NFTs of Blockchain Gaming: KOGs on WAX 1st Edition 'Cyberpunk' Collection

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Rare ‘Artemisa’ KOG with Pink Border #15

A few days before the sale of 1st Edition KOGs on WAX NFTs, this collectors’ guide went live. But the world had no way of knowing actual figures until after the 3-hour sales window closed forever.

In other words, this series goes deeper into specific KOGs details. And by the time it’s over, we’ll have examined 112 different non-fungible tokens. But instead of making an enormous post that makes you scroll down a squillion times, this series divides the entire collection into nine distinct sets.

KOGs Starter Packs contain 25 KOGs, and Booster Packs include 6?—?both are (maybe) still selling on AtomicHub. With a total of 6,622 and 6,183 respective packs sold or reserved for giveaways, only 202, 648 1st Edition KOGs NFTs will ever exist.

Now that packs are tearing open?—?67% so far?—?and NFTs are minting to the WAX Blockchain, the secondary market is taking shape.

Amassing 1 of all 3,414 1st Edition KOGs is a challenge for even the most active collectors! But how will you even know what piques your interest without a first-hand look?

Well, you’re in luck because this 9-part series can help you out.

Part 1: 1st Edition Slammers

Part 2: Staff Collection

Part 3: 8-Bit Collection

Part 4: Space Military Collection

Part 5: 90s Collection

Part 6: 80s Collection

Part 7: Countries Collection

10 Skeletal Warriors

Forged from metal and infused with neon lighting, the Cyberpunk collection’s undead army offers protection against foes.

This set contains 10 designs, with a pair in the upper echelon of KOG rarity:

Community data provided by Pineapple Pete & Anyobservation

And the first two combatants are some of the most coveted in the entire 1st Edition series …

KOG #81: Abomination

Ultra-Rare KOGs have the loveliest borders of all:

Ultra-Rare Border Types

  • Cerulean Sky?—?black, blue, snow
  • Console Gray?—?white, black, gray
  • Digital Dawn?—?black, maroon, gold
  • Jeweled Earth?—?tan, maroon, black
  • Neon?—?purple, pink, blue
  • Peach Dreams?—?gray, black, pink
  • Pineapple?—?black, yellow, green
  • Royal Orange?—?black, purple, orange
  • Scorched Earth?—?black, olive, pumpkin
  • Sirens?—?black, red, blue
  • Striped Amber?—?brown, orange, black
  • Sunset?—?red, pink, purple, blue

Here’s the variant with a Foil Pineapple overlay:

Foil Ultra-Rare ‘Abomination’ KOG with Pineapple Border

The Abomination KOG may be a neck-eyed freak of un-nature, but your collection is incomplete without one.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24

KOG #82: Lonely Warrior

The Lonely Warrior KOG prefers to travel solo.

Ultra-Rare ‘Lonely Warrior’ KOG with Sirens Border

With an ornate set of metal plates providing everlasting protection, the Lonely Warrior KOG is one of the toughest NFTs in your collection.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 48

4 Rare Fighters

The 1st Edition’s Rare borders, while not as exotic as the Ultra-Rares, offer plenty of variety.

Rare Border Types: #13–18

Rare Border Colors

  • Black
  • Blood Orange
  • Pink
  • White

First up is a deadly swordsman…

KOG #83: Executioner

If the Executioner KOGs lopping blade doesn’t get the job done, the spiked knuckles will finish it off.

Rare ‘Executioner’ KOG with Blood Orange Border #18

Always ready for a fight against your in-game foes, the Executioner KOG stands tall under the protection of orbed magic.

Standard Variations: 24
Foil Variations: 24
Total Variations: 48
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 96

KOG #84: Reaper

The Reaper KOG takes a much-needed rest after a well-fought battle.

Rare ‘Reaper’ KOG with White Border #17

The only undead warrior still moving on the battlefield, the Reaper KOG sits victorious in a moment of respite.

Standard Variations: 24
Foil Variations: 24
Total Variations: 48
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 144

KOG #85: Astro

The Astro KOG burns molten metal to keep its cyborg head running at max capacity.

Rare ‘Astro’ KOG with Pink Border #15

Boasting an environment-scanning monocle chip, the Astro KOG sees all.

Standard Variations: 24
Foil Variations: 24
Total Variations: 48
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 192

KOG #86: Artemisa

The Artemisa KOG’s reticulating neck doubles as a fuel line for green space vapor.

Rare ‘Artemisa’ KOG with Black Border #13

Taking a moment to reflect on its Cyberpunk existence, the Artemisa KOG calmly scans the futuristic neon cityscape.

Standard Variations: 24
Foil Variations: 24
Total Variations: 48
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 240

3 Uncommon Ghouls

Another rarity drop, and now the borders went on a diet.

Uncommon Border Types

  • #19–21

Uncommon Border Colors

  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Teal
  • Yellow

The first NFT is a member of KOG royalty …

KOG #87: King Aztec

The King Aztec KOG reigns supreme over the battle arena.

Uncommon ‘King Aztec’ KOG with Yellow Border #19

Lording over the Uncommon Cyberpunks, the King Aztec KOG bears the spectral crown.

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 270

KOG #88: Hunter

The Hunter KOG snipes enemies from the optimal vantage point.

Uncommon ‘Hunter’ KOG with Teal Border #20

Whenever any of its fellow Cyberpunks are under duress, the Hunter KOG emerges to fire off rounds of noxious green mist,

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 300

KOG #89: Thanathos

The Thanathos KOG stares its enemies down with the help of a detachable face.

Uncommon ‘Thanathos’ KOG with Purple Border #19

With one optic orb dangling into space, the Thanathos KOG is handing its faceplate off to the restoration protocol droid.

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All Cyberpunk KOG Variations Running Total: 330

The Lone Wolf

Only one watch-skeleton remains in the Cyberpunk set, and it’s sitting comfortably alone in the Common category.

Border Types: #22–24

Border Colors

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Light Blue
  • Turquoise

While it may be a Common, the last in the series adorns the cover of 1st Edition KOGs Booster Packs …

KOG #90: Sentinel

The Sentinel KOG uses oversize eye sockets to blanket the landscape with sensory perception.

Common ‘Sentinel’ KOG with Green Border #24

Scanning the scene for any signs of disturbance, the Sentinel KOG keeps its Cyberpunk troop protected from harm.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24

Total 1st Edition ‘Cyberpunk’ Combinations Across All 10 Designs: 354

Wrapping Up

The Cyberpunk collection is high on the collectibility list. In other words, these neon-soaked soldiers see plenty of consistent trading action.

The upcoming KOGs games will see players pit their NFTs against one another in phone-to-phone tournaments, and much more. The KOGs roadmap is here, and a lot is going on over the next six to seven months.

We’ll finish this series off with the next installment?—?the Crypto collection.

See you back here soon as we celebrate the beauty of blockchain tech!

KOGs on WAX Resources

Buy & Trade KOGs

Open Your Sealed Booster and Starter Packs

Collection Explorer

Open/Unopen Pack Data

Live Sales Feed for All WAX NFTs (not exclusive to KOGs)


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