Tellor community call November 30th 2021

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Tellor X announcement. AmpleForth integration. A bunch of questions were answered, mostly about partners, marketing and integrations in the future. 

Whole discussion

Nick: Hey everyone, welcome to the Tellor community call. November 30th 2021. Super crazy, exciting week. This is Tellor X week. So, that’s basically it, that’s the call. We’re kind of just all hands-on deck. Later today we’re going to be pushing out the new website, so we’ll probably just try and we’ll probably send it out to our discord a little bit later today and you guys can try and break it and yell at us. Because tomorrow Tellor X goes live and we’ll be announcing it on twitter and everything, we want to make sure that the website doesn’t break. It should be nice and pretty, let us know what you think. Whenever you do see it. As far as timelines go, we’ll be tallying the votes. We had no negative votes, so the vote will pass, that’s in like an hour and a half, so I think like 1:35 Eastern time. It’s actually whenever we’re allowed to do it. And then 24 hours from then, we’ll be running upgrade Tellor, kicking everything off, and we should be just be rolling. It should be seamless, hopefully you guys don’t notice any difference right away. Any users or anything, it just opens up a whole new world of possibilities. That’s the timeline on it. As far as what you guys as a community can do, like I said, we’ll pass out the website, you guys can test it out, let us know what you think, if you find any links that are broken, spelling errors, shoot us a message, we’ll fix them. Whenever Tellor X does go live, then it’s just going to be hopefully fireworks go off on twitter and on discord. You guys go tell all your friends and your friends’ friends, and just make a big deal about it. It’s a super big deal. Getting this thing through. Just help us, we’re going to tweet out a lot, we’re going to push out some articles, we’re going to push out, what else, infographs xyz. So, from you guys as a community this is a great time to introduce people to Tellor, to go tell them why it’s exciting and why it makes Tellor a little bit better. And then from there, tomorrow we’ll be pushing live into AmpleForth, so that’s whenever they’re going to run the function to make us live. Tellor X will just be reporting live to Ample, and that should work just fine as well. We’re super excited, a lot of really exciting things going on this week and we’re just trying to make sure that everything goes as planned. We don’t miss any deadlines and don’t leave anything hanging, so that should be it. Ryan, how about you guys on the biz-dev side? 

Ryan: We’re currently just hunkering down making sure Josh and Ben... Josh and Ben have been hunkering down and getting their feet wet and just trying to make sure this website’s ready to go in the next couple days. So, shout-out to Josh and Ben for that, I know you guys are really slaving away on that. Then also Spuddy and I are working on getting tutorials out for being a reporter, so we’re going to actually change that mining channel to the reporter channel and that’s going to be the educational town hall if you will, for learning how to be a reporter yourself. Any questions, we want to make that an active conversation and that channel will be the best place to go. We’re also working on educational content for that, we’re just still kind of working out the kinks for what the best way to approach that would be. Also, you know, that’s open conversation, so we want you guys to be trying that out as well so that you can provide some good input on how that’s going to be presented.  It’s also Basel week here in Miami, so there’s just a lot of events that are not necessarily Basel related, just a lot of crypto people down here, so I’m going to be walking around and shouting the Tellor name.  

Nick: Are you actually going to the conference? 

Ryan: No, no I didn’t. It’s like the basketball arena. There’s like the actual Basel event, that’s open to the public. I’ll probably show up to a couple of those, but I mean I just don’t really feel like going to the NFT show hall.  

Nick: Oh man. I think what the Miami mayor just announced, he’s going to be taking half of his paychecks in Bitcoin and half of it in Algorand.  

Ryan: Really? 

Nick: I wonder how much of a bonus they had to give him to do that. Speaking of Algorand is a weird choice, but we like Algorand, so it’s cool. Anyway, any questions today? 

Ryan: Yeah. 

Question1: Any plans on making YouTube educational content on things such as how to be a Tellor reporter and other things that can be done with Tellor by TRB holders. This can promote Tellor and also educate people, while making it easier for people to become a reporter. Thanks. 

Totally agree, yeah, just touched on a little bit, but Spuddy’s working on some good content in terms of tutorial. Owen himself, who’s been making PyTelliot with clamdad, they’ve been doing a really good job of just allowing us to go through and test it and see what makes sense and what doesn’t. So, we’re kind of going through this together and we’re going to open this up. To you guys, as well so as I mentioned, the mining channel on discord is going to become the reporter channel. We want to make that like an open kind of school house. What’s working, what’s not and how to make it better.  

Spuddy: I’ll also have really basic video done today, it’s just going to be like how to install PyTelliot and how to submit a value, that’s basically it and then there’s a lot to learn. There’s a lot that when you report to the Tellor oracle there’s a lot of stuff that you learn as you go and it’s really hard to teach it, so we’ll do the best we can and just answer questions as they come up.  

Question2: After the official presentation of Tellor X, when is the price expected to rise?  

Nick: Should just be a few seconds, I think. 

Spuddy: It’s programmed. 

Nick: Yeah, it’ll be cool. 

Ryan: The official answer is, we officially don’t know, we cannot predict that.  

Question3: What about Tellor partners? 

Nick: Not really our thing. I mean, yeah, like you know, if you guys are new here, to the Tellor thing, we’ve never really been big on the whole crypto partner thing, it’s just really meaningless in a lot of ways. From an early standpoint, early on in Tellor’s life-cycle, people come to you and they’re like: Oh can you be a partner with us? And almost always that means can you put out a pr and they never talk to us again. That’s like you just see it happen time and time again. There’re these partners, we want actual users. People using us, same with Ethereum, doesn’t have projects that partner with Ethereum. You don’t put a press release that you’re on Ethereum, you just use it and that’s what we want to be in crypto. We don’t want to get into the whole partnership game. We want to get real users, like AmpleForth, coming live tomorrow. So, that’s a good one.  

Question4: What do you guys think about games on Tellor? NFT, staking pools, prediction markets etc.  

Nick: Yeah, super cool. I think you know we’re going to work next; a lot of people know our next plans are going to put Tellor on different chains, and I think once you put Tellor on different chains it opens up a lot of these sort of softer cases for building some fun things over there. So, we can build prediction markets, sports betting, you can build whether it’s NFT platforms or something like that, you can do a lot with Tellor and you can make it like a little bit cheaper, I think. Then you’ll start seeing a lot of this experimentation go on, so looking forward to it.  

Question5: Why supply increased over 40% in five months, and how much supply will increase after Tellor X? We holding and price down and market cap up.  

Nick: Price increased 40%. I think. So, we had some issues early on with the migrations, like it really messed up our whole total supply chart because you were on the old one and then when we migrated it went to zero and then relied on people to migrate. It looked like, of course all those tokens were in existence, but it looked like the supply started at zero and then had to jump up really quick. It’s like no, it didn’t triple in that time frame, it was actually starting here, and so like it really made a lot of the time series and almost it’s really hard to kind of pinpoint, but that said with Tellor X, the inflation rates for the TRB coin is going down by a lot. I think it’s going down by like was it four-fifths or something like that? As far as what we’re printing out and giving to miners every block, so that’s super exciting.  

Question6: Hey guys, will Tellor team start pushing marketing with the outcoming Tellor X?  

Spuddy: Yes. 

Nick: Yeah, I mean Ryan, you guys are doing that, maybe you guys have something to say on it. I think we’re doing a good job and you guys, the community especially is kind of our lead marketing, you know that’s where we’re trying to build sort of more organic marketing if you will. Less of the “we don’t want to pay to have a token banner” or something like that. We want to actually get people to use it, get people to understand Tellor. It comes from an educational marketing perspective.  

Spuddy: I think people expect to see something like some crypto projects have, like a marketing budget that’s a billion dollars and they do all kinds of crazy things, but you know we do a lot of crazy things too. We don’t pay influencers to show Tellor or anything like that, it’s different, we just do it different.  

Nick: Yeah, and I think it’s different too, like you know if you look at some projects, they will go the route of paying influencers, paying to be on these COINBASE banner, Binance banner, marketcap banner xyz. And you see them all over the place and it can help to pump the price initially if you do a big campaign like that, but ultimately over the long run its actual usage and its actual people coming in and figuring out how your product works, it becomes a stable part of the ecosystem and then the price slowly goes up. I mean look at Ethereum, is the best example of it. You have the Eth killers, whether it’s Cardano or Solana or something, they come and they have these big price spikes, corresponding with their marketing pushes and then before you know it, they’re down 50% versus Eth. Same for those of us that were here in 2018, you had the EOSes or Thezos of the world and even no matter how much marketing you do, you can’t beat Ethereum, because you’re just not getting the usage like it should, if you actually had the usage there, people wouldn’t need to market it. So that’s like of course you need maybe some bootstrap marketing at the beginning, but it shouldn’t be much. It almost can come organically and that’s what we want to focus on.  

Question7: Have you ever thought about Tellor having its own blockchain? 

Nick: Yeah, maybe in the future it will if it makes sense. Who knows? The idea generally... the problem with having its own blockchain is oracles. If you’re on your own blockchain, now you need an oracle to talk to your own blockchain. Because blockchains can’t communicate with each other, so it gets really weird. It’s one of the problems, Witnet is actually trying to solve this. Where they have an oracle network and they have their own blockchains sort of backing that whole thing, but it’s really hard technical problems to then be able to bridge. So, if you witness something and you become a reporter on your own blockchain, now you have to basically bring a proof that it happened on this blockchain and put it on Ethereum, well the problem with doing that is a lot of times like, there’s not really any way to do it without having an oracle system to bring it over and if you do try and do it programmatically, it can get really expensive. They had some fancy merkle roots of trying to hash out what actually happened on it and it can work and Witness does sort of work at the moment, but if you want to use a main Ethereum, the gas prices are just through the roof. Sorry if I’m misrepresenting Witnet, we do like those guys. They’re solving some good problems, but it can get, using your own blockchain can actually make it worse of a user experience on a given train, so maybe in the future. 

Ryan: We got a triple stack question here: 

Question8: Any chance of reaching out to Ryan Mata for interview to allow more exposure? I’ve never, don’t recall Ryan Mata. So, I ring a bell for anybody?  

Nick: We will reach out to him.  

Question9: He’s looking for developers, I’m not sure how that fits in here, but we will approach that topic as well.  

Question10: Do you have anything planned for more exposure? 

Ryan: I think we slightly touched on that, but essentially marketing in terms of when Tellor X launches, for us the focus is going to be education, because that’s going to breed more users which has feedback loop. I think the education of the reporters is going to be that next level tool of marketing that we didn’t really hone in on for Tellor 3. I’m sure Sean and Mike have also been planning other marketing strategies, we just, neither of them is on this call so we can take that into. 

Brenda: We’ll definitely continue the hackathons or spawn-a-thons. I think that really brings some exposure in terms of builders and people that can actually use us.  

Spuddy: I could be wrong but I think what brings the most, more exposure than anything is when users want to come on board a use Tellor and we’re seeing people who want to use Tellor are reaching out in the discord. As we get integrated into more protocols, their communities will learn about Tellor and our community will learn about their community and the community grows. 

Brenda: Absolutely. 

Nick: Yeah, I was telling Brenda we should just air-drop everyone who posts on our discord or comes to a zoom channel, we can just, it would be like because we could do something like I would want to do something fun, that’s where you do retroactive airdrop. Everyone’s been on a zoom community call for the past year or something like that and then. Just join the Tellor community calls and say something and then you can get you guys to vote on it or something. You can do fun things like that when you have an oracle and you can just start experimenting with what works to actually bootstrap a community and make it continue to grow. Fun ideas are welcome. 

Ryan: Alright, last question on the forms is the: 

Question11: How would Tellor be beneficial in the metaverse?  

Nick: Can it not be? This an option?? 

Ryan: No. 

Nick: I don’t know. 

Spuddy: What is the metaverse? 

Ryan: Facebook. Just kidding. 

Spuddy: Nobody knows what it is yet, in my opinion. It’s like a buzz-word.  

Ryan: I would imagine it’s probably more like there’s like the cryptovoxels somnium space, there’s many verses that exist currently, that have been around much longer than Facebook’s name change, so just like the VR; walking around interacting with NFTs. 

Nick: I think the bigger thing it’s going to be like, I think oracles in general could have a role to play if you assume... like let’s say you are building this virtual reality world, it’s where people are in it, and you can have sort of items that are represented by NFTs and then you get the item. Some of these things could actually have real world implications, so if we are all walking around and I hand you this NFT that represents let’s say, they’re like NFL tickets or something like that, and I hand them to Brenda, there should be an oracle or something that says like he actually gave them to you in real life too. It’s not he actually followed through or, if you can go to a store, if you imagine a metaverse store you can go and you can place your order online and then you’ll need something that implies like they did ship it and they didn’t just ship me the NFT QR code or something. They shipped the actual item that I ordered, it was good and I think oracles will have a role to play in almost like policing the NFT connection to the real world.  

Ryan: Alright, that does it for the Google forms, we did have a question in the chat. 

Question12: What time will Tellor X go online tomorrow? 

Ryan: Tim said 1:40PM Eastern time. And then I guess if.... 

Nick: But that’s obviously, sometimes running a transaction on Ethereum can take a minute or two, so don’t like... 

Ryan: Approximately. Let’s just open it up to the floor and you got some... seems like we got some newcomers on the call, if you guys have any questions you wanted to throw at us? Looking at you Benteng, Urinecoin, Tamsay or Sean.  

Brenda: You know guys, if you don’t have any questions, thanks for joining the call though. 

Ryan: And we’ll see you next week. 

Nick: See you guys. 

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