing your time. The more time that goes on and the more amount of people you have signed up the easier your earning gets. It all depends on how good you are at spreading the word. I am not the best but I still get a couple of people to sign up here and there. Imagine if you are really good at it. The sky is the limit. 

Spreading your referral link through writing and social platforms is not the only way to get your referral out there. You can also use certain sites to promote your site through ads. I will dive more into this further in the article. The key is to get your referral links out there and hope people use your link to sign up. I want to stress to keep patient and keep trying to spread the word on the earning sites you believe in and make money from. This is a slow process but can be very rewarding. 

First I want to go over the sites I use on a normal basis just for earning and how I use them. I have somewhat of a routine when it comes to these sites. I use them all throughout the day but I use them at night the most. This is when the ads are filled up and You make the most. I also want to share some of the ways I get my referrals out there other than writing articles. 

I have shared some of these earning opportunities in my previous articles but I wanted to do a more in-depth article on them and how I use these sites to make the most out of my time, and help everyone reading earn the most without losing time or money.

These are the sites I use to bring in earnings to invest in Crypto projects I believe will take off in the near future.

After I go through the earning sites I use I will share how I am trying to get my referral links out there and what sites I use to promote the sites I use.

FaucetPay - I want to start off with this wallet because it is going to be your go-to wallet for most of your earning sites. Also, this wallet has a decent PTC (point to click) section that can make you a small amount of BTC every day.

FaucetPay connects you to a lot of different earning sites. This is where I found most of the earning sites I use. You do have to be careful though. Anyone can make a faucet. FaucetPay is safe but some of the faucets in the faucet list are not. This is why I am going to show you the sites I have found and are legit and safe.

I am going to share the main sites I use to earn. These sites seem to allow me to earn the most and have the best referral commission. There are a lot of earning sites out there but most of them take forever to earn or have a high withdrawal amount. These sites I am about to share let you earn fairly quickly and have a low withdrawal amount. Keep in mind some sites take time but are worth it because they build up every day. The more days you earn from these sites the higher the amount you earn is every day. A lot of people want a quick return and are not willing to put the time in to earn but I promise you if you stick with it you can earn a decent amount just from claiming.

Cointiply - This is the first site I want to talk about because it is easy to use and you can earn a decent amount every month. The average user makes around $30 a month but you can make up to over a couple hundred. The site has no limits on the amount you can earn. This is by far one of my favorite earning sites to use. The sky is the limit with the amount you can earn and you have multiple ways of earning.

They have a faucet you can claim from every hour. It is a type of lottery faucet. You have the chance to win anywhere from a small amount to over $20. I have not won anything more than $0.10 but anything is possible.

Cointiply also has a PTC (point to click) section. This section refills through the day but refills all the way at 7pm eastern standard time. I suggest using this at least every night. Do this while you are watching a movie or using other earning sites. These ads allow you to have them running in the background.

Cointiply has a decent survey section as well. I have made a couple of dollars from surveys. I am sure I can make more but I really do not have the time to do a lot of them. I normally stick with the faucet and PTC section. This makes me around $10 a month. You can earn way more but I do not have the time because I also use other earning sites with this site.

The withdrawal amount is $3 which you can reach pretty quickly. They have a staking option as well. If you have $3.50 or more you end up getting 5% APY on your coins. This adds up over time. I try to at least keep this amount so I accumulate a small amount for free. It will take you around 1 week to reach your withdrawal amount at first (if you only use the faucet and the PTC section) but over time it will come faster because of your loyalty earning and your staking earnings. I suggest keeping a routine and watching the money come in.

CryptoWin - This next site is one of my favorite. You can earn 1 to 4 satoshi every 15 minutes with their faucet. This might not seem like a lot but it adds up over time. They also have a decent PTC section as well. The main reason I love this site is that its referral section is amazing. You earn a 50% referral commission! I suggest you use this site a couple of times a day but try to get the word out because this is where your true money will come in.

CryptoWin has a small withdrawal amount of 200 sats. This will come quickly. You can withdrawal this right to your FaucetPay account or you can direct withdrawal to your regular wallet.

CoinpayU - COINPAYU is one of the best PTC sites out there. They have ads that you can play in the background that pay up to 4 sats per ad! This is a high-paying PTC site that you can withdrawal from about once a week. This site refills about the same time as COINTIPLY (7pm).

 - ADBTC is another great PTC earning site. This site has a lot higher paying ads to watch and you can watch them in the background as well. The highest ad I have seen from this site paid 32 sats! This is a big earning site I use a couple of times a day.

 has a decent referral system. You can earn 10% of what ads your referrals watch. This adds up over time. I only have a couple of referrals at the moment but I am working on gaining more. Your main goal should be trying to get people to click your referral links. This is where the real passive income comes in. It is good to use these earning sites but over time it can get tedious. The end game is building your referrals up so you do not have to claim as much.

Last but definitely not least

FaucetCrypto - FAUCETCRYPTO is a great site to start earning Crypto. The best part about this site is that you can withdrawal multiple different types of Crypto. You can also withdrawal directly to your main wallet or to your FaucetPay wallet. I always will suggest sending your earnings to your FaucetPay account because it is faster and the amount you need to have is smaller.

FaucetCrypto also has a decent referral system. You earn 22% from every referral claim. This might not sound like a lot but it adds up over time.

I believe the price of Crypto will rise it is just a matter of time. The small amounts you earn now could be worth more in the future.

If you like to blog or just like to write about certain things in your life then these next three sites I share will definitely be for you. - This is one of the best if not the best Crypto blogging site out there. You earn BitcoinCash just for writing about your life or about certain Crypto projects you are interested in. I do have to explain something before you go jumping in and expecting to make money. You will not make money right away. You will need to keep posting and get your name out there first. This is a great way to spread your knowledge about things or just talk about whatever is going on in your life. You can also use READ.CASH to show people earning opportunities as I do. Do not get discouraged if you do not make money right away. You need to keep posting and let people know who you are and you are passionate about what you write. If you stick with it you will start earning Crypto. This site takes dedication and persistence. If you do not make money from your first couple of articles do not let it discourage you. I suggest to keep writing and you will start earning after a while. I have noticed a lot of people who sign up using my link only post a couple of times and then stop because they do not make anything right away. You need to show everyone you are here to stay and stick with your posting. This is a great earning opportunity as long as you stick with it.

PublishOX - This next blogging site is right up there with On this site, you earn AMPL and FARM for your blogs. You can write about anything you want. The same thing goes for PublishOX. Do not get discouraged if you do not make anything off of your first couple of articles. Stick with posting and you will start to earn once people start noticing you. Another great thing about PublishOX is you can earn just from reading articles. After you read an article there is a free tip button at the bottom of the article. You have the option to slip the tip between you and the creator. You also have the option to change the amount each of you earns. If you like the article you can give the creator 80% and you keep 20%. Or if you do not like the article that much then you can keep 80% and give the creator 20%. You can change the percentage to any number you want. I suggest being truthful and tipping on how you feel about the article. It is up to you though how you want to tip. - is not technically a blogging site but something along the lines of a social platform. I have heard people say it is something along the lines of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I like to say that it is its own type of social platform. It is somewhere where you can meet people from all over the world and find any topic you can possibly think of. You can post pictures and write a post as long as you want. The best part about is you get tipped for your posts and you can tip other people's posts. You earn BitcoinCash for your interaction on The better your posts and the more followers you have the more BCH you can make. I have seen the same thing happen on this site as I have seen on my other blogging sites though. People expect to start making money right when they join. They expect to earn just from posting one or two posts and when they do not receive anything they stop posting. This is another site you need to interact with to receive more. You need to get your name out there and truly interact with other people so people can see that you are there. You need to post every day or at least as much as you can. You might not earn after your first couple of posts but you will earn after you stay consistent on the site. Be patient and I promise you will not be sorry. Keep posting and commenting on other people's posts and you will start to earn in no time.

Your main goal is to get your foot in the door with these sites. Earn a little Crypto and get to know your earning sites. Once you have done this you can start to spread the word. This is where the next part of my article covers. How in the world do you get your referral link out there?

I have come up with a couple of different ways to spread the word and get at least a couple of people to sign up using my links.

One is blogging. You can do what I do and spread the word by writing blogs. This is a slow process but definitely gets your name out there and helps people find new ways to earn and have a side hustle going on.

The next thing you can do is use PTC sites. The sites I showed you that have PTC sections are a great place to advertise your links. You can use some of the earnings you make from these sites to try to have people use your links. I have had a couple of people sign up this way but it takes some time. I do this occasionally just to get my link floating around once in a while.

There is a site called mellowads. This site has a faucet you can claim from once a day so you can run ads. I use this site every day to try to get my referral links out there. You can also deposit BTC so you can get more ads but I tend to stick with the free ads I accumulate from doing the faucet. It is a slow process but nothing in life comes easy.

One last idea I have is using social platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. This is a great place to get your referrals out there. The only problem with these sites is you normally need to already have followers for anyone to see your posts. I am still in a demo phase when it comes to this way of spreading my links but it seems to slowly be working.

This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any decisions. I am just trying to help people find new ways of earning Crypto. The price of Crypto could drop for all we know. My personal opinion is we have only seen the beginning of what Crypto is capable of.

I hope everyone has enjoyed my article. I also hope it has helped someone find a couple of new ways of earning and building up your Crypto portfolio.

Earning and building true passive income takes time and dedication. So stick with it and before you know it you will start to see small amounts come in without having to do any work. Hopefully, with even more time, this amount will grow.

Good luck everyone and please like and follows for more content. I try to post at least once a week but sometimes life throws a curveball. I will be stepping my game up and posting as much as I can so I can get the word out there and we all can start earning and make 2022 a lucrative year!

Thanks for reading!

lead image from  (Edited using windows photo editor)

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