(Weaknesses Exposed) - How to beat the best and most experienced players in Crypto Royale

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For those unaware Crypto Royale is a browser based game that is quick to learn but difficult to master, nonetheless masters are plentiful — in this post I’m sharing my 2nd How to earn more in the game post by sharing some top player weaknesses that can help you further your game play, improve your rankings and earnings. (this wasn't easy to press submit - i might get some heat if players come across it lol)

Luc has risen to the top of rankings, fighting toe-to-toe with the game’s toughest, MultiRoleTalent. Luc, of unknown origins, freely battles at all levels (ranked, low stakes and high stakes) and is an inspiring player. From an outsider’s perspective this kind, encouraging, community spirited yet deadly force of a player may seem unbeatable for newcomers, however he does possess weaknesses.

Best Way to Beat: Luc plays with a VPN resulting in higher ping, to counter his play make sharp movements so he struggles to keep up, a recent tip he gave to me during a 1 v1 was to “not hesitate” after showing mercy with a quick execution – was this a self-confessed weakness in his gameplay? a weapon to use? Perhaps! My interpretation is ‘Play with conviction and you’ll increase your chances of beating me’. Note – if he says “hang on I’ll turn off my VPN” it’s best to leave him be – a simple “sorry I must go now” will suffice.

Ultimately Luc possesses one weakness he may not even have realised yet, and this is one that can be exploited. Following his rise through the ranks, the community soon began chanting his name as the ‘people’s champion’ – and rightly so. This popularity, community appreciation for his humble demeanour and general positivity even earned him recognition from the game developer themselves.  In August 2021 he was promoted to a discord moderator, and thus enter his weakness… Cognitive dissonance! The cost of fame! reflected by his recent name change to the game's token ROY. While part of him has a natural desire to win the other part screams to play the role of ‘team member’ – striving towards a greater good, harmony within if you wish. Play on this unconscious dilemma and you can win the battle before you even step on the field.

BlackBanana currently boasting a 35 game win streak, is a perfect executioner, this long-term top player’s reputation echoes through the lobbies long before he’s present on the battlefield. While his opponents are fearful, there is a united respect for his craft. Pinpoint accuracy and a mastery of positional play means BlackBannana can, and does, beat any player on his day. Yet, this near perfect specimen does have his own weaknesses.

Best Way to Beat: BlackBanana has openly shared his own weakness, and it’s one that haunts him throughout tournaments. “Always the bridesmaid never the bride”, he has finished runner up in tournaments more than any other player. To improve your chances of beating BB in a game you must hold off engaging in battle with the lobby, the aim is to survive the battle until you’re in a 1v1 situation.

BlackBanana has a deep interest in collecting the achievements, if the developer announces new achievements have been created you can be sure this player is looking to collect them as quickly as possible. While on the hunt for achievements all his focus and attention shifts away from winning the game and becomes an easy target.

He has also shared that he has a son, as a father I can fully relate to the external interruptions that can affect concentration and gameplay. The optimal time to play against a player with a toddler in the room is weekends, between 7am and 9am – this is when BlackBanana’s attention may weaken, fortunate timing could essentially mean you’re in a 2v1 scenario ??. Note: teaming is forbidden but I think this falls within a grey area.

Freddy1666 is more than just a player, he is a representation of what many Crypto Royale players endure; Opposition and discontent from a romantic partner. In an effort to give the illusion of balance to his relationship Freddy has moved about from desktop to mobile play (although there is no formal record of this transition researchers believe this was initiation in July 2021).

Best Way to Beat: Magnificent strides have been made in mobile play but there is still a gap between the two. While mobile players do have the advantage of being able to play anywhere, and Freddy’s favourite location being the toilet, they are still restricted somewhat in terms of manoeuvrability. Use Freddy’s mobile limitations against him, he cannot play to the exact angles you can, use those angles to your advantage.

MillionAnts is a player who has dabbled in High Stakes but plays most of their games in low stakes. At the time of writing his game ranking placed him in second spot with 1780 points, anyone who has tried to reach this level will attest to its difficulty. However, MA does, and has openly admitted, suffer from tilt. While continual winning streaks have seen his ranking rise to the stratosphere, the opposite can quickly happen, losing streaks play a role on his performance.

Best Way to Beat: Not a strategy I’m in favour of but your best way of beating MA is through Chat Taunting, ask if he’s on a losing streak, suggest you’re the catalyst for the impeding losing streak he’ll endure. If you can crack him, you can beat him.

ZingOwner is a great player who constantly has ping issues, you’d be forgiven for thinking he’s playing from a remote Somalian village through a dialup connection but that isn’t the case. This experienced and persistent player hails from the US but is victim to some infrastructure challenges. Having spoken with his provider it seems they are unsympathetic to his CR needs and no timescale for service improvement has been given.

Best way to beat: Despite his challenges he maintains a 76.8% 1v1 win rating. Take him out when the lobby is full and play according to his weakness, move around quickly so he cannot visually keep up.

TUKI is one of the fastest players in the game, Tuki playstyle in regular games is so fast others refer to a quick kill as “being Tukied”, his play style involves constant boosting around the screen.

Best way to beat: Sit back and wait, Tuki will boost around collecting boxes, if you practice patience, you’ll be able to time a snap kill – especially if a box doesn’t appear in time for him to maintain HP and speed.

Dedkolo is the player with the most games under their belt, amassing an incredible 20,000, and with that comes an unmatched level of experience. However, Dedkolo has a need for speed and there lies their weakness.

Best way to Beat: Dedkolo possessing a First to Box start mentality, if you’re facing off against Dedkolo they will in under no circumstances leave the closest box to you.  At the start of the game set your eyes on that box combine as quick as you can the left mouse click and Tab key – one of you will die as you both approach that box on minimal HP - hopefully it won't be you.

MultiRoleTalent leads most of the ranking tables, including an astonishing 76 kill streak and 189836 Roy Winnings (at today’s value that is 683 USD). He is the marmite of CR, you either love him or hate him, whatever your stance on this player there is no denying he is the current King of Crypto Royale. Rarely visiting the working class in Low Stakes or below, he occupies a permanent seat in High Stakes – it is his home, his kingdom. Even if the lobby appears empty MultiRoleTalent will instantly join once you’ve entered – presumably he has CR opening on a second or third monitor – taking a break from League of Legends when called upon.

Best way to beat Multi. During games with many players a rare opportunity to take him out when on low HP MUST be taken, failure to do so will ultimately result in your own death. In a 1v1 scenario, winning becomes a complex issue, he recently shared that he has a dog. Your only hope to win in a 1v1 is to have someone knock on his door, get the dog barking and distract him. All we know about his location is that he is somewhere in Denmark.


This post has been written for educational and entertainment purposes. I hope this, along with my first Tips post you learn something. As a player I could write an entire article on my own weakness. I consider all of the players above to be far better than me

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