Uplander Immortality Achieved! (don't worry i will still say hi when you float past)

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The Takeaway

>Proof my guide works, and a walkthrough of Uplanding yourself

>An analysis of the narrow circumstances when it would be better to go with a user referral rather than PublishOx's great referral deal

Let's Get Into It

Earlier this week, I wrote a guide to help you achieve permanent Upland status in 1 week for $0 for the #UplandPublishOx contest. Well, I have some good news!! The plan worked and now I am immortal Uplander 4ever!! 

To walk you through my metamorphosis from lazy floating camera caterpillar to, umm, empowered floating camera butterfly, and to give you the kind of encouragement that only comes from proof (and memes), I am going to give you a visual update!

Imagine an earlier time. Yesterday, to be precise. A lonely floating camera wanders the skies above Fresno, Lettuce Capital of Central California. He/It surveys his properties from his high perch, sad that he could never sell them or build retro VHS rental store on them:

Despite his/its sad face, there is a stirring of glee deep inside because tomorrow is Day 7. On Day 7 everything will change! The plan was laid and executed to perfection. The final stroke would arrive with a click (and some password typing) to log on for 7 straight days.

What are you waiting for camera floaty! Collect that final bonus (incidentally, the image shows each of the individual daily login bonuses, so add those to your plans as you work toward Uplander status).

Shaking with eager anticipation, camera floaty reaches out his/its, umm, lens? f-stop? and clicks the Level Up button with a triumphant howl---err what? I need to put in my phone number? Privacy much? Even my mom doesn't have my phone number! I'm out of here!!!  

But think of the readers, think of the other sad little floatys in the skies above the Lettuce Capital of Central California. What about them? OK, I will do it! I need to switch providers soon anyway because AT&T sucks! I mean, what am I even paying for, amiright?

Phone number reluctantly provided, camera floaty gets ready to party! 

That's OK. If there is one thing camera floaty knows how to do in Upland, it is be patient. But no notifications to my email or phone (which is good because I did not allow phone notifications!). How will I know when my ceremony is ready? 

Camera floaty clicks the X to close the box....and sees...  !

Tap to start the ceremony? Sweeter words have never been typed by a llama to a camera! Indeed, I might need to start using this as my new go-to phrase when I am looking over at my wife and...well, you know. 

I digress.

I am actually writing this as I go through each of these steps and am legit kind of excited and nervous. I hope the ceremony is cool!


Ok, that went by really fast! There were words (I remember "Awesome Job" and "You are now a...") and confetti and flashing lights. And a llama! I met the llama! #whyllamas? 

And then...

Let's clear this screen so I can see the brand new world that only we select immortals may experience!

Hmm. Nothing seems different. What do I do now?

Back to floating, I guess...

The Recap:

There are a few steps, but definitely, as I have shown, it is totally and really possible to get permanent Upland status, and properties to boot, with $0 in 1 week. Remember, you can read my guide on how if you would like. Remember, that as a first step, use PublishOx's referral offer. With few exceptions (see below), it is the best deal you will find, and getting status from $0 is impossible without that, as far as I can see.

Deep Dive Into Referrals

Upland lets users participate in a referral system. Here is the text that gets copied when you want to invite friends:

Hi! Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase https://r.upland.me/w2UW 

The referral system works by splitting the cost of your friend's first purchase as a bonus between the you as the referral source and your friend. From the llama: "Once your friend has become an Uplander, we will match their first purchase & split as a bonus between you and them." This creates an interesting scenario where going with my referral might be much, much superior. 

If I'm reading this correctly, my referral would be better than the PublishOx referral iff (if and only if) you are wading in with outside currency and want to buy some premium property, at least 12,000 UPX (because this gets you Uplander status and triggers the bonus payback of at least 6,000 UPX). If you want good properties (like anything and I mean anything you've ever heard of), 6,000 UPX won't get you crap. 60,000 UPX might not get you crap either. But if you wanted to buy the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange building...the icon of Wall Street) for 23,000,000 UPX, you would get 11,500,000 UPX back through MY referral compared to 6,000 UPX on PublishOx. I am not trying to poach PublishOx's referral but if you are buying that kind of property, that is a 11,494,000 UPX difference.

(We won't mention that I also would get 11,500,000 UPX and could totally build the greatest retro VHS rental store Fresno has ever seen!).

What kind of deep pockets are we talking about? In the article about the NYSE building sale, Marketplace wrote that 23 Million UPX was worth 23,000 US dollars. So, if you just wanted to get going in Upland with $12 or more, then going with a personal referral like mine would be equal fiscally and faster from a time standpoint. Beyond $12, going with a personal reference will be better financially. That's just numbers. To be fair, though, the whole reason I have the referral to give is because of PublishOx's contest, so there's that, from a ethical perspective. Maybe PublishOx has a different referral code you can use for when you want to use your own money. I'm just putting my analysis out there for you to consder.

Regardless, if you are starting with $0 use PublishOx's referral (https://discover.upland.me/publish0x_official). 

Last Words

To wrap everything up, in true Upland fashion, once I closed out my confirmation of EOS account, there was...nothing. No instructions, no tutorial, no "why don't you try to do this cool thing that only Uplanders can do?" Nothing. Just floating. I find this annoying. Like the hot girl at the party who never tries to talk to anyone and acts like her just being there is gift enough. I mean sure, but, not really for me.

Also, where I got an email after every property I purchase, no email whatsoever with status upgrade, my EOS account info, a welcome, or anything. It just seems...ill thought-out and underwhelming. And, there is a little worrying sign waiting for me when I click through to Bloks.io to see my account:

On AtomicHub, I managed to use up all my RAM without knowing what the eff I was doing, even to the point where I don't have enough RAM to sell NFTs or game currency to buy more WAX to buy more RAM. Is that the fate in store for me in Upland, too? 

Don't worry, I will be back with more updates as I figure out what to do with my immortal camera floaty now that he/it has had The Quickening!

(nod to all you 80s sci-fi/fantasy VHS fans!)



Here is where the rest of my grind-to-get-free-crypto time goes

BetFury -- https://betfury.io/?r=601502337521da79ce95370b 

Cointiply -- http://cointiply.com/r/p9Gyy

FreeBitCo.in -- https://freebitco.in/?r=41144131 

Regulation and Society adoption

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