What is AlienWorlds Up to Now? A Quick Take on "Planet Binance" Missions

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Let's look past the very sports-stadium-y crossover marketing grossness of "Planet Binance" brought to you by AlienWorlds, and the Fiat Panda, which is the official vehicle of Little Green Men and Nordic Women throughout the Gemini-Coinbase-Mastercard-Atari-Mr.Pibb-Ribena-Visit Atlanta Tourism Bureau multiverse. Paris Hilton.

Anyway, gross icky corporate pile-on out of the way, what is heading toward us like a rented spaceship from Methane Swamplands of Magor?


That's right! Something to do in AlienWorlds! You can click "Mine" and then "Claim" and then do a CAPTCHA and then, if you left enough time in your day, you can lease a Spaceship to cruise about the Universe completing Missions to earn NFTs. 

They released a notification on Medium earlier today with some pretty kickass images. All the images other than the meme are from here.

As you can see from this graphic, you will have a choice of 1 week, 2 week, or 4 week/1 month missions that you will commit your rented Spaceship to. The longer missions give you a chance at more rare NFTs. As you will see below, the NFTS are killer. Kil. Ler. Especially compared to frigging Lizard face NFT. Kil. Ler. I like!

It sounds like you will participate in staking TLM, which leases the spaceship and launches you in a quest to claim your share of the staked TLM pool and one of 8 unique NFTs that will be released each month. There will be a dashboard with your stats and with a way to stalk other competitors or collaborators on the mission (not sure if it's competitive).

The details sounds a bit sketchy so far, but there will be a whole other set of statistics to keep track of on top of your favorite mining power and NFT luck stats. Each Spaceship will have Spaceship Power and Crafting Power and some sneaking suspicion tells me you will be able to buy Spaceship NFT packs or trade for extremely expensive Spaceship NFT tools soon. 

[Examples of spaceship and crafting tools to up your pow-pow-power]

I think these NFTs kick serious Little Green Ass and I want them and I already know I will never have enough TLM for them. 

Following Phase 1 where you stake TLM, Phase 2 will allow you to stake BNB tokens on the BINANCE Secure Chain as well as the NFTs you have earned on previous missions to give you even higher chances at success. Phase 3 will integrate the actual Planet Binance into the current 6-planet AlienWorlds, umm, worlds, and then some kind of interplanetary competitive dynamics will get lit! What kind? They don't say! But I assume that the most fundamental competition will be for staked resources, kind of like how Neri has monster TLM staked due to the CryptoMonkey mafia and their army of banana-powered NFTs.

The official guidance is to STAY TUNED for more announcements. 

MY official guidance to you is to get your TLM now before the Hype jacks TLM up even higher.

Peering into the Celsius Brand Crystal Ball brought to you by Reebok, Sony, and KFC

Believe it or not, I can't see the future (or else I would DEFinitely put my AMPL on the flippin chain instead of KuCoin!). But I can make wild and irresponsible guesses!

There is a lot to like about this announcement. There is more "game" coming to this "game." Of course the game is really strongly resembling a DeFi staking pool with TLM and eventually BNB staked and earning delicious NFT syrup. Not sure how much more exciting it will be checking your Mission progress (brought to you by Depends Adult Diapers) than it already is to be checking your Atomic Hub inventory to see if you will ever get an NFT from mining again, but it is something. 

And, the NFTs are a big step up from the ones the Dev's 3rd grade children made for Faces/Avatars. I actually said "cool!" out loud when I saw them.

Getting new stuff and new layers to the game is a good thing. And maybe brings ThunderDome closer to reality. 

There are reasons to believe that this will suck, too. For one, Binance. Planet Binance. The cross-promotion reeks of the increasing coziness that Cryptoworld is cultivating with mainstream partners like banks, credit card companies, and worst of all Private and Venture Capital. Calling a planet Binance is what you do when profit is everything. Calling a new gameplay feature Planet Binance Missions is what you do when profit is the only thing and you have visions of jamming with hot babes on your superyacht dancing in your head. I don't like it. But who cares what I think because...

I will never be able to afford to play this game. That is my biggest worry. Already the game is a feudalistic wet dream. Yes, there are kick ass OGs who got in the game early and worked hard to make it a fun deal with NFT giveaways and super nice vibes on Telegram. But now that decent mining tools cost $100s, and in the future when you will have more success if you stake TLM and BNB and the NFTs you won the last time, me and my 2nd hand drills and coupon codes for weekend discounts on Sub-Compact RubbishoTron 2000 Spaceships are not feeling optimistic. 

The good thing is that I am usually wrong! Yay!

TLM has been one of the biggest surprises of my young Cryptoworld adventures, and I can't see how this move doesn't add value to that asset, at least in the short term. 

So how about it? Anyone want to create a Spaceship leasing consortium so that we can compete with the Whales? 

We can call it the honest regular folks team of hope and honesty. Brought to you by Microstrategy in partnership with Trojan and Nando's Chicken.


Read the official announcement here: https://alienworlds.medium.com/sneak-preview-planet-binance-missions-game-f1361b7f338d

And feel free to take a whirl on the poor man's AlienWorlds... faucets!

"The Hot List" that I am most excited about: CointiplyRollerCoin

"The Maybe! List" that you might enjoy even if the payout is not so great: FreeBitco.inPipeflare.

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