World of Cryptoids

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World of Cryptoids

About World of Cryptoids

World of Cryptoids are building a massively multiplayer online game. A pokemon inspired metaverse world where players can breed, own, and monetize their Cryptoids using a variety of blockchain based tokens. $CAC will be the primary governance token and the game has been designed around being a sustainable Play to Earn blockchain game (sP2E). By fighting against other Cryptoids, players can earn token rewards and later on build their own Kingdom throughout the Land play ecosystem. World of Cryptoids gameplay is designed around a sustainable economy allowing players to invest in the game and receive sustainable rewards over a long period of time.

The game will feature a whole host of new experiences including breeding, land battles, adventure mode(PvE), and arena mode(player vs. player battles). With all these game modes in mind, we expect a significant amount of traction to be built up in the first few months with a very healthy game economy developed. World of Cryptoids will bring blockchain gaming into the mainstream mobile and browser gaming ecosystem by offering the advantages of NFT and cryptocurrency ownership.


World of Crytpoids is a turn-based card game. Each battle requires a team of three (3) Cryptoids, attacking in order depending on their speed stat. So for example, if your fastest Cryptoid has 47 speed, and the opponent’s fastest Cryptoid has 48 speed, his Cryptoid will attack before yours. Each cryptoid has a pool of 4 skills that they can draw out of at the beginning of every turn, and those skills consume energy when they are cast. At the beginning of every battle, players get 6 energy, and each subsequent turn will add 4.

One important tip is that you can save your energy for subsequent turns by not using up all of it.

In order to win you will have to eliminate all three of your opponent’s Cryptoids in Arena, and every monster in Adventure.

It will feature two main game modes: Adventure and Arena.

Arena is the pvp game mode where players will fight against other players. It’s a perfect game mode for players who like challenging others and proving themselves to be superior.

There will be a ranking system in the Arena, where each player will gain points for wins and lose points for losses (mmr). After each season players will be rewarded depending on their rank on the leaderboard. (Each season lasts three months.)


Adventure is the game mode where your team of Cryptoids will go against AI. It features many levels for you to beat, as well as bosses. For each victory, your Cryptoids will gain experience points, and level once they get enough required for a level up. Once they level, they will gain more stats and get stronger. Just have in mind that Adventure mode is really challenging and you might want to train your Cryptoids before taking on high levels.

What does it mean to break even?

Break even generally abbreviated in finance, is the point when you’re making neither a profit nor a loss. Numbers below the break even point means it’s a loss, and opposite of it, a number above it means it’s a profit. It’s sometimes also referred to as a point of equilibrium. This means your investment has been paid off, and you have received the expected return.

So how long does it take once you invest in CrypEggs to get your money back and start earning more?

Let’s start with investments. CrypEggs prices , on presale, was 0.05 BNB. You will need a minimum of three (3) CrypEggs to start playing. Taking this into account, your first investment is going to be 0.15 BNB.

Playing daily and completing quests can get you an income of 3 to 57 , with the highest possible level as of right now being 57 $CGC. If you use its full potential, it will probably take you a maximum of 1 to 2 months to reach the break even point.

Once you reach the break even point, every subsequent income will put you above the breaking point, giving you a profit.

How is WoC different compared to Axie?

For starters we can take a look at the break even point we’ve explained previously.

Many people have complained that Axie as of right now might not be able to ever provide a break even point.

Many news websites including BusinessInsider and Naavik have talked about how Axie was all the rage back in 2021, but its returns are slowly diminishing.

Besides that, they have inflation problems, and many players are cashing out rather than investing back into the game.

So if we compare the games on this subject, WoC allows you to return your investment in a very short time, whereas Axie can possibly take years, if even then.

This is where our sustainable version of the p2e system is coming to show.

WoC have prepared in order to avoid such things happening to WoC.

You can read more about their tokenomics

Besides the regular income, there is also the possibility of utilizing their marketplace.

You will be able to buy, sell, and trade your Cryptoids.

This means you can earn additionally, besides the in game earning features.

Got a good Cryptoid? Put it up for sale on the marketplace and cash it in, unless you’re planning to keep it for yourself.

Breeding you Cryptoids 

One of the key features of World of Cryptoids is . You can breed Cryptoids to get CrypEggs, which will hatch into new Cryptoids. Breeding allows you to create new Cryptoids, possibly superior, rarer, and stronger. You can use the newly bred Cryptoids in battle, breed them, keep them for your collection, or sell them on the marketplace, it’s up to you.

It’s really fun to experiment with different Cryptoids and see what their offspring is going to be like. It also adds the element of anticipation, since you have to wait for five (5) days for your egg to hatch after you receive it in your inventory.

You also expand your collection when breeding. You can come across a Cryptoid that’s a perfect match for your team, or a pricey rare one that you can sell on our marketplace and cash it in.

Partnerships ( AVG )

WoC has partnered up with Astra Guild Ventures, one of the largest play-to-earn gaming guilds in the world.

AVG is a gaming guild, so the scholarship program will be smooth and it will be easier to connect investors and players to utilize the program.

Players can benefit a lot since AVG has the resources and connections needed to help out and lead scholars to excel in the game.

About Astra Guild Ventures (AGV)

Astra Guild Ventures (AGV) is a play-to-earn gaming guild, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that invests in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and other blockchain assets.

Their mission is to build the largest community of NFT and blockchain tech leaders, enthusiasts, and contributors around the world. They aim to create a completely transparent virtual economy that provides equal value to all stakeholders.

Furthermore, AGV aims to:

  • Help speed up adoption of new NFT and blockchain projects by introducing them to the community through partnerships or by purchasing assets and equities from these projects
  • Help NFT and blockchain enthusiasts earn by renting out community-owned assets and providing training to them
  • Help contributors maximize their earning potential by utilizing the abundant human resources and partnerships of the DAO for NFT play-to-earn games

AGV believes that there is a need for having a decentralized community that connects icontributors, tech leaders, and NFT enthusiasts as we are on the verge of NFTs and other digital assets becoming part of day-to-day transactions all around the world. Having an early position on these assets will bring opportunities to the DAO, its token, and the community.

Certik Audit

CertiK has prepared for World of Cryptoids to discover issues and vulnerabilities in the source code of the World of Cryptoids — Audit project as well as any contract dependencies that were not part of an officially recognized library. They have performed a comprehensive examination, utilizing Static Analysis and Manual Review techniques.

About CertiK

CertiK is an edge-standards cybersecurity firm aiming to improve the security and correctness of smart contracts and blockchain protocols on a global scale. CertiK’s mission is to apply a plethora of high-level industry practices, covering the entire spectrum of static, manual, and dynamic analyses, in order to ensure each project subject to a formal audit is up-to-date with modern security standards while offering their services to the broader DLT community.

World of Cryptoids is a hot upcoming game, where players can earn while playing. It features Cryptoids which are NFTs that you can collect, trade, breed, as well as CrypEggs that you can buy and hatch. The Cryptoids are as cute as they are badass. You can play it on both browser and mobile, making it as user-friendly as possible. Players will be able to go through levels of npc battles, boss battles, as well as play against other players and get rewards. It’s a game definitely worth your time, once you try it out you’ll immediately fall in love with it.

Play Now !




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