Raiinmaker x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 7th of February

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Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Raiinmaker and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 7th of February

Hello everyone and welcome to our AMA session with Raiinmaker!!!

Let us welcome our guest @JDSeraphine

Welcome to Satoshi Club!

Hello @JDSeraphine welcome to Satoshi club

J.D. Seraphine

Thanks for having me

J.D. Seraphine

I can already see that this community lives up to the name of Satoshi

How are you doing today?

J.D. Seraphine

Feeling great!

Absolutely! And you feel it during our today’s AMA!

We are Glad to have you here..

Let’s start our AMA

So as we are! Glad to see you here today!

Let’s GO!

Can you introduce yourself to us how you got into crypto and how Rainmaker started?

J.D. Seraphine

So I’m a producer and entrepreneur and my company Vision Tree produces and finances film and TV projects scripted and unscripted. Our largest movie Atari is a $40 million film that we are producing with Leonardo DiCaprio. Back in 2016 I came into the space to explore how to leverage the technology to disrupt film finance and film marketing. Once I was here I realize that the technology had massive potential to not only disrupt every industry on the planet but also to solve some of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. Ultimately my greatest passion is to make impact in the world, so we started building Raiinmaker to empower the web 3.0 social creator economy and to give back the power to the people.

So can you tell us what Rainmaker is all about?

J.D. Seraphine

Raiinmaker is the web 3.0 social creator economy platform that is going to bring the masses into crypto. Built on a hybrid blockchain architecture, utilizing a proprietary algorithm that we built called Proof of Influence, we track social engagement and value driven by users from our net work and reward them with crypto and NFT‘s on Web 3.0. Essentially we have built a system to democratize the social creator economy, and to reward users with crypto and NFT‘s from over 20 Blockchains that we have integrated with.

Essentially on raiinmaker you create content, share it on social, and stack Crypto and collect NFTs

This is interesting

How many members do you currently have on your team?

J.D. Seraphine

The public version of the app is live in iOS and android as well.

J.D. Seraphine

We currently have 16 people on our team not including agencies and Freelance contractors

So, the social networks are directly embedded into your app?


J.D. Seraphine

Yes, we have direct integrations with Twitter and TikTok, with the ability for a user to post directly to any other connected app on the planet including Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, WeChat, WhatsApp, Signal, Reddit, Discord, you get the picture

Wow! That’s great!

So we have some selected questions from our community members are you ready for them?

J.D. Seraphine

Fire away

Let’s get to know Raiinmaker better!

Q1 from Telegram user @iceVermithraxx

At Raiinmaker, a new concept was introduced into the account creation process called “Decentralized Identify” powered by MyFii but I also noted that users will need their email and other personal information to register and after successful registration, users can begin to earn by Starting/Joining, Promoting and harvesting Campaigns. Can you explain on the Decentralized Identity Concept? With use of personal information to register, how fully decentralized is it?

J.D. Seraphine

We are using a decentralized digital identity system we built in partnership with DragonChain called MyFii to store sensitive PII including email, phone, number, and other sensitive information. We had at one point had a fully Decentralized user login and auth system, but it has taken a significant amount of work to get it to the point where it is ready to scale. It is our hope that we will launch that some point later this year to fully decentralize all user login components.

Had it already passed any audits before the launch?

J.D. Seraphine

Our token contract audit?

J.D. Seraphine

The backend of the decentralized digital identity system that we are utilizing was developed over the last three years with millions of dollars in investment

J.D. Seraphine

Yes we had our token contract audited by Zokyo Labs

That’s a Huge investment, will be looking forward to when all Login components will be fully decentralized

Thank you for you answers

Ready for the second question now?

Q2 from Telegram user @Anne_Tim

I have read that Raiinmaker platform has over 20 blockchains currently integrated for rewards including Bitcoin, Ethereum, BSC, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, Flow, Polygon and many others. You have a fully scalable platform that has the speed and throughput to match the transaction volume of the Visa network and leverages the security and hash power of public Blockchain networks. Could you explain the full chain of communication between the community (first interaction) and the final point that is rewarding. How many users have already benefitted from Raiinmaker benefit system? What are your objectives for the 2022. Please talk about your roadmap. Thank you!

J.D. Seraphine

This is a great question. So on the Raiinmaker Network a user creates content and shares on social media networks. Our system tracks the data from that web 2 social engagement and hashes proof onto the Bitcoin network, Ethereum network, and BINANCE smart chain. Those immutable hash proofs are used to distribute crypto and NFT rewards to the Raiinmaker users based on the amount of engagement they drive. We have had over 15,000 app downloads since we launched the public version last July with a charity initiative called #GlobalFieldDay. This year we intend to integrate up to 40 Blockchains so that users will be able to earn crypto and NFT rewards from almost all of the major chains and almost any token on the planet. We also will be launching our own NFT collections that have utility on the raiinmaker network giving users higher earning power and larger yields when they hold the NFT ‘s and stake more of their tokens

J.D. Seraphine

Also we will be launching the native Token of Raiinmaker Coiin next month for its direct listing . A very important moment in the roadmap that has been 4 years in the making

As you probably noticed there’s two i’s in both words which is our distinct brand identity

Integrating 40 Blockchains will give birth to massive opportunities

J.D. Seraphine

The two I’s represent the economic value of that peer to peer relationship

That was smth I planned to ask about

J.D. Seraphine

Beat you to it

Is there a Meaning for what the I stands for?

J.D. Seraphine

The Power of Blockchain and the movement to Decentralize how value is created and distributed from peer to peer is embodied in our brand identity. Our goal has always been to financially empower as many people as possible. My personal goal is to help create 1 billion millionaires in the world

I don’t think we have a question about upcoming token launch. Could you share some details about it?

Your Goal is an Impressive one

Please add myself to this list, and our 100K members!

J.D. Seraphine

We will be announcing the date very soon, but I can share that it will be in March , also beginning in March every 28 days we will be distributing tokens that are minted to the users on our network who are creating value. Our proof of influence algorithm tracks the amount of value created on the Raiinmaker Network during the 28 day minting and tells the Token contract how many new tokens to mint based on the value. It can never go below 1 million tokens and never go above 25 million tokens per 28 days regardless of the amount of engagement. Also we are going to be minting utility NFT collections that will enable the holders to receive multipliers on their create to earn Crypto rewards as well as larger bags from the Coiin mint

Thank you for your answers

Are you ready to proceed to the next question?

Q3 from Telegram user @Jmagsss

Raiimaker has a unique layer two consensus algorithm that specifically targets users’ activities and engagement. Raiinmaket makes use of the PoI or Proof-of-Influence consensus algorithm. Could you please provide us a brief explanation on how does this specific algorithm works? In what way does the targeted audience get involved? Ultimately, how is this different from the conventional PoS or Proof-of-Stake that most project nowadays adapts?

J.D. Seraphine

Great question! Our proof of influence algorithm tracks the web 2 social engagement data driven by users content that is shared from the raiinmaker Network. That social data is then hashed immutably onto layer one blockchains including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BSC. Those immutable proofs are used to calculate the social value generated by the user on the network and distribute crypto and other web 3 rewards including NFTs

J.D. Seraphine

So obviously very different than proof of stake

Yeah.. it is a unique approach

J.D. Seraphine

This allows us to leverage the Hash power and security of the most powerful public Blockchains

I’m quite curious with regards to what NFT’s will be distributed

You said, for the moment it is Twitter and Tik-Tok that are added into your app. What about some other social networks?—?Instagram & Facebook, for ex.?

J.D. Seraphine

There will be Genesis drop with some super rare utility NFTs that allow the holder to earn large multiplier on their Create to Earn crypto rewards. We will also be collaborating with some of the biggest NFT crews and artists in the space , The goal is to eventually launch so that every user on our network has an NFT for their PFP

J.D. Seraphine

You are able to post to any connected app, Facebook and Instagram in particular have closed off a lot of their third-party data integrations due to the serious issues they had with user privacy over the last couple years. We will launch an Instagram integration later this year.

J.D. Seraphine

Will make sure to let you guys know when the whitelist is opening up for your group

Thank you we will be on the lookout

Thank you for your answers

A great benefit for Satoshi Club members!!!

Ready for the next question now?

J.D. Seraphine

In other words you can post to Facebook and Instagram from our app and earn rewards. Unfortunately we don’t have the same level of data integration that we have with Twitter and TikTok yet.

Q4 from Telegram User @Rozielyna

From your website, you mentioned that users can earn by Promoting #GlobalFieldDay and individual team member challenges and by Joining a team in raising awareness for the youth by taking on a challenge. Please can you explain more on the stages involved in this two ways? Wat is the role of raiinmaker in the #Globalfieldday Challenge? What are the requirements for users to be able to participate in this campaign? How can users earn from this campaign? You also mentioned that the users can Earn reward points based on Proof of Influence reward system? Please tell us what proof of influence is all about? How does the proof of influence work?

J.D. Seraphine

#GlobalFieldDay was a charity initiative that we helped to launch last year to raise money and awareness for youth empowerment, climate change, and entrepreneurship. I am a firm believer that the only way humanity turns things around is through innovation. That charity initiative ended its first year last month and we will be kicking off year 2 again this summer in partnership with the NFL. In our app the Coiin rewards are calculated as a reward point that can be withdrawn as a token or redeemed for a digital gift card from hundreds of suppliers around the world including visa, Amazon, Nike, and many of the other biggest brands on the planet. This allows non-crypto native users to begin utilizing the Raiinmaker app as we migrate them to Web 3

I believe I’ve already explained proof of influence above

This is impressive

Great partnerships!

What Charity organizations are you specifically targeting?

And how do you decide on who gets to benefit from the initiative?

J.D. Seraphine

We raised money for a number of worthy charities last year. The primary charities we featured were –

World youth horizons?—?an organization focused on youth empowerment with an emphasis on helping children in poverty get access to opportunities to better their lives. We specifically made a donation of $25,000 to support the construction of an orphanage in a rural village in Uganda.

Global entrepreneurship network?—?is one of the premiere nonprofits focused on supporting entrepreneurs around the world.

Laudato Tree?—?is a climate change initiative that is run by a 17-year-old female CEO who has already been endorsed publicly by the pope. Her goal is to plant 10 million trees along the great green wall of Africa to battle climate change.

J.D. Seraphine

The rest of the charities we supported were selected or represented by the athletes, celebrities, and influencers who participated in GlobalFieldDay

Thank you for you great Answers

Ready to proceed?

J.D. Seraphine

We raised over $100,000 for charity in the first year and drove more than 10 million media impressions

Q5 From Telegram user @jameslekan664

I understand that on the Rainmaker platform, the community will be given some tasks to perform and then rewards the community for tasks performed. Can you give us a sneak peek of the sort of tasks the community members are expected to to? How will Rainmaker coordinate and automate the fan engagement and reward process using smart contracts? Is there a specific amount of tasks that an individual must complete to get rewards or are rewards giving in accordance to the number of tasks performed? Do you have any native tokens to reward the community? If No, In what currency will the community be rewarded?

This has been covered partially

J.D. Seraphine

The primary task that users are incentivized to perform in the Raiinmaker ecosystem is the creation of user generated content that drives social value. Our Create to Earn model essentially rewards our users for creating value on social media through the Raiinmaker network. As those various campaigns are created in our system, a smart contract with all the parameters is created that audits all of the engagement utilizing our proof of influence algorithm and then distributes rewards according to the smart contract. We have a native token on our Network Coiin and also have integrated with 29 other Blockchains to power crypto and NFT rewards for the community. Our goal is to have the ability for users to earn and stack any crypto or NFT from any network or at least all of the major ones

Btw is the Tokenomics of your Network Coiin ready?

And again, it worth respect!

J.D. Seraphine

Yes! It is ready and users may tune in as they are released in the lead up for the TGE

Thank you for your answers

Let’s proceed to the next question

Q6 From Telegram User @Cheriemike

Raiinmaker launched one of their first feature films financing on blockchain not only that you produced the first TV Series that was released on Cable which was 100% crypto funded.This series is known as “Open Source Money” which was released on Discovery Science,and notice from your website that Open Source Money has soared into the top 150 in the Nielsen ratings for cable broadcast.So can you tell us why this TV Series was created?What channels on TV can we watch this series including the days/time?Is it accessible for everyone no matter where we live?So far,can you share your experience with us on how persons have benefited from this series,any users feedback?Also any support from a third party that supported you in the creation of the TV Series/Films? Please explain Thanks

J.D. Seraphine

As I got deeper into the space during the ICO boom, I saw that there was a coordinated effort by governments and the main stream media to create Fud to tank the crypto market. I saw the impact it was having on companies and entrepreneurs on the front lines especially in the US where we are based, and since I am a producer and have directed documentaries in the past I decided to start telling the story that I was seeing. There has been a very positive reaction to the initial run of season one of open source money, and we are filming season two right now with some amazing interviews already in the can. We will be re-releasing season one soon in conjunction with the launch of season two premiere

How many seasons do you intend to run?

Great initiatives!

J.D. Seraphine

That’s a good question . I guess as many as we have good stories to tell. Right now is a critical moment in the future of this space and also the money systems as we know it. Governments including the US specifically will be deciding which path to take so we are looking to use media to help drive that in a direction that is in favor of freedom and the people

This is impressive

Thank you for your Answers in this first part of our AMA

We will now like to proceed to the second part, where our users will ask you their questions directly

Are you ready for the storm???!

J.D. Seraphine

Bring it on

Please wait for 120 sec and once we close chat back?—?you choose 10 questions to answer

Q1 from Telegram user @krish_crypto22

I just downloaded your APP and I got 2 Coiins, Now how can I Earn more coiin and how can I convert these coin in my local currency?

J.D. Seraphine

The Coiin that you earned can be redeemed for a digital gift card from hundreds of retailers or can be withdrawn as a token. Once the token is listed you can take it to an exchange and sell there if you like or in our system you will be able to stake it for additional bags of Coiin rewards and also to enter white lists for utility NFT drops that will give you greater earning power.

Q2 from Telegram user @Kabirkapoor9

Can you pleases share Raiinmaker’s current collaboration with famous film makers, Artist, Writters, producers etc?

J.D. Seraphine

The parent company of Raiinmaker Vision Tree has a slate of media properties including most notably the $40 million feature film Atari that we are producing with Leonardo DiCaprio. Obviously Raiinmaker will be utilized to drive community and fan engagement around that project. Further all of the unscripted series including open source money will also utilize raiinmaker. In terms of other partnerships we have some amazing relationships in the crypto space and will be announcing two partnerships with two of the biggest crypto companies in the world later this month as well as a number of other great collaborations including with major NFT crews.

Q3 from Telegram user @Gutike95

Will $Coiin really only work as a reward to fans for their social commitment? Or in addition to this, did they implement a need for constant purchase by users so that the token has more demand? but really then what need will we have to buy them $Coiin?

J.D. Seraphine

We are also going to allow users to stake more coiin to receive larger allocations from the monthly mint which also gains them access to the white list for the utility NFT that is minted on our network. Those also will have strong secondary value on open sea and allow the user who holds the NFT in our system to earn a multiplier on their crypto earnings for social creation and a larger yield on our token mints

Q4 from Telegram user

What Exchanger already list Raiinmaker token $COIIN ? please share with us and its already list on coingecko/coinmarketcap?

J.D. Seraphine

Coiin will have its direct listing in March so stay tune for that announcement very soon , we are listed on coin market cap and will soon be listed on Coin Gecko once we launch primary listing of the token

Q5 from Telegram user @chinyere2020

How can a creator or a brand begin their own marketing campaign on the Raiinmaker platform? Can you mention the requirements that creators and brands must meet inorder to be eligible to start a marketing campaign on Raiinmaker?

J.D. Seraphine

In the future we will be opening up the platform for anyone to create a campaign and stake it with their favorite crypto or NFT rewards for community to earn for driving social value. Currently creators and brands have to work directly with us so that we can curate what campaigns are running in the system in this early phase

Q6 from Telegram user @cryptohero44

Can you tell us about your COMMUNITY structuring? Which countries or regions do you currently want to reach new users/investors? Will you go global with all your might or will you prefer to remain a local project?

J.D. Seraphine

We already have a number of KOLs on board from some great international communities including Asia, turkey, and Africa. Obviously we are a US-based project so we have a strong presence here but this is a global project and our goal is to have a global community of users.

Q7 from Telegram user @Gemshunter22

Your app requires a kyc. Is it compulsory for new users and do you have any guide how to use your app for beginners??

J.D. Seraphine

KYC is only required prior to users withdrawing tokens from the system. This helps us to eliminate fake users and also to make sure as the space becomes more regulated we are protecting our community. There are some resources on our website for new users and we will be launching a new website in the next week or so so stay tuned for our rebrand which we are very excited to share with the world

Q8 from Telegram user @Nairabox

Raiinmaker has a very interesting concept as users can create content, share it on social, and get rewarded in Crypto and NFTs, so how can I link my social media accounts such that I can receive crypto and NFTs for content created?

J.D. Seraphine

Start by downloading the raiinmaker app and through there you can link your Twitter account and starting in the next week or so you’ll also be able to link your TikTok account for more dynamic rewards tracking. You also can post directly to any connected app on the planet and be rewarded as well. Currently we have campaigns running with $10,000 worth of BTC, ETH, and BNB. I encourage everyone here to go download the app and get their piece of that crypto ,in the future there will be campaigns running with many different Crypto rewards for users

Q9 from Telegram user

One of the challenges of regular social media users is lack of control over PRIVACY and PERSONAL INFORMATION that are saved by social PLATFORMS. As a platform that bridge several social platforms together, are users privacy important to you and do you give priority to privacy and data security during in your project design?

J.D. Seraphine

Yes this is something that is very important to us. As I said in an earlier answer, we have built a decentralized digital identity system called MyFii to handle users PII. At one point we will use it for all of our end to end Identity needs once it is ready to scale.

Q10 from Telegram user @PrathamBora

I want to ask about your Team memebers who are they and what are the main experiences of them in this field? and How they are planning to give a high growth to RAIINMAKER PROTOCOL?

J.D. Seraphine

We have an amazing team that has worked with some of the biggest companies in the world and are now committed to using their talent to further the Blockchain revolution , they have worked at companies including Disney, Coinbase, Overstock, Morgan Stanley, Boeing, Oracle, Nike, and many others. We have our sites aimed very high and some amazing things in the works to ensure that Raiinmaker is one of the most powerful projects and protocols in the next two years

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/

Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/

Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/



Our partners:


Medium –https://raiinmaker.medium.com/



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