Noft's abilities

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Noft Games continues to evolve, expanding its functionality and in-game features. One area that is developing right now is the innate ability of each. It is about them that we will talk about today.

Each character has unique innate characteristics, which makes them really different from each other. Moreover, the responsible for differences in appearance also affects abilities!

Each “talent” is a unique combat indicator that is responsible for a certain value of the fighter’s characteristics. And the main indicators of the character are as follows:

  • - is responsible for damage;
  • - is a measure of rotation, angle of view, attack speed, and the chance to avoid damage when hit;
  • - the size of the viewing angle, viewing distance, crit. chance;
  • - the level of protection and the number of health points;
  • ??- is a measure of rotation, movement speed, attack speed, and chance to dodge;
  • - the size of the viewing angle, critical chance, dodge and defense chance;
  • Growth rate - multiplier of the maximum growth rate of ability values ??at the last level 21;
  • Experience rate - the multiplier of the experience indicator earned in battle;

All indicators are interdependent and directly influence the gameplay. That is why it is highly recommended to tailor your gameplay to strengths - its abilities. But keep in mind, that 2 abilities may influence the same characteristic.

In the future, we plan to update and improve the existing functionality, which will greatly diversify the gameplay! We are sure you will like the innovations.

Well, if you have any suggestions or ideas for improving the project, we will be glad to get acquainted with them! Contact us on and other social networks. Let's make Noft Games better together!

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