Splinterlands Legendary Profile - Camilla Sungazer

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May truth be your sight

And may hope light your way,

For all that we fight for

May be gone today.

Camila Sungazer

Splinter - Draykh-Nahka

Set - Untamed

Class - Legendary Dragon Summoner

Size - Camila is an average sized Human girl of no more than 40 chickens. Her staff stands twice her own height, and she is dwarfed by nearly every monster on the battlefield at Mount Mox. But this matters little to her; Camila summons her monsters and Dragons with utter fearlessness.

Lifespan - Camila Sungazer is 32 years old. It has been nearly twenty years since her eyesight left her. As a common child in Draykh-Nahka, her parents could do nothing to keep little Camila from staring at the sun. No one knew why she did it, but by her twelfth birthday, Camila’s retinas had burned to scar tissue, rendering her completely blind. For Camilla’s journey of summoning and magical powers, her blindness was only the beginning. She claims that once her sight was “removed by design”, she was finally able to see the “truth of the sun.” Now her growth is slowed, and it seems that Camila may live an incredibly long life, powered by the sun itself.

Habitat - In Centrum’s Kuto Square there is a round building with an open oculus that lets in the noon sun. This is Camila’s home, where she lives with her aging parents. Once she gained the ability to summon Dragons, the Gloridax had no choice but to lift her family from poverty and provide for them. Now they must look at her as something of an equal, even though she carries no Fire Blood. At Mount Mox, there is also an apartment built to her specifications, with a large hole in the ceiling.

Weapon - Camila’s staff is one of the most mysterious legendary weapons in the Splinterlands, for she says that it was delivered to her through the rays of the sun. At night, Camila used to be wracked with terrifying dreams, for without the light of the sun, she was lost and afraid. One night during this crucible she was gifted visions from someone she had never met before. He cut through the darkness with blazing light. His helmet was justice itself and his spear was righteousness. He told Camila without revealing his name that she was chosen by the sun, that she would be a great warrior in a coming battle in which sight would be a hindrance. The she felt all the power of the sun coursing through her, and when she awoke, she held the Staff of Solara.

Diet - They say that Camila “eats the light of the sun and drinks the joy of loved ones.” While she usually refuses to eat food, Camilla is always healthy, glowing and smiling. Most presume that through the power of the Staff of Solara, she is able to convert the sun’s energy into all the sustenance she needs.

Allies - Camila is a friend to all the people of Draykh-Nahka. She is the most popular of the Dragon summoners because she is genuine and she always cares for her neighbors. She is known for her huge grin, which she wears at all times, and which brightens the day of the poorest peasants of Centrum as she walks the city streets. She is open, trusting and vulnerable. Camila is fascinated by nearly everything in the world, a trait which makes her instantly likeable to nearly everyone she meets.

Enemies - Camila is quick to love, resistant to hate, and she loves to forgive. For these reasons (among others) she is considered a security threat to the United Gloridax and the High Council. Those who hold the power of the Fire Blood are not interested in virtue, which always seems to interfere with their greater agenda. And the Dragons know what the Planet needs.

Pastimes - For a blind woman, it is simply incredible how Camila can find her way to every corner of her city with ease. Her favorite thing to do is make rounds visiting friends unannounced. Perhaps she remembers the streets so well because for the most formative years of her childhood, they were her home.

The True Story of Splinterlands

Once upon a time your game purchase meant something. You could go to the store and purchase a game, after which you would simply own that game. You could play as often as you'd like, because it was your game. As the game companies were one by one swallowed up by larger and larger game companies, a terrible thing happened to the gaming world. While the games themselves were always making improvements, the players were always throwing more and more of their hard-earned money into a corporate black hole from which they reaped no rewards.

How did the corporations convince the players to pay this money? Loot. They showered the players with in-game riches designed to create a sense of accomplishment, but with no real value. Not only are these in-game "assets" entirely subject to the whims of corporate overlords who rarely (if ever) have the player's interests at heart, but they never really belong to the player at all. They belong exclusively to the game for which they were created. If a player wants to quit playing the game,  they must also abandon their in-game treasures.

Blockchains are giving power and ownership back to the players, and it's about time. In this incredible and rapidly expanding world of technology it seems like such an outdated argument to be making, but the players (not the company) should own their gaming rewards. Blockchain, non-fungible tokens and games like Splinterlands are now making that possible.

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