Scandinavia famous for Nobel, Abba and Scandium - The Periodic Elements NFT (GIVEAWAY)

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Scandium is the chemical element of atomic number 21 and its symbol is Sc. It is a soft, silvery white transition element, sometimes classified together with yttrium and lanthanum as a rare earth.

In 1869 Dmitry Mendeleev, according to his periodic law, predicted the existence of scandium and some of the properties it should have and called it ekaboron.

The only concentrated sources of this element are some rare minerals from Scandinavia and Malaysia, it was discovered in 1878 by Nilson while looking for metallic rare earths and he named the element scandium, from the Latin Scandia meaning "Scandinavia".

About 20 kilograms of scandium are consumed every year in the United States for the construction of high intensity lamps: adding scandium iodide to a mercury vapor lamp produces a light source very similar to sunlight and energetically very efficient; such lamps are used in television studios. Another 80 kilograms of scandium per year are used for the production of bulbs.

It is then used in aluminum-scandium alloys for sports equipment (bicycles, baseball bats, etc.): this is the quantitatively prevalent use. And finally in the aerospace industry, for high performance aluminum structural parts.

The giveaway

Scandium there is little. The NFT supply is also low. Consequently, we must also reduce the giveaway by a few units, knowing that unfortunately we will make some of those who are becoming increasingly fond of the periodic table unhappy.

40 NFTs were dedicated to the giveaway:

  • 15 NFT for the fastest to comment
  • 25 NFTs randomly assigned among all the others who will comment within 24 hours (deadline November 27 at 17:00 CEST)

Tomorrow will be Black Friday and we have some interesting Bundle and Auctions initiatives planned to allow many to recover lost elements. More information tomorrow.

The Periodic Table NFT project

The Periodic Table NFT project aims to raise awareness of chemical elements in a modern key, basing the approach on blockchain and Non Fungible Token.

Day after day it will be possible to know the single elements that make up the table, to collect curiosities about each of them and about the table in general.

We are working to be able to learn, in a playful way, also what happens by combining the various elements.

The whole project is based on the collection of NFTs that can be bought on the site or by participating in simple giveaways published on publish0x.

Elements released

  • #1 Hydrogen (max supply 200)
  • #2 Helium (max supply 200)
  • #3 Lithium (max supply 200)
  • #4 Beryllium (max supply 99)
  • #5 Boron (max supply 99)
  • #6 Carbon (max supply 200)
  • #7 Nitrogen (max supply 200)
  • #8 Oxygen (max supply 299)
  • #9 Fluorine (max supply 149)
  • #10 Neon (max supply 200)
  • #11 Sodium (max supply 299)
  • #12 Magnesium (max supply 99)
  • #13 Aluminiun (max supply 299)
  • #14 Silicon (max supply 200)
  • #15 Phosphorus (max supply 200)
  • #16 Sulfur (max supply 200)
  • #17 Chlorine (max supply 299)
  • #18 Argon (max supply 149)
  • #19 Potassium (max supply 249)
  • #20 Calcium (max supply 200)
  • #21 Scandium (max supply 99)

Link to save

  • Market on atomichub for the purchase of NFTs
  • Blog on PUBLISH0X to be updated
  • Telegram channel
  • Discord: in the all-projects channel

Regulation and Society adoption


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