🎉[New Dapps] Make Your Voice Heard, Mark Your Memories, That’s How Social Should Be

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Content and engagement are the core value of a social media platform. And all the content is created by users, by you. And a good social platform is where your voice can be heard and respected, where everyone can be an influencer, but not just full of ads and pr campaigns.  

If you are good at making yourself heard, and enjoy the claps from others, Voice and APPICS are your stages. 

Voice is a social media platform built on EOS blockchain, so it benefits from the blockchain technology to protect user security and enable trusted and transparent interactions.

It can be your blog alternative with all the functions you need: posting in long or short words with images and videos embedded, commenting, following, liking. In addition to the “like” button, it allows you to “voice it”. 

“Voice it” is a way to bring original content to prominence in Voice. Each post has this button with an amount, which is the number of Voice tokens you need to Voice a post. Voicing, liking, and commenting on a post will increase its ranking on the main feed for others to see.

When others like your post, you earn Voice tokens. The more popular your post, the more tokens you earn. 

The interesting and addicted part is, when you use your Voice tokens to Voice content, you can become the Top Voice on a post. Others have 24 hours to outbid you: If they don’t, you are the Top Voice for that post; If you are outbid, you will receive your Voice Tokens back plus 33% of the new bid; Voice It for a post expires 24 hours after the last Voice it bid.


APPICS is a reward-based social media app powered by Steem blockchain. It introduces a new ecosystem that merges lifestyle, passion, and user-generated income.

Unlike any other popular social media site, where 100% of the platform’s value and revenue goes to the corporate shareholders, APPICS enables all users to earn a share of the overall revenue, as well as a creative influence within the network. You can turn likes into its reward-token APX. Users are able to receive financial compensation directly from their content and engagement, earning real revenue from receiving “likes” directly via blockchain technology. You can exchange APX tokens for other tokens or fiat.

It’s like cool people sharing cool lifestyles, with additional token rewards by getting likes.

So Voice, APPICS, and the blockchain token economy respect user data, reward good content, and empower communities to govern themselves. The control and dignity are given back to the users; the value is distributed to creators.

On the contrary, if you believe social media should be the place to share anything without the fear of being compared or validated, Paras is your place. 


No likes, no follower count, no vanity metrics. Paras is a social platform for those who do not seek a pressurized environment regarding content creation.

On Paras, the value of your content is not defined by others. You don’t have to try hard to think of a trick only to attract attention. And you’ll be free to use blockchain technology to focus on your real thoughts, exercise your creativity to its potential, and store all of them. 

Paras helps you deposit and share your memory, knowledge, interest, and information to the global collective memory. The Memento function, which is a collection of memory, enables you to build your personal and collective stories with like-minded people. It makes a space for you to just let out your inner self and mark the special moment in your life.

Memory Bank is Paras’ newest communal program. Every Sunday, a question or a topic will be released, you can contribute with a post, varying from photographs, writings, arts, or designs. Your post will become a moment in history and stored on the blockchain so that other people cannot change. The best contributor for the weekly topic, the Memory Grant,  will be rewarded with DAI Stablecoin and PAC cryptocurrency.

Make your voice heard, mark your memories, that’s how social should be. Then which social media platforms from above would you like to try?



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