Tiny Spotlight edition 1 - Tiny Hero NFTs

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Tiny World is an idle style gaming universe set in a mysterious world. It has always been a place of peace until recently, since the dark legion have launched a huge offensive to try to capture Tiny World and its powerful resources. 

It is up to the Tiny Heroes to save Tiny World from destruction, but they need a leader… Can it be you?! ? Lead your team of heroes to battle on the frontline in Tiny Kingdom, support the war effort in Tiny Farm and defend territories in Tiny Lord. Generate a passive income in your spare time through enjoyable idle-style gameplay and start your HUGE play and earn adventure!

We even have a giveaway for you to get involved with, details at the end of the page! Keep reading to find out more! You can get started in Tiny World by clicking this

Tiny Hero NFT Spolight

Welcome to the first edition of our Tiny spotlight series. We want to make Tiny World as easy to understand as possible for our users new and old, and the Tiny spotlight shines on each wonderful product in the Tiny World ecosystem. In this series we will bring you a spotlight every Tuesday including;

  • Tiny Hero NFTs
  • Tiny Farm
  • Tiny Kingdom
  • TinyDAO
  • TINC and tokenomics

In this week’s spotlight, we will get to know the Tiny Heroes, a collection of over 100 unique NFT characters that will be the core to your HUGE adventure, where you can play AND earn in your spare time on the Tiny World platform.

For those of you that may not be familiar with NFTs, let’s start with the basics:

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a digital asset that links ownership to physical or digital items like art, music, in-game items, videos and more. 

Are all NFTs unique?

In the boring, technical sense, all NFTs are tokens on the blockchain. An NFT can be a unique one-off piece like a piece of art, or it can represent 1 of a collection or digital or physical assets, like a trading card or other collectibles.

What gives an NFT value?

The main things that give NFTs value are ownership community belief

In Tiny World, Tiny Hero NFTs act as a store of value because they can be traded in the marketplace to other users, and they have great utility on the platform as you can use them to earn in many different ways. Some Tiny Hero NFTs are rarer than others, with limited edition collections offering better earning potential.

Now that you know a little more about the basics of NFTs, let’s switch our attention to the Tiny Hero collection!

Who are “Tiny Hero NFTs”?

The collection is based around historical figures from across the globe ?? so you will recognise some of the heroes wherever you reside. Play with legends based on characters such as Lancelot, Alexander the Great and Mushashi and help protect Tiny World against the ongoing invasion from the dark legion! 

Tiny Hero NFTs are the main characters in the Tiny World gaming universe. Tiny World has recently been invaded by the dark legion, who want to control Tiny World due to the abundant resources. The inhabitants of Tiny World have only one choice, to head to the altar and summon the Tiny Heroes who will fight hard to protect the continent and defeat the enemy in games like Tiny Kingdom and a brand new game - Tiny Lord! ??

You can meet all of the Tiny Heroes by clicking

What is so good about Tiny Hero NFTs?

When you own a Tiny Hero NFT, you own a piece of the Tiny World ecosystem

Tiny Hero NFTs unlock HUGE earning potential on the Tiny World with a range of utilities: 

  •  From playing games to NFT yield farming and boosting staking returns. 
  • You can also trade your Tiny Hero NFTs with other users in the built-in marketplace. 
  • There will be more ways to utilise your Tiny Hero NFT in the future, with NFT lending and various new game titles to be developed that will enable these NFTs to have great use cases long into the future.

How do you obtain a Tiny Hero?

There are a few different ways that you can obtain a Tiny Hero NFT;

  • Mint a new Tiny Hero through our summon NFT feature
  • Purchase from the dedicated marketplace
  • Win mystery runes from events/giveaways
  • Purchase Tiny Hero NFT ticket from BINANCE NFT and claim through our platform

Tiny Hero NFTs are summoned at the altar from runes. There are 2 different types of runes; mystery runes and summon runes. 

Summon runes cost 100 TINC and allow you to mint a random Tiny Hero NFT. You can open a maximum of 10 summon runes at once by completing an on-chain transaction. You have the following chance to obtain the specific class of Hero;

Mystery runes are essentially the same thing, the only difference being that you can sell mystery runes on the marketplace. Once you unseal a mystery rune, it changes to a summon rune and is no longer available to trade.

Tiny Hero NFTs can also be bought from other users on the marketplace in exchange for BUSD. The cheapest Tiny Hero NFT listed on the marketplace as of writing is $3.40, and total transaction volume is over $20 million in just 6 months!

Tiny World runs frequent events with plenty of mystery runes given away every month. Be sure to follow us on to stay up to date on all future Tiny events, you don’t want to miss out!

You can also get your hands on a Tiny Hero Ticket NFT from the Binance NFT marketplace. When you purchase the ticket, you will need to transfer it to the Tiny World platform, where it can be redeemed for a specific class Tiny Hero NFT. For all the information, please read this

Tiny Hero status

Tiny Hero NFTs can perform various different roles, but can only perform 1 role at a time as follows;

Idle - Hero is performing no role

NFT farming - Staked to NFT farming pool

LP Boost pool - Staked to boost pool

Tiny Kingdom - Transferred to Tiny Kingdom game

Higher class Heroes generally perform roles better, increasing the holders earning potential.

Tiny Hero Class

Tiny Hero NFTs fall under 6 different classes, some are easier to obtain than others. Rarer NFTs attract a higher price and have higher earning potential through increased stats, with N class being the most common, and UR class being the rarest.

UR class heroes can only be obtained through auctions and special events, and give the best advantages on the Tiny World platform!

N, R and SR heroes are unlimited in number and are used more for upgrading purposes for high class Heroes. SSR, SSSR and UR heroes are limited edition and there will only ever be a certain amount minted of each character in its class.

Tiny Hero attributes

Each Tiny Hero NFT has an initial power figure. The power attribute determines the mining rate in the NFT yield farming section, as well as the % boost to your LP staking yields. The power attribute is also used in the Tiny Lord game. Challenge the Lords with your highest power farmers and claim territories to generate TINC tokens in real time. 

Energy is consumed at a rate of ~1 per day from any Heroes staked to NFT yield farming.

There are 3 different types of Tiny Hero NFTs; Warriors, Ranger and Wizards.

All Tiny Heroes have a set of stats for Tiny Kingdom; Attack, HP, Defence, luck and more. These can be increased by upgrading your Hero and increasing the level.

Tiny Hero upgrade

Upgrading Tiny Hero NFTs will enable users many different advantages across the Tiny World platform. To level up a Tiny Hero NFT, you must consume a specific set of other Tiny Hero NFTs. 

Each upgrade path is different depending on the class of Hero you want to upgrade, with rarer Heroes needing to consume more Tiny Heroes per upgrade. You can check each different class's upgrade path

Each hero starts at level 1 (unless you purchase a higher level directly from the marketplace) and can be upgraded to the maximum level within their class.

Increasing The Hero’s level will;

  • Increase the total power of the Hero
  • Increase game attributes in Tiny Kingdom
  • Allow Tiny Hero to wear enhanced equipment in Tiny Kingdom
  • Allow you to increase Hero Title in Tiny Kingdom
  • Increase it’s sale value

Having a higher power figure increases earning potential, because each subsequent upgrade will increase the current power by a larger increment.

Tiny Kingdom attributes determine damage dealt and taken, amongst various other scenarios. For higher class NFTs, each level increase will improve the attributes by a larger figure, giving your hero a massive stat boost. Having higher stats in Tiny Kingdom enhances your earning opportunities. 

Which are the best Tiny Hero NFTs?

All of them are great, and it depends how you will use the platform. Higher class and high power is more desirable. In terms of Tiny Kingdom stats, some prefer max attack, others prefer a luck based strategy. There are many different strategies that we will visit in the future, but is a tier list that can help you make a decision.

How much do Tiny Heroes cost?

As of writing, Tiny Hero NFT floor prices for each class are;

N - $3.40

R - $4.40

SR - $11.80

SSR - $35

SSSR - $300

UR - unavailable

How many Tiny Hero NFTs should I have?

Essentially, there is no correct answer, however, the more Tiny hero NFTs you have, the better your earning opportunities will be.

You need 1 NFT for the boost pool if you are providing liquidity, preferably with high power stat.

You can stake multiple NFTs to the NFT pool, preferably with high power stats. You can obtain power bonuses for staking multiple Tiny Heroes to increase your yield.

You need a team of 3 Heroes to attempt to take a territory in Tiny Lord, and you can hold 15 territories at once.

You need a minimum of 1 Tiny Hero to participate in Tiny Kingdom, although if you use more then it will increase your earning potential from the game. You can have up to 3 in your team to battle for castles and up to another 3 to battle the BOSS. You can send up to 5 Heroes on expedition for resources.

Always remember to only spend what you can afford!

Is there any guide that can help me start Tiny World?

Yes, there is a guide on the platform site homepage in the top left corner that will talk you through the basics of the platform.

There is also a great app created by a community member that you can use to build your perfect NFT squad and check drop rates for high class NFTs! Check it out

discord server is very active and you can ask your questions here for a quick response from a community moderator or member.

Where can I find out more information about Tiny World?

If you want to know more about Tiny World then you should check out our social links below to stay up to date;


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NFT mystery rune giveaway

To celebrate the Tiny spotlight series, we will be giving away 3 mystery runes to our readers each week ?? All you have to do to take part is to ask a question in the comments section on the tweet promoting this article on our official Twitter page

We will pick the 3 most interesting questions which will be answered in our community AMA in Discord on Thursday. Make sure you don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get a free Tiny Hero NFT! ??

That’s all for this week's edition, tune in next Tuesday where we take a deeper look at Tiny Farm including the brand new Tiny Lord, and how you can earn token rewards in your spare time!

See you next week!??

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