Sin City AMA with COO Rutherford

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The General Manager of Altcoin Buzz, Anindya (Ani) Baidya, anchored the Sin City AMA session on our Telegram channel with Rutherford, the COO of Sin City. Besides, the AMA took place on December 24th, 2021.

Below is a recap of the AMA session with Rutherford to understand what the gaming platform is about. The AMA was also in three segments: introduction, deep dive, and community questions and answers.

Segment 1: Introduction to Sin City

Background Information
Q – Sin City has been one of the most successful stories of the past few months. Give us background information about the project. How was the concept of Sin City created?

So, we are a ‘Rated R’ Metaverse project. So not to put it lightly, we are an 18+ gaming project that’s very much in line with a GTA/Mafia-type adult theme where you will mostly have lots of action thriller plots. As well as, violence and gore. If you have been following our “district reveal videos” every fortnight on YouTube, you will immediately agree that Sin City is for matured audience only.

One thing we found with the invent of tokenisation, that it gave game players a tangible reward for playing games. No longer are you merely just paying to play, now you’re playing to earn real money.

However, blockchain consumers are different to average users. Let’s not sugar-coat it, blockchain gaming is up and coming. But it will take a while to accelerate to the console wars (which we do happen to think will happen!). But people in crypto want fast rewards and are notable risk-takers. Sin City, a criminal underworld is the perfect fit.

So basically, the problem we’re solving is actually a targeted market for the most notorious crypto games. Not to downgrade other projects, we just feel this will bring blockchain gaming to a large sub-section of this market, and will eventually even extend out to the mainstream and be adopted by traditional gamers.

Who doesn’t want to be part of a Faction, and own a nightclub, build a casino and run it or even own a marijuana farm (oops! I mean medical marijuana).

Q – Tell us a bit about your team. Where is the team based out of? I am sure post IDO you have been expanding.

So we’re a little different to the norm. We do not have a hierarchy structure. We have four co-founders, myself, Singh, Marouane & Constantine. All of us are huge gamers, who were brought up during the inception of the first Nintendo etc. so have huge experience in this field.

In terms of industry know-how, Constantine has over two decades of experience in AI, ML, AR and Blockchain Technology. Me on the other hand has successfully managed a tech cohort of developers since 2015. Singh and Marouane are tokenomics experts with background in finance, business and strategic planning.

In addition, we have been part of a previous successful project which was totally boot-strapped, known as Vanilla Network. Talking about expansion, we currently have a content management office and a game studio is springing up in Romania.

Segment 2: Deep Dive

About the Project
Q – The background of the game is based on the most controversial cities of the world, where digital real estate is available to purchase. Users can buy this land to develop and build their empire. The aim of the game is to become the ultimate kingpin.

Can you explain to our community the gameplay and its dynamics as a short summary?

So I will just describe the gameplay of a district with hopes that it will throw light on the overall gameplay.


There are 17 districts in Sin City and each have their own unique game play. For instance, if you own a property in the Cartel district, note that you are living right inside where the violence and many other vices reside.

In the cartel district, you can farm coca plants, harvest, sell and earn cool money from the business of farming drugs. You can also farm Marijuana if you desire but you will definitely need a license from the Sin City authorities to be able to farm these items.

You can also decide to ignore the farming activities and just be a drugs seller or supplier. Which simply means you have to form an alliance with known farmers.

On the flip side, where the drugs are, there are also the guns and ammo. This simply means that you can be a gun runner in the Cartel district and make money from sales of guns. To get these guns may be painstaking as you may have to go all months hunting NPC’s just so you can fill up your gun warehouse.

And then there are some players who want to be top dogs. These are the guys who will create their own faction in-game and add their friends or other players to the faction. The bigger your faction is, the more sinister roles they can play and the more revenue they can generate together.

Finally, the Cartel district is a low security zone. The result of this security level is that if you roam aimlessly, you can be abducted by a rival gang and a ransom’s demanded. There is truly no-bounds to the game play as it’s totally in the hands of the player.

Q – But nobody is going to lose their Land NFTs right?

If you are abducted, you will lose some of your SIN tokens since you will pay a certain ransom to be released. But not the land.

Q – Do you have any documentation where each of the district properties is described so that the community can read and make their choices. This is in preparation for the upcoming land sale.

In the coming days, we will be releasing the game story for the four districts that are up for sale – Chinatown, Red Light District, Cartel District and The Strip.

Every information about these lands in these districts will be published. We already have some videos on YouTube with the background stories. But gameplay articles will be published on medium.

Q – Apart from Land, what are the other different NFTs that drive the Sin City ecosystem?

The interesting thing about NFT Gaming is that you play and you earn as you play. It’s not all about the ecstatic feeling that comes along with playing the games. But how can you earn if in-games items are not tradable or marketable NFTs? I remember spending thousands of hours playing Hitman – Silent Assassin just because I wanted to achieve the silent assassin status. For me and many, it was the thrill and joy of moving from one stage to another and finishing each stage as the silent assassin that matters. I would usually get angry if issued the “psychopath” status. Looking back today, I am thankful for the advent of NFT gaming and the fact that we have a part to play in it.

To answer your question, apart from lands, many of the in-game items like guns, bullet proofs, knives, even drugs and many more will be NFTs. This basically creates and powers the recycling play2earn ecosystem.

Token Utility and Info on Land Sale
Q – How is the $SIN Token integrated into your ecosystem? What are its use cases?

Basically, everything you do right inside the Sin City Metaverse is powered by the token. If you need to buy lands, you need the token. If you need to apply for a license to open a liquor shop or club in any district, you need the token. Though it’s still being debated, residents might have to apply for resident permits and this will be powered with the SIN token.

When players are injured in-game and need to heal, they can go to the clinic run by a criminal Doctor, you will need to pay in SIN. This and many more forms the utility for the token.

The most beautiful part is that a DAO is also coming. Once initiated, SIN will power the DAO also.

Q – Can you please share details about how the community can participate in Land Sales on 27th December?

So, community members who staked their tokens long before now have been whitelisted for the land sale. However, we understand that many people want lands. Fortunately for those who missed being whitelisted, there is also going to be a public sale for the lands.

So as not to miss any information release concerning the land sales, I strongly encourage anyone who intends to participate to follow the Sin City announcement channel.

This article also answers many questions regarding sales.

Segment 3: Community Questions and Answers

From this segment, the five best questions shared 500 BUSD.

Q.Twitter – How many killer features of the Sin City project make it ahead of its competitors? Could you tell us 2-3 features?  And what are the plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand the project easily?

There are so many features in the Sin City game that are unique. We have continued to rack our brains and look inward to infuse only the most unique game elements into the game.

At this time, we are only allowing a few of the plans into the public domain. Earlier I mentioned that you can actually buy land and use the land to farm drugs like coca plant and marijuana (this is unique). I won’t go into details how this will work.

For the purpose of order, you cannot buy land in the financial district and plant coca plants there. You need to buy the land in the Cartel District.

Another Unique feature is the insurance of licenses to these drug farmers, club and liquor shop owners to operate. The funds generated are returned to land owners so owning land in Sin City generates passive income for the owners.

More details as we push ahead in development.

Q.Twitter – Staking is the new trend. What staking options are available for the $SIN token? Are there any incentives for staking? What are the various ways to earn a $SIN token and are there any limits to the amount of $SIN I can earn?

Staking is not actually a new trend. It’s almost as old as the DEFI itself. And Yes, we understand that many investors love staking and it is because of that reason that we have a general staking pool and two liquidity staking pools. All giving APY pro-rated rewards.

Those who staked were whitelisted for land sales. And rewards in SIN is also a feature of the pools.


Q.Twitter – You know that I Play GTA (Grand Theft Auto vision) Regularly and you have said Sin City is the GTA blockchain version. Can you please tell me more about this and how this game is aligned with the GTA game and will be more interesting than the GTA games?

Well, we didn’t dub Sin City as the GTA on the blockchain. After the proof of concept was publicly viewed, many excited supporters of the project dubbed it GTA on the blockchain since it has many similarities in game play with GTA.

The only difference would be that, in GTA, you will pay to play. However, in Sin City, you will play to earn as almost every of the in-game items are going to be NFTs.

As for being interesting, Yes! It will be super interesting. Please take some time to watch our district reveal on YouTube. I will forward a few here shortly.

Q.Telegram – One of the main features of Sin City is its Virtual Casino which will be built and owned by Vanilla Network. Who is this Vanilla Network? Are they your partners and collaborators? Can you explain to us your relationship with Vanilla Network?

Vanilla Network is a project co-owned by some of the team in Sin City. It’s a gaming protocol concentrating on building gaming applications like Poker, Russian Roulette etc. They will be among the first institutional entrants to Sin City. That’s as they have long been issued a piece of land to build their Casino. And it’s currently in the works.

The Altcoin Buzz community gratefully thanks Rutherford for participating in the Sin City AMA session on December 24th on our Telegram channel.

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