Orakuru Will Be the First IDO on KickPad

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Kickpad, the highly awaited DeFi platform, launches the first IDO called Orakuru. It is the BINANCE Smart Chain oracle with the most BSC-based feeds. For validating, each node will receive APY.


High-yield DeFi tokens are in the spotlight having attracted over $50 billion in locked-up activities. They target the yield sector and emphasize on community governance, giving power to token holders.

Among the key reasons why people are drawn to crypto is its peer-to-peer aspect. Cryptoassets let users operate in different financial markets and interact with various types of assets without intermediaries. ?IDO is a crucial piece here.

IDOs place a high emphasis on protecting confidentiality which is a philosophy held by the DeFi community overall. It is made possible by creative actors like Orakuru who form the foundation of the Web 3.0 infrastructure.

About Orakuru

Orakuru is a community-verified oracle on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It’s a reliable and consistent feed of prices and other off-chain data that will power the prediction markets. In Q3, Orakuru will create and delegate tokens towards the DAO treasury.

Delegated nodes and a staking mechanism are the pillars of Orakuru. They will start with seven nodes to provide trustless services and become sufficiently decentralized. Scrapers, or the code that pulls in the data, are used to customize each node. If a node fails to truthfully verify the data, it will be sanctioned. The public can follow snapshot.org for information and suggestions. Other blockchains will eventually be supported by the project.

About KickPad

Orakuru is the first project on KickPad which aims to become the highlight of presale platforms. Transparency, safety, and quality are synonymous with this IDO marketplace, as it offers an automatic liquidity lock solution. Before, investors had to fully trust owners of new-made projects without any safety net. Not anymore.

KickPad operates on BSC and offers the benefits of fast transactions and low fees. It addresses the issues of anonymity, liquidity locking, and refund in case an IDO doesn’t reach its soft cap. Investors see how long the liquidity is locked and can observe the selling progress and how interest generates.

An accompanying component is KickDex, which provides complete transparency for both the seller and the buyer. It is a “rugproof presale platform” to relieve the stress of liquidity locking. How it works: during a presale, the KickDex diminishes the seller’s chance to run away with one’s money without adding and locking liquidity to an exchange. A smart contract forces this process automatically.



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