Upvoteshares Curation Project | Calculated Returns for Hive & Leofinance Bloggers

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I have been running the @upvoteshares curation project on Steemit/Hive for about 3 years now never really advertising it that much as I rather let the numbers do the work. To possibly give a little bit more exposure, I made this post on the calculated returns for new and existing Shareholders...


The Idea Behind The @upvoteshares Project...

Ever since I joined Steemit in 2017, I quickly knew that I enjoyed writing on a blog and was likely going to keep doing so for a long time. Getting some regular upvotes was/is quite a challenge especially if you blog about a rather specific topic that is Sports Betting. Looking for ways to slowly but surely increase the average payout on my post without bending my content to what is popular, I stumbled upon many upvote group initiatives. ( @curator | @make-a-whale | @steembasicincome | @busy | @steemitbuilder | @steemraiser | @minnowbuilder | @minnowsupport | @jumbot | @steem-ua | ... ) While all of them certainly helped, I also saw the flaws in most of the models they were using being unsustainable often taking more than what they were actually giving.

This made me come up with my own project designing it in a way that I, as an actual blogger, could fully stand behind. The idea was to give anyone who was taking blogging more serious (not the general shitpost2miner) being in it for the long run regardless of the topic they are blogging about a stable daily upvote on their post. This without anyone losing their investment needing years to recover it or mandatory upvotes and in a way where the returns of shareholders pretty much always go up over time.

For more details on the actual model check this post (Upvoteshares Model Mechanics). Now being 3 years in it, I can say that the model works exactly as it was designed. As a blogger myself, even though the Upvotes are not huge, they have been one of the most stable and reliable by far and they will likely continue to be so hopefully for many years to come.


Calculated Returns

The basic idea is that each share represents a daily upvote percentage of the account (again only quality bloggers are accepted) with the account always having at least 10% extra Hiver Power in it compared to the price of the shares. This allows deploying shares in levels making them a bit more expensive each time since I invest a bit extra on top of what comes in each round and there is also the curation that is added. So far, this has looked like this:

Example For Getting 11 Shares in Level 27

I will take 11 Shares as an example to do the calculations as it gives a reasonable upvote and also qualifies for curation dividend rewards (see latest payouts) that are paid to shareholders each time a Level is complete. This for someone who makes a daily post of high enough quality on Hive/Leofinance.

Price 11 Shares = 56.32 Hive (~17.40$)

53.02 Hive will be powered up and can be sold at any time or be recovered in case the project ever comes to an end. The 3.3 Hive will be used to buy delegation benefitting all existing shareholders.

In Return for this, a 31% daily upvote (11x2.8%) from the @upvoteshares account will be given which has 9167 HP in it. With a full 100% upvote sitting at around 0.16$ (before curation) it will come at a daily 0.05$ upvote for 11 Shares. Counting 45% of that after SPS and it is around 0.0225$ of direct returns daily. Over the course of a year, this comes at 8.213$ just for Hive Upvotes.

The account also supports upvotes from various Tribes with Leofinance.io being the biggest one having 680 LEO powered up with upvotes going for a 10x multiplier. Each upvote there represents 0.074 LEO (0.037 LEO after curation). This right now is worth 0.0087$ or 3.18$ on a yearly basis at current prices.

The Curation Reward Dividends are also being paid out each time a new level is about to open up. These last time came in at for 11 shares come at 0.405 Hive (they still included part of the Blurt Airdrop). The pace of moving up in levels has slowed down quite a bit mostly because the account needs to earn more HP as levels get higher and the fact that I haven't always found the time. I do expect at least 5 to 6 levels to clear over the course of a year. Taking 0.3 Hive as the expected returns, this comes at 1.5 Hive in curation reward Dividends or 0.46$

This makes very basic returns calculations for 11 Shares in Level 27 which cost 17.40$ at 11.853$ (8.213$ + 3.18$ + 0.46$) or +68%

This doesn't include upvote values from the other tribes and the fact that minimum returns always go up over time.

This doesn't include upvote values of the other tribes or the fact that the minimum returns always go up as more levels are cleared.

Calculation Returns Existing Shareholders

The model is designed so that the growth of the project also means an increase in minimum returns for existing shareholders regardless of what level they got in. The returns for 11 Shares of someone who got them at level2 give the same value of upvotes compared to someone who gets in now with the difference that Level 2 shares were a lot cheaper. To be exact, 11 Shares back then at the current Hive price cost 39.82 Hive (12.3$) instead of 56.32 Hive (17.4$). This makes the returns come at +96.4% for them on a yearly basis now. (See Table below for expected return increase)

The project also survived the hostile takeover of Steemit with all shares being transferred onto Hive making everyone keep their Hive airdrop while having the original Steem investment be paid back to those that wanted this.



While none of the numbers or the upvote amounts are groundbreaking, the fact that it all works and is actually sustainable in a very fair and extremely transparent way is quite impressive. Anyone who is serious about blogging on Hive/Leofinance putting some effort into their content regardless of the topic is welcome to join with Level 27 Shares being available right now still (Link). Also, make sure to check the Terms & Conditions where everything is explained in detail or ask anyone that is a shareholder about their personal experience with the @upvoteshares project!

** Special thanks to @roleerob who has been a big part of this project helping to make these solid returns possible as many of his upvotes are redistributed to other active shareholders. He also is holding a copy of the private active & posting keys as an extra security measure.


Hive: https://hive.blog/@costanza

Noise.cash: https://noise.cash/u/costanza

Leofinance: https://leofinance.io/@costanza

Twitter: https://twitter.com/costanzabets

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